이 출시 노트에는 각 Google Workspace Migrate 버전의 개선사항 및 새로운 기능이 반영되어 있습니다. 이 출시 노트는 Google Workspace Migrate에 개선사항 및 수정사항이 추가될 때마다 정기적으로 업데이트됩니다.
현재 알려진 문제 목록에 대한 자세한 내용은 Google Workspace Migrate 관련 알려진 문제를 참고하세요.
지원 중단된 기능과의 충돌을 방지하도록 소프트웨어 업그레이드하기
중요: 지원 중단된 기능 또는 보안 문제의 영향을 받지 않으려면 최신 버전의 Google Workspace Migrate로 업그레이드하세요. 자세한 내용은 소프트웨어 업그레이드하기를 참고하세요.
Exchange Online에서 ApplicationImpersonation 역할 지원 중단
언급된 모든 날짜는 예상 타임라인일 뿐이며 Microsoft의 재량에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
2024년 8월부터 Exchange Online(Microsoft 365)에서 새 ApplicationImpersonation 역할을 할당할 수 없습니다. 2025년 2월부터는 해당 역할의 모든 기존 할당이 더 이상 작동하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 Exchange Online에서 RBAC 애플리케이션 가장 기능 지원 중단을 참고하세요.
Exchange Online에서 이전하는 경우 다음을 실행하세요.
- Google Workspace Migrate 버전 이상으로 업그레이드하여 Exchange Online 연결에 대한 새로운 인증 프로세스(클라이언트 ID 및 클라이언트 보안 비밀번호 사용)를 지원하는 버전을 사용하고 있는지 확인하세요.
- 기존의 Exchange Online 연결을 모두 삭제하고 새 인증 프로세스를 사용하여 다시 만듭니다. 자세한 내용은 Exchange 연결 추가 또는 수정하기(Exchange Online)를 참고하세요.
- 버전 이하를 사용하는 경우 최신 버전의 Google Workspace Migrate로 업데이트합니다. 그렇지 않으면 2025년 2월부터 기존의 Exchange Online 연결이 작동하지 않습니다.
- Contacts API 지원 중단: 버전부터 Google Workspace Migrate에서는 Contacts API 대신 People API를 사용합니다. 버전 이상을 사용하는 경우 People API를 사용 설정해야 합니다. 자세한 내용은 Google Cloud를 사용하여 API 사용 설정하기를 참고하세요.
- 로그인 지원 중단: 버전부터 Google Workspace Migrate에서는 승인 지원을 위해 Google 로그인 자바스크립트 플랫폼 라이브러리 대신 Google ID 서비스를 사용합니다. 다음 사항을 참고하세요.
- 2023년 3월 31일 후에는보다 오래된 버전의 Google Workspace Migrate에 로그인할 수 없으므로 계속하려면 Google Workspace Migrate 버전을 업그레이드해야 합니다.
- 보안 수준이 낮은 URL을 사용하여 플랫폼에 액세스할 수 없습니다. servername:port를 사용하여 플랫폼에 계속 액세스하려면 TLS 인증서로 포트를 구성하고 https://servername:port를 Google Cloud의 승인된 URL에 추가해야 합니다.
- Drive의 분리된 콘텐츠: Google Workspace에서 Google Workspace로 이전하는 동안 Google Workspace Migrate에서는 대상 계정에 더 이상 분리된 Google Drive 항목을 만들지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 분리된 콘텐츠를 참고하세요.
- 여러 위치의 Drive 항목: 2021년 10월 15일부터 모든 버전의 Google Workspace Migrate에서 이전 시 더 이상 Drive 파일 및 폴더를 여러 위치에 추가하지 않습니다. 이전 버전을 사용하는 경우 Google Workspace Migrate에서 Drive의 여러 위치에 파일 및 폴더를 추가하려고 시도하면 해결할 수 없는 오류가 발생합니다.
최신 버전 출시 노트
2024년 12월 4일
새로운 기능- 이제 Google Workspace Migrate에는 브리지를 실행한 후 트랜잭션 로그를 다운로드하는 독립형 콘솔 도구가 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 트랜잭션 로그 다운로드하기를 참고하세요.
- MySQL을 버전 8.0.37로 업그레이드했습니다.
- CouchDB를 버전 3.3.3-3으로 업그레이드했습니다.
- .Net Framework를 버전 4.8.0으로 업그레이드했습니다.
- Google Workspace Migrate는 Google Workspace Migrate가 설치된 서버의 운영체제에서 지원하는 TLS 버전을 자동으로 사용합니다.
- 실행된 브리지에서 대량의 트랜잭션 로그를 다운로드하는 기능이 추가되었습니다.
- 설정 템플릿에서 폴더 이전 설정을 사용할 때 이전 중에 중복된 빈 폴더가 생성되는 문제를 수정했습니다.
