Robert Allen 3740
২১/৮/২০২০ থেকে মেম্বার হয়েছেন


ব্যাজ জেতা শুরু করতে, প্রোডাক্ট এক্সপার্ট হয়ে উঠতে আমাদের প্রোডাক্ট এক্সপার্ট প্রোগ্রামে সাইন-আপ করুন।


কোনও সাম্প্রতিক অ্যাক্টিভিটি নেই
পোস্ট ইতিহাস
Google Business Profile২৫/৫/২০২৩
I am having the same problem. Initially one of our engineers submitted the form to Google. He has not received any notification after a month. 

I resubmitted the form today, in hopes that having my email as a point of contact will allow me to better control/visibility

Is there any way to expedite resolution? 
Google Search Central৯/২/২০২১
Wow.... I apologize for not catching that...

We had launched the site using Cloudflare for DNS, and it appears the client has changed the name servers, and configured DNS on Blue host. No wonder configuring DNS in Cloudflare had no affect :) 

Thank you very much for looking into this issue for me.
Google Search Central৯/২/২০২১
It is addisoncar.com 

The TXT record that is being found, is for the email service. I have deleted the TXT record, but Search Console continues to find it.
Tag Manager২০/১০/২০২০
After about 3 days, I was able to finally get the new preview mode to work, and configured about 15 tags on a site. I switched to another site, it worked, then tried 3 others and it won't connect. This 'New & Improved'  tag assistant is unusable, and has wasted about 6 hours of my time already.
Tag Manager১৬/১০/২০২০
I came to support.google.com/tagmanager just for this. I am having the same issue.
সহায়তা কেন্দ্র সার্চ করুন
সার্চ করুন
সার্চ মুছুন
সার্চ বন্ধ করুন
প্রধান মেনু