Directory Sync log events

View activity related to Directory Sync

Depending on your Google Workspace edition, you might have access to the security investigation tool, which has more advanced features. For example, super admins can identify, triage, and take action on security and privacy issues. Learn more

As your organization's administrator, you can run searches and take action on security issues related to Directory Sync log events. For example, you can view a record of actions to see events related to Directory Sync.

Run a search for log events

Your ability to run a search depends on your Google edition, your administrative privileges, and the data source. You can run a search on all users, regardless of their Google Workspace edition.

Attribute descriptions

For this data source, you can use the following attributes when searching log event data:

Attribute Description
Count Number of objects affected by the audit event—for example, a count of objects read in a directory read
Created count Number of created objects—for example, a count of users created in target directory during a sync run
Date Date and time of the event (displayed in your browser's default time zone)
Deleted count Number of deleted objects—for example, a count of users deleted in target directory during a sync run
Deprovision action The action involved while deprovisioning an object—for example, a user is suspended or a group is deleted

Logged event action, such as Object Created or Sync Summary

Tip: If you have event values that you use often, you can pin those events to the top of the drop-down menu. 

Learn more about events related to Directory Sync. 

Excluded count Number of excluded objects—for example, a count of objects excluded while reading from source directory due to the configured exclusion rules
Exclusion rule Condition used to exclude an object while reading from the source directory
Failed count Number of objects that failed to sync during a sync run
Filter Query used to read from the source directory
Group ID Identifier of the group being used in membership related events—for example,
Log level Severity level of the logged event
Message Reason for the occurrence of the event
New attributes Object attributes following the sync
New membership role Membership role following the sync
Object ID ID of the object
Object type Type of the object—for example, Group, Group membership, or User
Old attributes Object attributes before the sync
Old membership role Membership role before the sync
Simulation Whether or not a sync job was a simulation
Source directory ID Identifier of the source directory
Source directory name Name of the source directory—for example, My AD directory name
Source immutable ID Immutable ID of the source object. This ID can be the ObjectGUID of source object
Source object ID Identifier of the source object—for example, CN=User Name, OU=Sales, DC=example, DC=com
Sync job Identifier of the sync job
Sync job config All values configured in the sync job
Sync run Identifier of the sync run
Target object ID Identifier of the target object—for example,
Updated count Number of objects updated during a sync run
Verbose log Whether or not there are detailed logs about individual objects

Note: If you gave a user a new name, you will not see query results with the user's old name. For example, if you rename to, you will not see results for events related to

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Supported editions for this feature: Frontline Standard; Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Plus; Education Standard and Education Plus; Enterprise Essentials Plus; Cloud Identity Premium. Compare your edition

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