- 매핑에 하위 사이트가 지정되어 있지만 하위 사이트가 위치 목록에 포함되지 않은 상황에서 기본 사이트에서 데이터가 이전되는 SharePoint Online 문제가 수정되었습니다. 출시 노트
2024년 8월 21일
새로운 기능- 이제 Exchange Online(Microsoft 365)의 연결에서는 클라이언트 ID와 클라이언트 보안 비밀번호를 사용하여 인증합니다. 자세한 내용은 이 페이지 앞부분의 Exchange Online에서 ApplicationImpersonation 역할 지원 중단을 참고하세요.
- 할당량 한도를 해결하기 위해 이제 검사 프로세스에서는 지수 백오프를 사용합니다.
- 미국 연방 정보 처리 표준(FIPS) 규정 준수 업데이트로 인해 Box 연결 생성 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2024년 5월 8일
해결된 문제- 원본 Google Drive 계정에서 대상 Drive 계정으로 파일을 마이그레이션할 때 Google Workspace Migrate이 원본 계정에서 생성된 임시 AppBridgeStagedFileFileID 파일을 삭제하지 않는 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2024년 3월 4일
새로운 기능- MySQL 및 CouchDB 소프트웨어를 다음과 같이 최신 버전으로 업그레이드했습니다.
- MySQL: 버전 8.0.36
- CouchDB: 버전 3.2.3
데이터베이스를 업그레이드하는 방법을 자세히 알아보려면 소프트웨어 업그레이드하기를 참고하세요.
- Microsoft Exchange 2019 연결에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.
자세한 내용은 Exchange 연결 추가 또는 수정하기를 참고하세요. 출시 노트
2024년 1월 10일
해결된 문제- 일본어로 된 Sharepoint 목록 항목 첨부파일이 이전되지 않던 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- 원본 이메일이 삭제되는 경우 Exchange 이메일 이전이 실패하던 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2023년 9월 12일
새로운 기능- 트랜잭션 로그를 확인하고 다운로드하도록 MySQLQuery가 최적화되었습니다.
- 여러 조직이 등록된 연락처의 연락처 이전을 못하는 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2023년 8월 3일
새로운 기능- MySQL을 버전 8.0.33으로 업그레이드했습니다.
- CouchDB를 버전 3.3.2로 업그레이드했습니다.
- 이제 ID 매핑을 삭제할 때 연결된 브리지의 이름이 표시됩니다.
- 메일 이전 또는 검사 중에 발생하는 Gmail API 할당량 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- 2개의 Google Workspace 계정 간에 Google Tasks를 이전할 때 발생하는 문제가 해결되었습니다. 일부 작업에서는 404 오류가 표시되고 일부 작업 이전은 건너뛰는 문제가 발생했었습니다. 출시 노트
2023년 7월 4일
새로운 기능- MySQL 및 CouchDB를 최신 버전으로 업그레이드했습니다.
- 이전 요약에 일부 트랜잭션 오류 코드가 표시되지 않는 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- 대용량 트랜잭션 로그가 다운로드되지 않는 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- Google Workspace에서 Google Workspace로 이전 시 연락처를 올바르게 이전하지 못하는 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- Google Workspace Migrate에서 100개를 초과하는 멤버십을 공유 드라이브로 이전하지 않는 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2023년 2월 27일
해결된 문제- 사용자가 직접 작업을 시작하지 않은 경우 RunBridgePartition 작업이 플랫폼 사용자의 작업 목록에 표시되지 않던 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- MySQL 데이터 디렉터리 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- 페이지를 새로고침한 후 실행 로그가 표시되지 않던 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2023년 1월 4일
새로운 기능- Google 로그인 자바스크립트 플랫폼 라이브러리에서 더욱 안전하고 개선된 Google ID 서비스로 업그레이드되었습니다. 2023년 3월 31일 이후에는 이전 버전의 Google Workspace Migrate에 로그인할 수 없으므로 계속하려면 Google Workspace Migrate 버전을 업그레이드해야 합니다. 자세한 내용은 소프트웨어 업그레이드하기를 참고하세요.
- MySQL 및 CouchDB 소프트웨어를 다음과 같이 최신 버전으로 업그레이드했습니다.
- MySQL: 버전 8.0.30
- CouchDB: 버전 3.2.2
데이터베이스를 업그레이드하는 방법을 자세히 알아보려면 소프트웨어 업그레이드하기를 참고하세요.
- 이제 브리지를 실행하는 데 사용하는 매핑은 삭제할 수 없습니다. 출시 노트
2022년 8월 29일
새로운 기능- MySQL을 8.0.29 버전으로 업그레이드했습니다.
- Google Workspace Migrate가 Drive 데이터에 대한 권한을 할당한 조직 외부의 사용자에게 이메일 알림을 보내지 않는 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2022년 5월 11일
새로운 기능- Google Workspace Migrate 데이터베이스 설치 프로그램에서는 업그레이드 시 설치 시간 설정을 건너뜁니다.
- 브리지 보고서 다운로드 관련 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- 이제 미국 연방 정보 처리 표준(FIPS) 모드가 사용 설정된 상태에서 Google Workspace Migrate를 실행할 수 있습니다. 출시 노트
2022년 3월 31일
새로운 기능- 설치 프로그램에 시스템 요구사항 검사가 추가되었습니다.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5로 CouchDB 설치 프로그램이 업데이트되었습니다.
