About dynamic ads

Dynamic ads let you personalize ad content by swapping out images, text, URLs, and more according to the information in a data feed. The same creative can display different products to different audiences, saving you the effort of building each variation as a separate ad.

Dynamic ads differ from regular ads in that they have data bindings and use a data feed.

  • Data bindings - When you build a dynamic ad, you bind elements and their properties to specific data. These data bindings determine which aspects of your creative get dynamically generated.
  • A data feed - The feed contains the information that makes up the different versions of your ad. The data in the feed follows a data schema, which depends on your ad environment, business type, and ad format.

For example, you could bind a button label to the call-to-action text in your feed. The feed could contain different call-to-action text: "Buy now!" if the user has previously viewed the advertised product on your website, or "See more like this" if they haven't.

You can add data bindings to your creative in Google Web Designer. Your ad platform handles the data feed, but Google Web Designer lets you use sample data to test how your dynamic ad would look.

Video ads can't use dynamic data feeds, but you can create variants instead.

The Dynamic panel

The Dynamic panel lets you access dynamic properties for your ad. The panel contains two tabs:

Build guides

Learn how to build a dynamic ad for your ad platform:

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