Set up user sync

This page is for Directory Sync. If you’re using Google Cloud Directory Sync (GCDS), go to GCDS. Directory Sync is currently in public beta.

Now you’re ready to set up the users you are going to synchronize. In Directory Sync, you enter group names from your external directory to sync users. The individual users in the group (not the group itself) are synced to your Google cloud directory.

Before you begin

Make sure you add and test your external directory connection to your Google cloud directory. For details, go to Add, edit, or remove an external directory.

Set up the users to synchronize

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What happens next?

Directory Sync simulates a sync. Depending on the size of your data, the process can take up to an hour to complete.

View the status of a simulation

You can return to the directory details page to see the status of the simulation. You can also check whether the simulation is complete in the Directory Sync log events:

  1. Open the Directory Sync log events.

    For details, go to Access Directory Sync log event data.

  2. Click Add a filterand thenEvent.
  3. Select Sync Completed and click Apply.

    A Yes in the Simulation column indicates the simulation is complete. You might need to add the Simulation column to see the results.

Check the results of a simulated sync

When the simulation is complete, on the directory details page, click View Simulation log.

Related topic

Replace the domain name for synced users

Next step

Set up group sync

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