- MySQL 및 CouchDB 버전이 업그레이드되었습니다.
- Box, SharePoint 또는 파일 공유에서 공유 드라이브 하위 폴더로 이전할 때 권한 역할이 올바르게 매핑되지 않는 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- 연결된 검사된 범위 보기가 잘못된 경우 검사가 실패하지 않는 문제가 해결되었습니다.
- 업로드한 CSV 파일에서 후행 쉼표를 삭제해야 하는 것을 명시하기 위해 오류 메시지가 업데이트되었습니다.
- 일부 이메일 메시지에서 Exchange 폴더 ID를 Google 라벨 ID로 사용하여 이전이 실패하는 문제가 해결되었습니다. 출시 노트
2022년 2월 14일
새로운 기능- 이제 Google Workspace Migrate가 정식 버전(GA)으로 제공됩니다. 자세히 알아보기
- Google Workspace Migrate의 새로운 아이콘입니다.
- Google Workspace Migrate 배포 관리 관리자 역할을 가진 사용자는 플랫폼 전반의 모든 작업을 보고 관리할 수 있습니다.
- Google Workspace Migrate 배포 액세스 관리자 역할을 가진 사용자는 자신이 속한 모든 프로젝트의 작업을 보고 관리할 수 있습니다.
2.2.10 이전 버전 출시 노트
Release notes for
January 31, 2022
What's new- During a Google Workspace to Google Workspace migration, Google Workspace Migrate no longer creates orphaned Google Drive items on the target account. From March 30, 2022, this change will apply to all versions of Google Workspace Migrate. For details, go to Orphaned content.
- Added partition name to the Execution log UI.
- Add new error messages to indicate the reason when a SharePoint migration fails.
- Fix a bug that caused some Exchange mail messages to not migrate because of an error with their parent folder.
- Fixed an issue where reminders for a calendar event were set to default when the source event didn't have any reminders. Now, calendar event reminders match the source event.
Release notes for
December 6, 2021
What's new- Added the ability to filter Exchange email and archived messages based on date sent or received.
- Fixed an issue where a scan reported incorrect results if the crawl rule was set to User Drive discovery.
- Fixed an issue where the encryption setup was skipped if the database details were entered using the service management app, prior to setting up the platform.
- Added a clearer warning when, during a remigration, a file is moved to a new folder on the target domain but its content is not altered. The warning is also shown when the file can't be updated because the file on the destination account is newer. The warning indicates that the content can’t be updated and additional information is provided if the item was moved by Google Workspace Migrate. You can use the drive audit log and search by item ID to investigate further. You can also get information on the item's source and destination location.
- Fixed an issue where the hierarchy of mixed ownership items on source My Drive might be broken on the target domain. The issue is seen if you map orphaned content to a folder on the target My Drive.
- Fixed an issue where newly-added items might fail to migrate in a delta migration. The issue is seen when you map orphaned content to a folder. Then, an item is added to a source account folder that has mixed ownership on the source My Drive. The folder is migrated and appears under its parent on the target domain and, subsequently, a delta migration is run.
- Fixed a logging issue where Google Workspace Migrate outputs unnecessary "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" as fatal errors when the connection is shut down.
- Fixed an issue where email messages sent with high importance were starred instead of setting the importance marker.
- Fixed an issue where the Google Workspace depth report showed the folder name instead of the folder ID in the ID column.
- Fixed an issue where bridge partitions occasionally froze when migrating SharePoint files.
Release notes for
September 23, 2021
What's new- Due date migration for Exchange Tasks is now optional and can be enabled in the settings template (disabled by default). If the admin enables task due date migration, they must also select the appropriate timezone in the settings template.
- Fixed an issue where a scan of Box data occasionally failed with a timeout error.
- Fixed an Exchange Online setup issue that occurred when creating a new connection. Now, if the Exchange admin isn't allowed to impersonate themselves, you see an impersonation error message in the UI.
- Fixed an issue where, if you clicked Cancel in response to Retry failures, the bridge no longer responded to clicks on any action buttons.
- Fixed an issue where, in SharePoint migrations, partitions were occasionally marked as cancelled during the source connection initialization.
- Fixed an issue where folders that contain ISO control characters or the caret symbol (^), multiple sequential spaces, or a space at the beginning or end of the folder name don't directly match label names on the target account. Learn more.
- Fixed an issue where UI components were not sorted into alphabetical order by default.
- Fixed an issue that enables TLS versions 1.1 and 1.2 connections to work with MySQL.
Release notes for
August 26, 2021
What's new- Added support for a user list when configuring an Exchange Online (Office 365) connection. This matches similar functionality for Exchange Server connections. For details, go to Add or edit an Exchange connection.
- Fixed an issue where the latest revision of an updated file wasn't pinned following a delta migration. Now, the latest version is also pinned.
- Fixed an issue where a node reports high CPU utilization after cancelling a scan or bridge.
