Troubleshoot platform issues

Here’s how to troubleshoot problems you might encounter while setting up or installing the Google Workspace Migrate platform.

Error signing in  |  Platform configuration  |  Replace platform

Error when signing in

You might get the following error when signing in to the platform:

You have created a new client application that uses libraries for user authentication or authorization that will soon be deprecated. New clients must use the new libraries instead; existing clients must also migrate before these libraries are deprecated

Upgrade to Google Workspace Migrate version or later and try again. For details, go to Upgrade the software

Troubleshoot platform configuration

If you get a Platform is not configured correctly message when you sign in to Google Workspace Migrate:

  1. Open the service host logs. Follow the steps at Check the service host logs.
  2. Scroll to the end of the log and search for potential issues.
  3. Follow the troubleshooting steps for common issues below.
Messages Troubleshooting steps
Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes requested. If you manually set up a service account, check that you have completed the domain wide delegation steps and authorized the scopes in Manually create a service account.
  • Credential validation failed. An error occurred: Google.APIs.Requests.RequestError Resource Not Found
  • Error: Not a valid origin for the client.
Check that you have used the correct OAuth client ID in Install the platform manually.

You enter the OAuth Client ID in step 8 of that task.

Platform is not configured correctly. Check the platform server to see whether you installed an agent for a cloud access security broker (CASB) provider.

If so, remove the agent so that traffic can flow correctly. For details, go to Guidelines for setting up a third-party CASB with Google Workspace.

Replace your platform

If you need to replace your platform instance (for example, due to a hardware failure), you need the encryption key and password used when you set up Google Workspace Migrate. The encryption key is required to access the databases. The platform cannot recover your migration data without it.

If you don’t have the key, re-establish your Google Workspace Migrate setup.

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Option 1: I have the encryption key

To set up a new platform:

  1. Download and install the platform.

    For details, go to Install & set up the platform.

  2. Open Chrome browser and using the http(s)://localhost:<port> format, enter the URL of the Google Workspace Migrate platform.
  3. Using the same administrator account that you used to authorize your service account’s client ID, sign in to the platform.
  4. Click Get started.
  5. Click I want to recover previous migration data.
  6. For Password, enter your encryption key password.
  7. Click Upload CSV file to upload the encryption key or drag the file to the box.
  8. Click Recover key.
  9. Using the database settings that you used when you first set up Google Workspace Migrate, complete the steps in Configure database settings.
  10. Using the callback addresses and nodes that you used when you first set up Google Workspace Migrate, continue through the setup process.

After you complete the recovery process, your new platform can access your migration data.

Option 2: I don't have the encryption key

If you don’t have the key, re-establish your Google Workspace Migrate setup:

  1. Delete all your VMs for the databases and platform.
  2. Create VMs and reinstall the software for the databases and platform.

    For details, go to Install the databases and Install & set up the platform.

  3. Reassociate your existing nodes with the new platform.

    For details, go to Add the node servers.

Still need help?

Go to Contact support for Google Workspace Migrate issues.

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