YouTube Comments: Replying, filtering, & moderating
If a video's owner has turned on comments, you can post comments and like, dislike, or reply to other people's comments on a video, song, or podcast in YouTube and the YouTube Music app. You can also edit or delete any of your own comments. Replies to a comment are threaded beneath the original comment so you can follow the conversation.
Post comments on a video
Public videos
You can comment on songs, videos, podcasts, and uploaded music from YouTube and YouTube Music. All comments on public videos on YouTube are public and anyone can reply to a comment that you post. If you use a Google Account, any comment you post on YouTube is publicly visible to users outside of your domain.
To add a comment
- Under the video, tap Comments.
- Tap Add a comment….
- Enter your comment.
- Tap Send comment .
Private videos
Comments are not available on private videos. If you want to allow comments on a video that's not publicly available, post an unlisted video instead.
Unlisted videos
You can comment and reply to comments on unlisted videos. Comments on unlisted videos are seen by anyone who has the link to the video. Learn more about unlisted videos and privacy settings.
- To view all comments, tap the comments preview section.
- Underneath a comment, tap Reply .
- Type in your comment.
- Tap Send .
Tip: To go back to the comments section, tap Back . To go back to the video, tap X.
Add style to your comment
You can use rich text to format your comment with common special tags, such as:
*bold text*
→ bold_italicized text_
→ italics-strikethrough text-
→ strikethrough
Add links to your comment
If you add a URL to your comment, it will show as a hyperlink.
You can use a heart to show appreciation for a viewer's comments on your Community tab comments, in addition to comments on the watch page.
- Sign in to YouTube.
- Go to a Community tab post.
- Find the heart next to the thumbs up and thumbs down icons.
Viewers will see your avatar with a small red heart on the lower left and get a notification (depending on viewer opt-in settings on their computer and mobile) that a channel owner "loves your comment."
To pin comments, you must allow access to advanced features on your channel. Advanced features may take up to 24 hours after they're turned on to show up across your channel.
Highlight a comment for your fans by pinning it to the top of the comment section. On mobile, viewers must expand the comment section to view the pinned comment. You can choose to pin your own comment or a fan comment.
- Sign in to YouTube.
- In the comments below a video, select the comment you want to pin.
- Click More Pin . If you've already pinned a comment, this will replace it.
Note: You can Unpin a comment at any time and the comment will be moved back to its original position. - Click PIN to confirm.
On a computer, viewers will see the pinned comment at the top of the watch page with a "Pinned by" icon and your channel name. On mobile, they must tap the comment section to expand it.
Go to a comment, then use the Like or Dislike icon.
Tip: If you see a comment that you think is inappropriate, you can report it as spam or abuse. If you're a creator, you can also use the comment moderation tools to manage comments on your videos.
Tap More to go to your options for editing or removing comments.
Search shortcuts
Comment previews FAQ
Which comments show up in this comment preview section?
A comment may show up in the comment preview section for many reasons. For example, the comment was:
- Recently posted
- Pinned or given a “heart” by the video creator
How do I view all comments?
To view all comments, tap anywhere in the comment preview section.
To go back to the watch next video list, tap the X in the upper right corner.
Will my pinned comments show in the comment preview section?
Since there's limited space in comment preview sections, pinning a comment doesn’t guarantee that it will show up in the comment preview section. However, pinned comments will continue to show up as the first comment when someone taps to view all.
Do my current comment moderation settings apply to the comment preview section?
Yes. All comment moderation settings apply to the comment preview section, which includes blocked words and hidden users. Learn more about how to manage and moderate your comments.Comment reminders, warnings, and timeouts
Comment reminders
Before you post a comment, you may get a reminder that’s intended to encourage respectful interactions on YouTube. This reminder shows when our system finds that your comment could be considered offensive to others. Reflect on your comment, or review our Community Guidelines before you post it.
Note: This reminder is only available for English and Spanish comments right now.
Comment removal warnings
After you post a comment, you may get a notification that says the comment was removed. A comment may be removed when YouTube’s system finds your comments could be repeatedly violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines. If you disagree with the removal, you can submit feedback here.
Comment timeouts
After you post a comment, you may get a notification that says that commenting has been paused for your account. Commenting may be paused when YouTube’s system finds that you repeatedly left comments that could violate one or more of our Community Guidelines. Your ability to comment may be paused for up to 24 hours.Interact with comments on your smart TV
You can now view and interact with comments while watching content on your smart TV or game console. To view the comments for a video, go to the video's watch page and select the video’s title. The About section will surface, featuring the video’s comments panel. Select the comments tile to view a full list of comments for the video, including:
- Comments the creator has pinned
- Liked count
- Reply count
Select a comment to read the comment in its entirety, view replies, like, or dislike the comment.
To reply to or post a comment, sync your smart TV or game console with your phone and leave the comment using your phone.
To add a comment or reply:
- Open the YouTube app on your phone.
- Make sure you’re signed in to the same Google Account on both devices.
- A pop-up will open on your YouTube app, asking you to connect to YouTube on your TV.
- Tap Connect.
- Comments for the video you are watching on your TV will load on the YouTube app, allowing you to seamlessly post and interact with them.