- Fixed an issue where Google Workspace Migrate created multi-parented data on the target account.
Release notes for
July 29, 2021
What's fixed- Fixed an issue where a duplicate shared drive could be created when using the sub path feature if the migrating user already had access to more than 1000 shared drives.
- Fixed an issue where a migrated calendar that was shared with users failed to show under My Calendars for the users.
- Fixed an issue where a scoped view or mapping would fail to validate if it contained nested organizational units.
Release notes for
July 15, 2021
What's newGoogle Workspace Migrate no longer adds Google Drive files and folders to multiple locations during a migration. It now enforces one parent folder for each Drive item.
During a migration to My Drive from Box, file shares, Google Drive, or SharePoint:
- If a source item is multi-parented—The item has only one parent on the target account (the last one migrated) following a migration.
- If an item is moved on the source or target account and then remigrated—The item is moved to its latest correct location on the target account during a remigration.
- If an item is remigrated with a new target location due to a mapping change—The item is moved to its latest correct location on the target account during a remigration.
Release notes for
July 1, 2021
What's new- Box settings templates now have a Pin revisions option when migrating to My Drive or shared drives. Learn more
- The Include list permissions option in the SharePoint to My Drive settings template is now turned off by default.
- Fixed a bug where, in some cases, a file migration failed when both its source location and content were changed since the previous bridge.
- Fixed a known issue where task details weren't migrated from Exchange 2010.
Release notes for
June 3, 2021
What's new- When migrating from SharePoint, the Migrate SharePoint webs to folders setting is now turned on by default.
- Fixed an issue that caused email messages to fail to migrate when migrating from Exchange to Gmail and the message is in an Exchange folder that must be modified in order to be migrated to Gmail. This issue is likely present when email messages fail to migrate with error 60008 and one or more folders successfully migrate with a different source and target name.
- Added missing "Operation" column in execution logs export.
- Fixed an issue that prevented email attachments with special characters in their names from migrating to Drive.
- Fixed an issue when mapping at the service level (using the GService header in the mapping to map the Calendar, Contacts, Gmail, or Drive service) for Google to Google migrations. All transactions would fail with error code 60008 unless Map content only was turned on.
Release notes for
May 7, 2021
What's fixed- Fixed an issue that occurred when migrating an item with more than 200 pinned revisions to Drive. Previously, revisions after the 200th would be pinned inconsistently. Now, the earliest pinned revision is unpinned and the new revision is pinned correctly.
- Fixed an issue that, in rare cases, caused recurring Google Calendar event instances to fail to migrate with a 403 error when migrating from Google Workspace to Google Workspace.
- Fixed a known issue where a bridge partition can incorrectly show in the logs as Canceled instead of Done.
Release notes for
April 22, 2021
What's new- Added error reporting for Gmail label conflict. For details, to go error 409.
- When migrating from SharePoint with the Include SharePoint folder permissions setting unchecked, folder permissions are now excluded from the crawl. Previously, they were included in the crawl but marked as Skipped in the transaction log.
- Fixed error handling when an email message doesn't migrate because a dependent label failed to migrate.
Release notes for
March 24, 2021
What's new- Exchange 2010 contact notes are now migrated.
- Fixed an issue where hyperlinks in Exchange calendar descriptions weren't migrated.
Release notes for
February 17, 2021
What's new- When migrating from Box to Google Drive, only objects owned by a user are migrated when migrating the user. Any object shared with a user is migrated under the object’s owner.
- The Box collaboration set field has been removed from the Box object totals report.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Retry failures action to fail without attempting to migrate data.
Release notes for
February 11, 2021
What's new- The Exclude users outside range option has been removed for Box, Exchange, and Google Workspace scans. If you want to scan specific users, we recommend that you use a scoped view instead.
- Google Workspace Migrate now retries 429 responses during migrations to Google Groups.
Release notes for
January 14, 2021
What's new- When viewing the bridge summary, the warning count is now broken down into transaction and execution warnings. To view the breakdown, click Warnings. Note that the breakdown for warnings is only accurate for bridge executions that have been run on this version or later.
- The default signature for the primary Gmail account is now migrated for Google Workspace to Google Workspace migrations.
- Fixed an issue where a file share connection validated in some cases, despite being invalid.
- Fixed an issue where transaction logs failed to download when filtering by error code.
- Fixed an issue where some Exchange messages failed to migrate to Google Groups.
- Fixed an issue where the Accelerate old messages option for mail migrations degraded performance by making unnecessary requests.
- Fixed an issue where altered guest permissions on the target domain could cause calendar event migration failures.
- Fixed an issue where comments were not updated with delta migrations for Google Drive native file types (for example, Docs, Sheets, and Slides). Now, if the source object has been updated more recently than the target, the target object is replaced entirely.
- Fixed an issue during delta migrations when migrating file revisions to a shared drive. If the revision author was granted inherited read access (but not write access) on the target object, the revision transaction failed.
Release notes for
December 3, 2020
What's new- G Suite Migrate is now Google Workspace Migrate.
