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Choose a management solution (EMM)

A management solution helps you set up, secure, and manage devices in your organization. For example, a management solution allows you to:

  • Visualize your inventory of devices.
  • Enforce basic security policies like screen lock with a passcode and storage encryption.
  • Remotely wipe data if a device is lost or stolen.
  • Distribute and configure apps.
  • Enforce more advanced policies depending on your needs.

Some common identity and productivity providers offer built-in Android management features as part of their solution. Third-party enterprise mobility management (EMM) providers also offer Android management solutions for organizations.

Note: Microsoft® Office 365 and Exchange ActiveSync offer basic security and management capabilities on Android via the device’s email client. For more, see Use Android with Microsoft® Office 365 or Exchange ActiveSync.

Back   Next: Sign up for Android management using a managed Google domain

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