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Community Guidelines for notes and profiles on Search

About the Community Guidelines

The Community Guidelines are meant to help protect Google Search users and apply to everyone with a Search profile. They govern the content of Search profiles, as well as the notes that people create who are participating in our Search Labs experiment. These guidelines are only applicable to notes and profiles. Google search results themselves and other search features have their own policies that can be found on the Content policies for Google search page.

For those participating in notes, we want the experience to foster the creation of helpful content, where people can contribute their unique points of view and information on Search. Our Community Guidelines help us maintain a safer environment and define the types of content and behavior that aren't allowed, covering such areas as child safety, dangerous content, hate speech, and spam, among others. The Community Guidelines apply to all user generated content in notes and profiles, such as text, images, and external links in the profile.

In addition to these Community Guidelines, all notes and profiles must follow the Google Terms of Service and we may remove notes if they don’t follow local laws and regulations. Since notes are a Search Labs experiment, where people opt in to share feedback on early-stage experiences, we may use participants’ feedback and other learnings to update these Community Guidelines and improve the user experience.

How content is reviewed

We use a combination of machine-learning algorithms and human reviewers to detect content that doesn’t meet the Community Guidelines. Content detected by the algorithms is either removed or flagged for additional human review where trained analysts take a closer look. If these methods determine that content doesn’t meet the Community Guidelines, we respond by removing the content or account privileges. We may make exceptions to these policies based on artistic, educational, historical, documentary or scientific considerations, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public.

If your content has been removed, or your profile or other features were restricted, you'll be notified about any violations and have the opportunity to appeal.

Reporting content

Important: If you find content in notes or profiles that doesn’t meet the Community Guidelines, or breaks the law, report it. We appreciate your help in keeping Google Search users safe.

The following sections lists the different types of content and behaviors that aren’t allowed, including, but not limited to, some of the representative examples shown below:

Account hijacking
Important: If you suspect your account has been hijacked, report a hacked account.

We don’t allow others to access or control accounts or profiles by false means or representation.
Child sexual abuse imagery or exploitation material
We don't allow content or behavior that contains child sexual abuse material or that which appears to victimize, endanger, or otherwise exploit children. Some representative examples of content that violates our child sexual abuse imagery or exploitation policies include:
  • Sexually explicit content featuring minors.
  • Content that sexualizes minors.
  • Content that leads to or promotes child endangerment.
Consensus-based topics
Content of public interest around civic and medical issues shouldn't contradict well-established or expert consensus support. We also may remove content that can be interpreted as accusations against individuals or groups of serious malevolent acts, where there is a lack of well-established or expert supporting evidence. Some representative examples of content that violates this policy include:
  • Content that provides inaccurate information about where to vote.
  • Content that promotes substances or treatments that present an inherent risk of severe bodily harm or death and is contrary to medical consensus.
Deceptive practices
We don’t allow content or accounts that impersonate any person or organization, misrepresent or hide ownership or primary purpose, or engage in false or coordinated behavior to deceive, defraud, or mislead. This includes, but isn’t limited to misrepresentation or concealment of country of origin, government or political interest group affiliation, directing content to users in another country under false pretenses, or working together in ways that conceal or misrepresent information about relationships or editorial independence. If you suspect that you are being impersonated, submit a claim here. Some representative examples of content that violates or deceptive practices policy include:
  • A profile that uses someone else's real name, user name, image, brand, logo, or other personal information to trick people into believing the profile owner is that person.
  • Setting up a profile using the name and image of a person, and then posting notes as if they were posted by that person.
  • Coordinated abuse, including clusters of accounts working together, to mislead users.
Fake engagement
We don't allow content that doesn't represent a genuine experience. Some representative examples of content and behaviors that violate our Fake engagement policy include:
  • Content that has been incentivized in exchange for payment - including but not limited to money, discounts, free goods and/or services.
  • Discouraging or prohibiting negative notes, or selectively soliciting positive notes from users.
  • Content that has been posted from multiple accounts where the only purpose is to boost views or other metrics.
Dangerous content
We don’t allow content that could directly facilitate serious and immediate harm to people or animals. This includes, but isn't limited to, dangerous goods, services or activities, and self-harm, such as mutilation, eating disorders, or drug abuse. Some representative examples of content that violates our Dangerous content policy include:
  • Content that contains instructions on the manufacturer or assembly of a bomb.
  • Content depicting how to complete a challenge that requires ingesting harmful substances.
  • Promotional content explaining how to engage in self-harm.
Harassing content
We don’t allow harassment, bullying, or threatening content. This includes, but isn't limited to, content which might single someone out for malicious abuse, threaten someone with serious harm, sexualize someone in an unwanted way, expose private information of someone that could be used to carry out threats, disparage or belittle victims of violence or tragedy, deny an atrocity, or cause harassment in other ways. We also may refer threats of harm and other dangerous situations to law enforcement. Some representative examples of content that violates our Harassing content policy include:
  • Content that contains a violent insult or slur based on a person’s characteristics to dehumanize them.
  • Content that threatens an identifiable individual or their property, including implicit threats.
  • Content makes a false death claim about a public official.
Hateful content
We don't allow content that promotes or condones violence, promotes discrimination, disparages or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against a group. This includes, but isn't limited to, targeting on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that's associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization like refugee status, immigration status, caste, the impoverished, and the homeless. Some representative examples of content that violates our Hateful content policy include:
  • Promotion of hateful supremacism by alleging the superiority of a group over those with protected group status to justify violence.
  • Content with hateful imagery or symbols without educational or documentary context.
  • Content that praises or glorifies the use of violence against a group based on their protected group status.
Highly personal information
We might remove content with certain personal information that creates significant risks of identity theft, financial fraud, or other specific harms, which include, but aren't limited to, doxxing content, explicit personal images, involuntary fake pornography.