- You can now view information on failures in the bridge summary by clicking Failures, instead of the dropdown arrow.
- Added a warning dialog to clarify that previous scan results will be deleted when rerunning a scan.
- Fixed an issue where using a subpath in the migration mapping sometimes resulted in Drive permissions on the target domain being removed.
- Fixed an issue where migrating to Google Groups generated a large number of temp files without deleting them.
- Fixed an issue when migrating to Google Groups where the first post in a group conversation migrated correctly but reported a transaction failure.
Release notes for
November 5, 2020
What's new- Tasks migrated from Google now maintain their subtask structure and order.
- Updated the bundled CouchDB installer from version 2.2.0 to 2.3.1.
Note: If you're already using G Suite Migrate, you don’t need to upgrade CouchDB.
- Changed the default from enabled to disabled for the following SharePoint settings:
- Migrate webs to folders
- Migrate lists to sheets
- Migrate document metadata to sheets
- The bridge settings report (included when you download logs, such as the transaction or execution logs) now includes the platform version number.
- Removed the option to filter out specific versions when migrating from Box or Google Drive. The option frequently resulted in unexpected errors.
- Added an option to filter out specific files when migrating from Box, to match the functionality for other data sources.
- When viewing the bridge summary, the failure count is now broken down into execution and transaction failures. To see the breakdown, next to the failure count, click the Down arrow . Note that the breakdown is only accurate for bridge executions that have been run on this version or later. Earlier bridge executions categorize all failures as transaction failures.
- Removed the following from the Shared drive candidate reports:
- Fields relating to unique permissions and additional permissions.
- The % allowed with additional permissions setting.
- Removed the Migrate x with additional permissions settings options from shared drive settings templates.
- Fixed an issue with file share migrations where certain files were migrated to Drive with no data, but marked as completed. You can now scan your target Drive environment and use the new Google Drive empty file report to identify potentially-affected data.
- Fixed an issue where scans could crash when using a scoped view with a large number of entries.
- Fixed an issue where scans weren't logging their error codes correctly.
Release notes for
October 8, 2020
What's new- Added support for migrating subfolder permissions to shared drives. The Migrate shared drive permissions setting has been renamed Migrate folder permissions and now controls all folder permissions instead of only those migrated to the shared drive root.
- Renamed Migrate additional file permissions setting in shared drive-based settings templates to Migrate file permissions to more accurately reflect its purpose. The setting is now enabled by default for Box and Google.
- Updated the default for the Max pinned revisions setting for Box and SharePoint migrations from 200 to 20.
- When editing a connection, the associated credentials are now revalidated.
- Fixed an issue when migrating to shared drives where restricted permission transactions were marked as completed, even though the restriction wasn't migrated (because shared drives don't support restricted permissions). The transactions are now marked with a warning and contain detail about the restrictions that couldn't be migrated.
- Fixed an issue where the Max pinned revisions setting didn't pin any versions when copying data from Box.
- Fixed an issue with the Max pinned revisions setting when migrating from SharePoint where G Suite Migrate attempted to pin more than the configured number of revisions. Additionally, the current revision is no longer pinned.
- Fixed an issue with the Pin major versions only setting when copying from SharePoint. G Suite Migrate attempted to pin too many versions if old versions had been discarded by SharePoint's configured version limit.
- Fixed an issue where the Sub Path value in a mapping for a Box migration was ignored.
- Removed the option to filter out specific versions when copying from SharePoint as it almost always resulted in unexpected errors.
- The SharePoint connection now correctly flags issues when sub-site URLs are listed in site lists. Previously, the connection failed with unhelpful errors.
Release notes for
September 22, 2020
What's new- G Suite to G Suite migrations are now supported. Go to Migrate data from G Suite.
- Exchange mail items can now be filtered by item class.
- Fixed an issue where some transaction details don't appear in the transaction log after bridge completion.
- Fixed an issue where SharePoint external sharing permissions and unmapped user permissions were not being migrated.
- Fixed an error that could occur when determining the well-known name of mail folders in Exchange 2010.
- Removed the erroneous "Child Root" field from the file share scan depth report.
- Fixed an occasional issue with Box connections where collaborations failed to scan with a service_unavailable error.
- Fixed an issue where Exchange migrations would generate large numbers of temp files without deleting them.
- If a transaction fails to map its target identity after a successful write, the transaction is now marked as a failure. Doing so better exposes the issue for troubleshooting and ensures that future deltas don't fail dependent transactions for unknown reasons.
- Exchange scans no longer show an error for users with the In-Place Archives feature disabled.
Release notes for
July 16, 2020
What's fixed- Fixed an issue where the bridge page would fail to load if a mapping that is used by a bridge is deleted.
- Fixed an issue where content filters could misidentify some permissions as additions when migrating from file shares to shared drives.
Release notes for
June 18, 2020
What's new- Better security on temporary files stored on nodes during migration.
- Fixed an issue where failures during bridge partitioning could result in the bridge failing entirely instead of individual failures in the execution log.
