Watch pay per view events

You can watch selected pay per view events on YouTube, like a music performance or a comedy show, by purchasing a ticket.

Buy a ticket

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Navigate to a pay-per-view event by searching for the event name or artist's name.
  3. Tap or click Buy ticket.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete your purchase.

Note: To request a refund, follow these steps.


You can currently purchase and watch pay per view events in the US.

Watch your pay per view event

After you purchase a ticket, you'll get an email confirmation with a link to watch the event. If your event host has turned on live chat, you can chat with others before and during the live event. Remember to follow our Community Guidelines and if you're new to watching live streams, learn live chat basics.

To watch on your computer, phone or tablet: When the live stream starts, you'll get a notification on your device and within the YouTube app, or you can use the event link provided in the email confirming your purchase. Follow the notification to the event and wait for it to start.

To watch on your TV: Make sure that you're signed in to YouTube using the same email address that you used to buy the ticket. Enter the name of the event in the Search bar. You can also cast the event to your Smart TV from your phone, computer or tablet, details here.

Who can host a pay per view event: Because we're testing this feature, only a small number of pre-selected channels can host a pay per view event. We hope to make pay per view events more widely available in the near future.


Error messages

If you see an error like the ones below, follow these steps to fix it:

  • 'Please check your network connection (Retry)'
  • 'Error loading. Tap to retry.'
  • 'An error has occurred'

Can't find or access your pay per view event

If you're having trouble using the emailed event link:

  1. Make sure that you're signed in to the Google Account that made the purchase.
  2. Look for the event on YouTube by searching for its name or going to the 'Your movies' section of your account.
If you didn't get an emailed event link, make sure that the charge went through on your account. Go to YouTube and then Tap your profile  and then Purchases and memberships. If you don't see the charge, check to see if you purchased this event on a different account or if your payment was declined.

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