Oct 16, 2020

Disable - Beta Tag Assistant

So starting last night when selecting `Preview` instead of going into Preview mode and showing the Orange bar a separate window is being opened called `Tag Assistant Beta`.

This window asks for a domain name and then launches the site in `Debug` mode.

First off, the experience is terrible. The browser window has no controls and the debug pane is separate. 
But more importantly it does NOT accurately reflect the preview or what is going on. 

It stated that tags did not fire and yet the page content clearly still had the content. 

I want to revert back to the Original Preview mode, any ideas on how? 

Using Chrome on Mac OS.
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All Replies (34)
Oct 16, 2020
I came to support.google.com/tagmanager just for this. I am having the same issue.
Google user
Oct 23, 2020

Like a lot of people we're struggling with preview mode and can't work anymore with GTM. There's no way to go back to the old version. We have this error : A timeout occurred while attempting to connect.

We have this error in the inspector console

Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined
    at bootstrap:formatted:2927
    at bootstrap:formatted:2931

It seems like there's an error in the script Bootstrap of googletagmanager.

    b("https:\/\/tagassistant.google.com\/", "google.tagmanager.debugui2.queue", {
        "features": {}

Has anyone encountered this error ? Any solution ? Thanks.
Last edited Oct 23, 2020
Google user
Oct 27, 2020
Just roll back the beta so we don't have to basically work around the bugs and jarring new workflow
Oct 28, 2020
Also looking for a way to opt out. This new experience is not only much worse and harder to use it straight up just doesn't work. It doesn't detect fired tags correctly and constantly loses the connection to the window being debugged.
Oct 29, 2020
Same here, sounds great to have another debugg experience but if it doesnt work, what matters? My new implemented tags arent being detected correctly, so I publish without a proper testing and 24 hours later, there are two possibilities: yeah, I did it correctly and it woks or maybe no (try again with no guarantee). Working on these conditions it´s like something mystical, a lottery, not a debugger propperly.
Oct 29, 2020
We as well are having major issues with the new preview. It stopped working on our subdomains completely on Tuesday. Just cannot connect. The subdomains are built with react. Nothing has changed on our end so the problem is clearly in the new preview. Please at least give an option to go back to the old preview.
Last edited Oct 29, 2020
Oct 29, 2020
Same here: No way to establish a connection between debugger and website. No way to debug. I do not understand how one can roll out such an immature tool.
Oct 29, 2020
This new debugger beta is terrible, and it's getting worse. There's no way to verify or test if Tag Manager is working. I will probably have to recommend that clients move into a different platform unless this changes in the next few days.
Oct 29, 2020
need assistance. all of a sudden my new preview mode is showing a yellow circle. I'm on the right container in the dropdown and it shows the pages firing but not showing any tag being fired. This worked this morning and all of a sudden the yellow circle instead of green has appeared. no documentation i can find explains what my issue is. If anyone could tel me what they mean please do.

edit: issue was resolved. not by the help received via google (they recommended/insinuated i hadn't been using the tag assistant extension, the one i had installed 2 years ago when starting with this tool). i found that in the console although preview mode loaded it was throwing a bunch of errors. 
I updated a customHTML tag so i just reverted the change and magically "poof!" the issue was resolved. So something happened when i updated a custom HTML tag that broke the ability for the new preview mode to show any tags firing, but without a warning when i initiated preview mode. Thats all I really need. something to tell me where something is broken or possibly broken so I can resolve. Oh anddd i want a quick refresh to save modified tags like the original preview. This way i don't have to disable debugging, refresh and start it again. That's a must have.
Last edited Oct 30, 2020
Oct 29, 2020
How do I remove TagAssistant?
Oct 30, 2020
This is garbage. When I use tag manager I like to be able to view the site and my analytics real time to confirm events... not only is there now an extra step putting in the url but even with two monitors it is difficult to see everything I need to see - I have to have the 'debug' window open, the website open, and analytics open and squash them all in to see what is happening. Overall in my view this is a really bad user experience.
Nov 10, 2020
Google needs to allow us to go back to the old preview , this one is totally unusable.. 

we have third party monitoring and debugging extensions that you have rendered unusable due to it running in its own private window..

Dec 6, 2020
Google Tag Manager team, we need your help to roll back until it works properly. We are highly affected by this terrible move. Please notify us.
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