- Fixed the error message on the login page that displayed if the product was misconfigured.
- Added scan-related warnings to bridge and scan execution logs. You can see a per-scan warning count when you click Scans.
- Clarified revision pinning setting names for SharePoint and Box settings templates.
- Updated the platform and node installers to populate .NET TLS registry keys in accordance with Microsoft's best practices.
Release notes for
May 20, 2020
What's new- Added a new Exchange Online connection type for connecting to Exchange Online with OAuth, and relabeled the existing Exchange connection type to Exchange Server. Use the appropriate connection type for any new Exchange connections. See Add or edit an Exchange connection.
Note: Existing connections to Exchange Online with the Exchange Server connection type will continue to work until Microsoft disables basic authentication for Exchange Online, currently scheduled for October 2020.
- Fixed error handling if you run a bridge without first setting a mapping.
- Fixed an issue where a bridge would run even when no mappings were defined.
- Exchange archives messages and folders now appear in the Exchange scan reports.
- If you have previously set up an Exchange Server connection that is pointed at Exchange Online, you can edit that connection without having to change the configured Exchange server version.
- Fixed an issue for Box connections where shared files that aren't inside a shared folder did not migrate correctly.
Release notes for
April 9, 2020
What's fixed- Include auto forwarding settings
- Include forwarding settings
- Include IMAP settings
- Include POP settings
Release notes for
March 12, 2020
What's new- Error codes shown throughout the product now link directly to the GSM error code documentation.
- Improved the loading of calendar resources to significantly reduce the load on the Google calendar resource API in the average migration case.
- Update filter setting names in settings templates to use "Exclude" instead of "Filter" to more clearly reflect behavior.
- Updated settings templates to consistently use "migrate" rather than "convert" or "copy" for settings that control whether a particular type of data is migrated.
- Updated settings template names to more clearly reflect their purpose. For file-based source systems, the two options are now "Migrate to My Drives" and "Migrate to shared drives".
- Fixed an issue where troubleshooting details didn't load correctly the first time they were accessed from the transaction log or tree view.
- Fixed an issue where Exchange mailboxes without signatures caused erroneous failures in the execution log.
- Fixed an issue where reports failed to download if bridge or scan names contained periods or special characters.
- Fixed an issue where some Box mappings failed to validate. For any mapping where the specified BoxUser didn't match the owner of the listed BoxFolder, validation failed due to an unresolved bug in the Box API.
Release notes for
February 20, 2020
What's new- Improved error handling when adding nodes from a CSV file.
- Removed the ability to migrate Exchange Delegation and Send As settings.
- Fixed migration support for Google calendar resources created after January 21, 2020. For details see Calendar resources–Created after January 21, 2020.
- Fixed an issue where nodes sometimes show as "Ready" instead of "Busy" even when they're doing work.
- Fixed an issue where, although nodes imported correctly from a CSV file, the status bar would spin forever and failures weren't communicated. Now, results are correctly reported.
- Improved error messaging for mappings and scoped views where there is content that has been moved from its original location.
Release notes for
January 16, 2020
What's new- Added the ability to filter out common system attachments (*.ics, *.vcf) during calendar migrations.
- Added Google Groups to the tree view for Google connections.
- Calendar sharing changes made during a migration will no longer trigger notifications.
- Removed obsolete options from the management app's host settings dialog.
- Fixed an issue where permissions for Box files in a user's root All Files folder weren't migrated.
- Fixed an issue where the "last modified by" user was incorrect on files with one revision migrated to shared drives.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Calendar event migrations with calendar resources on the event to slow or halt over time.
- Fixed an issue that could cause random failures when interacting with empty Google Groups or Google domains without groups or calendar resources.
- Fixed an issue that could cause random project creation failures if a domain has admin roles without users assigned to them.
Release notes for
December 5, 2019
What's new- If you create a file share connection to a specific share or folder (instead of to a server) you can map the root of that connection. Previously, you could only map subfolders.
- Downloaded reports from scans now include the scan name and time information in their filenames.
- Exchange 2010 SP3 is now supported for Exchange connections.
- All text-based filters (for example, the source and target filters in the transaction logs view) are now case insensitive.
- Made minor performance improvements for Exchange 2013 and later.
- Row actions in the transaction log table are now a dropdown menu rather than icons.
- You can now view all transaction logs within a partition from the transaction log table. To do so, point to a row in the transaction log, then click Partition transaction log.
- You can now view all execution logs within a partition from the execution log table. To do so, point to a row in the execution log, then click Partition transaction log. (Note that this option is only available for execution log entries that are associated with a partition.)
- Fixed naming inconsistencies in state filtering for bridges and scans.
- Fixed an issue where the migration summary table wasn't displaying the correct table headers according to the current grouping.
- Fixed an issue where migration summary filters would not take effect.
- Fixed an issue where failed transactions weren't displaying their error codes.
- Fixed an issue that was blocking shared disks from appearing on connections to file share servers.
- Fixed an issue where events in Exchange without ICalUIDs (such as those imported using CSV files through Outlook) couldn't be migrated.
