Structured Data Markup Helper

The Structured Data Markup Helper helps you mark up elements on your web page so that Google can understand the data on the page. Once Google understands your page data more clearly, it can be presented more attractively and in new ways in Google Search. In addition if you send HTML-formatted email to your customers, Markup Helper can show you how to change your email templates so that Gmail can present the data to the user in new and useful ways.

Open the Structured Data Markup Helper


  • Event: If you mark up the events on your site, the next time Google crawls your site the event data will be available for rich snippets on search results pages.
  • Email: If an email about your flight contains markup about your flight reservations, Gmail can display this information in your desktop client or your personal feed.

If you don't feel comfortable adding code to your website, you can try out the Data Highlighter instead.

If you're technically minded, learn about structured data and add markup to your site manually.

Mark up a web page or email

You can mark up elements in either an HTML web page or an HTML email.

Mark up a web page

Here is how to mark up elements in a web page.

  1. Open the Structured Data Markup Helper.
  2. Select the Website tab.
  3. Choose the type of page that you are marking up. For example, a movie page or an event page. You can have multiple items on a single page, but we recommend that all items are of the same type (for example, all movies or all events)
  4. Enter either the URL of an existing page or the raw page HTML. For a URL, be sure that the page is available to anyone without logging in. (You can test page access by opening an incognito window in Chrome and trying to visit your page. If you can reach it, you're fine.)
  5. Select Start Tagging.
  6. Highlight parts of the page with important information (for example, the start time on an event page), then identify the type of information in the dropdown that appears ("Start time").
    1. If you have complex date strings, or are having trouble tagging your dates, see Advanced date tagging.
    2. If you need to add information that is not visible in your page, see Add missing data.
    3. If you need to remove a tag that Structured Data Markup Helper generated, see Remove tags.
  7. Be sure to provide all information required for your specific data type. In the My Data Items pane you will see a list of all possible values for each item, with the required values labeled. For example, for an event you must provide an event name, location, and start date.
  8. When you've finished tagging all the appropriate data on the page, select  Create HTML to generate the page code. Choose an output format: the default is JSON-LD (preferred by Google), but you can also choose Microdata. Either copy and paste the code from the output window or select Download. How you use the code depends on the format:
    1. For JSON-LD: Copy and paste the generated code into the body of your existing page.
    2. For Microdata: Replace your page with the generated HTML.
  9. To test your code, copy and paste the generated code into the Rich Result test. This testing tool will tell you about any missing fields that you must provide to help Google understand the page, and for some data types it can provide a preview of how your page might look like in Google Search Results.
  10. It can take a few weeks for Google to find your new page code. If your data is crawled, complete, and correct, it can appear as rich results. If rich results aren't appearing for your site, see possible reasons why

Mark up an email

Here is how to mark up an HTML-formatted email:

  1. Open the Structured Data Markup Helper.
  2. Select the Email tab.
  3. Choose the type of information you will mark up. For example, a bus reservation or product order.
  4. Enter the HTML of your email.
  5. Select Start Tagging.
  6. Highlight parts of the email with important information (for example, the reservation number for a bus reservation), then select the information type in the dropdown that appears ("Reservation number").
    1. If you have complex date strings, or are having trouble tagging your dates, see Advanced date tagging.
    2. If you need to add information that is not visible in your email, see Add missing data.
    3. If you need to remove a tag that Structured Data Markup Helper generated, see Remove tags.
  7. Be sure to provide all information required for your specific data type. In the My Data Items pane you will see a list of all possible values, with the required values marked. If you do not provide all required values, Google will not be able to process the email.
  8. If the alert icon (Alert Icon) shows next to a tagged element, select the data next to the icon, review the tagging, and do one of the following:
    • If the tagging is incorrect, select the X next to the data. Then re-tag the data.
    • If the tagging is correct, select the alert icon itself (Alert Icon) and select Clear warning.
  9. When you've finished tagging, select Create HTML to generate the HTML that you should use for the email. The default is JSON-LD, because Google prefers JSON-LD, but you can also choose Microdata. Select Download or just copy and paste the generated HTML.
    1. For JSON-LD: Copy and paste the generated code into the body of your email.
    2. For Microdata: Replace your email with the generated HTML.
  10. To test your code, send an email to a Gmail account or use the email schema validator.

Save and resume editing a page or email

To save your markup in the current state, bookmark the page in your browser. Structured Data Markup Helper will save your state for a month, including all markup values.


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