Some representative examples of content that violates our Highly personal information policies include:

  • Content that includes a phone number, address, or email address.
  • Images of unredacted passports or visas.
  • Content that contains unwanted sexualization such as non-consensually shared intimate imagery.
Manipulated media
We don't allow audio, video, or image content that's been manipulated to deceive, defraud, or mislead by means of creating a representation of actions or events that didn't take place. This includes if such content would cause a reasonable person to have a fundamentally different understanding or impression, such that it might cause significant harm to groups or individuals, or significantly undermine participation or trust in electoral or civic processes. Images that contain a proper disclosure are still in scope of other Community Guidelines. Some representative examples of content that violates our Manipulated media policy include:
  • Content containing a deepfake to make it appear that a government official is dead, without proper disclosures.
  • A manipulated screenshot that could inflame geopolitical tensions, without proper disclosures.
  • Content that directs users to a website with manipulated videos to fabricate electoral events, without proper disclosures.
Offensive content

We don’t allow users to post content that would reasonably cause another to experience extreme anger, insult, or disrespect. This includes attacking other individuals or groups, content that is clearly and deliberately provocative, and unsubstantiated allegations of unethical behavior or criminal wrongdoing. We do allow content that describes negative experiences in a respectful manner. Some representative examples of content that violates our Offensive content policy include:

  • Content that ridicules or calls another person names.
  • Content making fun of individuals, amorphous groups, organizations in a negative or demeaning way.
  • Malicious content relating to a personal characteristic - such as someone’s appearance or intelligence.
Policy circumvention
If you continue to engage in actions intended to bypass our Community Guidelines, we'll disable your profile and remove your notes. Some representative examples of content that violates our Policy circumvention policy include:
  • A profile that has been created to engage in previously prohibited behaviors in notes and profiles.
  • A profile that has been created and is distributing content that has been prohibited on other Google products.
  • Using other methods intended to continue distributing content or engaging in a behavior that aims to violate our policies.
Regulated goods
We don’t allow content that primarily facilitates the promotion or sale of regulated goods and services, including: alcohol, gambling, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, fireworks, weapons, or health and medical devices. Some representative examples of content that violates our Regulated Goods policy include:
  • Content that includes contact information to engage in gambling or sports betting.
  • Content that glorifies the usage, involvement, or purchase of a regulated substance.
  • Content where the purpose is to sell or facilitate the purchase of pharmaceuticals by posting links, email addresses, phone numbers, or other means of contacting the seller.
Sexually explicit content
We don’t allow content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. Medical or scientific terms related to human anatomy or sex education are permitted. Some representative examples of content that violates our Sexually explicit content policy include:
  • Content that intends to be sexually gratifying, such as the depiction of the use of sex toys for sexual gratification.
  • Depiction of clothed or unclothed genitals, breasts, or buttocks that are meant for sexual gratification.
  • Depictions of pornography or fetishes meant for sexual gratification.
We don’t allow spam, which may include unwanted, irrelevant, promotional or commercial content, content that is posted by an automated program, repetitive content, or anything that appears to be a mass solicitation. Some representative examples of content that violates our Spam policy include:
  • Content that redirects the user away from the note or profile they are viewing via the inclusion of an external link or other non-targeted language.
  • Leaving large amounts of identical, untargeted, or repetitive content.
  • Content that redirects users to sites that spread dangerous software, attempt to collect personal information or cause negative impact.
Violent extremist content
We don’t allow content produced by organizations or individuals that use violence against civilians to achieve political, religious, or ideological aims. This includes government-designated terrorist groups and other violent organizations and movements that pose real-world harm to our users. We also don’t allow content that facilitates or promotes the activities of these groups, such as recruiting, sharing materials that could facilitate harm, inciting violence, or celebrating attacks. Content related to violent extremism may be allowed in an educational or documentary context, but enough information must be provided to help people understand the context.
Violent & gory content
We don’t allow violent or gory content that's primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or gratuitous. This includes graphic depictions of violent acts or incidents that result in extreme injury or death without historical or educational context, exposed internal organs or bones without medical or scientific context, identifiable victims of violent deaths, or animal abuse or killings outside of standard hunting, food processing, or cultural practices. Some representative examples of content that violates our Violent & gory content policy include:
  • Content with depictions of torture, immolation, or corpses with serious injuries.
  • Content that praises or glorifies serious acts of neglect, abuse, or violence against animals.
  • Content about a medical procedure whose content focuses on open wounds and doesn't provide educational information or explanation to viewers.
Vulgar language & profanity
We don’t allow obscenities that are primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or gratuitous. This includes the use of sexually explicit, hateful, or harassing themes or excessive use of vulgar language. Some representative examples of content that violates our Vulgar language & profanity policy include:
  • Use of sexually explicit language or narratives.
  • Use of excessive profanity in the content.
  • Use of hateful or harassing language.
Valid legal requests
Upon a valid request, we’ll remove content under applicable laws or in response to a court order. For example, we remove content if we receive valid notification under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). We review these requests to ensure that they're well-founded. Learn how to make a Legal Removals Request.

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