- Improved presentation of long error messages for mapping validation.
- Improved error logging during login.
- Improved calendar migration performance by skipping unnecessary delete requests that would occur when incrementally migrating a recurring event.
- Improved page load performance on the partition logs view.
- Removed unhelpful errors that occurred when reading Exchange calendar sharing rights for users outside an organization. The sharing rights still won't migrate and the errors that they cause have been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where offline nodes could get stuck in the "Unknown" state.
- Fixed a bug where the scan partition log wouldn’t load when the page was refreshed.
Release notes for
November 21, 2019
What's fixedSupplementary Unicode characters in object identity fields, such as SharePoint folder names, will no longer cause silent errors or missing transactions.
Release notes for
November 12, 2019
What's new- Timestamps in log views (for example, transaction log, partition log) now include the time zone.
- The mappings table now shows the source and target connection for each mapping.
- Connection and connection type dropdown lists are now sorted alphabetically.
- The scans page can now be filtered by scan state.
- Exchange mail folders can now be filtered based on path, name, or well-known folder name. This can be configured in the settings template.
- Super admins with Calendar API access disabled are now skipped during migrations when the Use all super admins to write calendar resource events setting is enabled. Previously, this would cause migration failures with error code 401.
- Fixed an issue where content failed to migrate inside SharePoint or OneDrive folders that have URL-encoded characters (for example, "%20") in their name.
- Removed G Suite as a possible source connection type for settings templates.
- Fixed an issue where the user was incorrectly routed to the host settings page when prompted to set the callback address from the nodes page. The user is now routed to the callback address setting page.
- Fixed an issue where the UI displayed an error message when the user attempted to switch to the current project.
- Fixed an issue where certain boolean settings in the default settings templates would be read incorrectly during a migration.
- Fixed an issue in long-running bridges where completed partitions could be re-queued, causing additional unnecessary work that degraded performance.
Release notes for
October 30, 2019
What's new- You can now enable Exchange In-Place Archive copying in the Exchange settings template.
Release notes for
October 15, 2019
What's new- A new connector to handle SharePoint Online (Office 365) migrations separately from SharePoint 2013 migrations. The new connector replaces user-based authentication with app-based authentication for SharePoint Online, as recommended by Microsoft. As a result, projects with existing SharePoint Online connections must be updated with new credentials. When you open a project with affected connections, you'll be prompted to complete this update. For details, see Update SharePoint Online connection credentials.
- Super admin accounts are now used to write calendar events to the target domain to address quota issues for large migrations. The new behavior can be controlled with the Use all super admins to write resource calendar events setting in the Exchange settings template. For details, see Watchpoints and best practices for Exchange.
- You can now export and download partition logs for bridges and scans.
- Application error log timestamps now include the time zone.
- You can now see the current Google settings (client ID, service account name, admin user email) in the Google Settings dialog in the management app. Previously you could only enter new values.
- If you attempt to migrate the same source content to more than one shared drive within a project, the resulting error is now a failure instead of a warning. Error code 1081344 is displayed with a detailed message describing the cause.
- Fixed an issue where primary Exchange calendars are migrated to secondary G Suite calendars when mapping source user to target user.
- Fixed an issue where sharding user list settings were missing from the user interface.
- Fixed an issue where Other Mappings failed to load when refreshing the page.
- Fixed an issue where the user interface would stop working if it was left inactive for a long time.
- Fixed an issue where some scan reports might be missing rows in large, high performance deployments.
- Fixed an issue where source and target values (which you can click to inspect element details) in bridge transaction logs and mappings didn't render as links and weren't reachable by screen readers.
- Fixed misalignment between column headings and data rows in mappings and settings templates.
Release notes for
September 12, 2019
What's new- Improved performance of filtering of transaction logs by state.
- Fixed a case where migrations using the SOAP version compatibility flag could experience a higher than expected impact from throttling errors.
- Fixed an issue that could cause data duplication if you canceled and then re-ran a bridge.
- Fixed an issue where extremely long-running file migrations provoked errors related to "Commit service did not respond to the request for a transaction to be committed" or "The requested connection is unavailable". Those messages might still occur in cancelled bridges or action failure and recovery.
- Fixed missing/inconsistent refresh button in tree views.
Release notes for
August 29, 2019
What's fixed- Fixed a SharePoint issue where large libraries could not be migrated due to a "list view threshold" error.
- Fixed an issue where SharePoint retries and request backoff longer than 2 minutes caused persistent degraded connector performance.
Release notes for
August 15, 2019
What's new- A status page is displayed for troubleshooting nodes and to confirm they are running.
- Fixed an issue where a new user signing in was required to create a new project instead of being able to select an existing project.
- Fixed an issue where a new user signing in was taken to a setup screen even when the product was previously configured by another admin.
- Fixed an issue where a user would be signed out when switching projects.
- Fixed a "user not found" error that occurred when reading the versions of a document in SharePoint where the author had been completely removed from the site collection.
- Fixed an issue with the mapping importer for Google Calendar.
