The ad environment

This feature is unavailable for video adsimage ads, and animated GIFs.

When you create a new ad in Google Web Designer, you select one of the following ad environments:

Some options may not be available if the document type isn't supported by the environment. For example, AdMob and Google Ads don't support expandable ads.

You can set a default ad environment for new documents in your preferences.

Depending on the selected environment, Google Web Designer runs different validation checks and adds different enabler code to the published ad.

The ad environment is displayed in the Ad Validator panel and in the File > Ad environment menu with a checkmark.

Change the ad environment

In Design view, go to File > Ad environment and select the new environment. Some options may not be available if the document type isn't supported by the environment.

Check the Ad Validator after conversion to see if any elements are incompatible with the new environment.

Converting an ad for a different environment can't be undone. Google Web Designer displays a warning if your ad contains events or dynamic data bindings that are incompatible with the new environment. Converting the ad will discard these features with no way to automatically restore them. Select Save as new to save a copy of the converted version as a new file, leaving the current document unchanged. You can then reference the original document if you want to re-create any lost features in the converted ad.


Learn more about using ads built with Google Web Designer on the following platforms:

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