- Fixed an issue where reports were sometimes missing data.
Release notes for
July 18, 2019
What's new- Added support for a new resource email format.
- Added the ability to map source calendars to individual target calendars.
- Modified throttling logic to include hints from server side messages, such as provided retry-after headers.
- Included documentation links in the onboarding flow.
- Clarified node status in a new status page at http://nodehost:5131.
- Improved size-related report column headers.
- Installing updates no longer requires reentering port settings.
- Nodes will appear in the Ready state immediately after association, not in the Unknown state.
- Errors no longer occur for documents in SharePoint libraries when you migrate with versioning enabled, and you pin specific version numbers.
- Fixed an issue that caused "Property not initialized" exceptions from SharePoint when certain capacity related errors occurred.
- Fixed an issue that caused slow mass action canceling.
- Logs with no error codes display a dash.
- Removed Sites objects for Google Service Account connection.
- Eliminated "CouchDB inserts are delayed" errors in the application error log.
- Fixed an issue so notes are reported correctly in the Box connections depth report.
- Eliminated 0 values in Error columns.
Release notes for
June 3, 2019
What's new- Added support for connections from Box. Learn more about how to migrate data from Box.
- By default, the transaction log now only includes detailed troubleshooting information for errors and warnings. Previously, all transaction results generated detailed processing logs. This change is intended to improve the stability of the platform for extremely large migrations and avoid filling the CouchDB disk. The change to the default behavior only applies to new installations. Existing installations will continue with detailed logging, even after an upgrade. For information on how to change the setting, see Troubleshoot CouchDB.
- Location mappings have been removed from the Other Mappings section. Mappings replace the functionality of location mappings.
- When you create a new Microsoft SharePoint connection (for all SharePoint versions, except SharePoint 2010), you must select SharePoint 2013 client or SharePoint Online from the dropdown menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the element counts in scan summaries to be incorrect.
- A mapping validation no longer incorrectly validates service locations for users that are suspended or do not exist.
- A new confirmation step has been added when you make a selection from the list of projects, if you aren't already a member of the selected project.
- Search consistently displays on searchable connection types (Exchange and G Suite) when you click Mappings Entries.
- Target subpath example text has been improved to better reflect the required format.
- Improvements to filter functionality for execution logs.
- Added adaptive throttling and associated tuning settings to the Exchange connector.
- Improved the speed of SharePoint List and Library copying to Google Drive.
Release notes for
April 25, 2019
What's new- Enabled New bridge, New scan, and New connection buttons for empty projects.
- Project can be switched from the list view of projects.
- You can edit the sublocation target from the UI.
- You can navigate to scoped view entries when creating a new scoped view in Scans.
- You can now view settings from the bridge when a bridge is running.
- Identities are now searchable when creating mappings in tree view.
- Bridges and scans are sorted alphabetically by default.
- Character limit for object names has been increased from 30 to 250 characters.
- Fixed an issue where an expired MySQL password could cause the application to hang on startup.
- Fixed an issue where imported SharePoint mapping entries fail due to a case-sensitive URL comparison.
- Fixed an issue where mappings that use the Map Children Only and Target Sub Path settings do not work correctly for SharePoint to Drive migrations.
- Fixed a specific issue where Drive system updates were racing migration updates causing the final modified time to be set incorrectly.
Release notes for
April 12, 2019
What's fixed- Fixed an issue that can cause SharePoint versions to be copied out of order.
- Fixed an issue where permissions copied from SharePoint are not applied to shared drives.
Release notes for
March 28, 2019
What's new- Added support for fileOrganizer role in shared drives.
- Enabled Exchange 2016 Connector.
- Added ability to send the port number to the platform and node installers using a command line flag.
- Updated the default MySQL configuration so that long host names no longer cause a crash.
- Fix default role mappings from SharePoint to shared drives. All roles were previously mapped incorrectly to Organizer.
Release notes for
March 4, 2019
What's new- SharePoint lists and libraries can now be filtered by base template.
- Revision pinning settings are now available when migrating from SharePoint to shared drives.
- Execution and transaction logs are now downloadable from the migration summary.
- Execution logs are now downloadable from the execution log view.
- Users can clear couch data from stand-alone page to be linked from documentation.
- When using an installer, you are prompted to enter a port number, even during upgrades.
- CouchDB requires admin credentials for any access.
- Fixed a bug that caused crashed nodes to appear in the "Busy" state.
- SharePoint list attachments with spaces in the filename now migrate correctly.
- Fixed scan generation so it properly validates scoped views prior to running.
- Bridges with failures now correctly create and run partitions to retry only the errors.
- The retry failures action now works as expected to resolve transaction failures.
- SharePoint bridge partition names now always include the URL of the source object being migrated.
- Transactions still in the queue when a bridge partition completes are logged as failures, rather than warnings.
- Fixed an issue where permissions waiting for inherited permissions would not be triggered and never validate.
- Fixed an issue where the Exclude inherited permissions option wasn't applied.
- Fixed an issue that caused the creation of duplicate partitions.
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