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Find the Google tag ID

You can find your Google tag ID in several Google products: Google Ads, Google Analytics, Campaign Manager 360, and Google Tag Manager. To view your tag ID, simply log in to the relevant product and then follow the specific instructions provided for that platform.

How to find your Google tag ID and use it for website tracking

For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon Image of YouTube settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.

In Google Ads

  1. Open the Google tag settings in Google Ads.
  2. Sign in to your Google Account. Learn how to create a Google Account.
  3. Navigate to Tools and then Data Manager.
  4. Under Google tag, find the Google tag and then click Manage.
  1. Under Your Google tag, click the Google tag (left side of the diagram).
  2. Under Tag details, copy the Google tag ID.

In Google Analytics

  1. Go to https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/.
  2. Sign in to your Google Account. Learn how to create a Google Account.
  3. In Admin, under Data collection and modification, select Data Streams.
    Note: The previous link opens to the last Analytics property you accessed. You can change the property using the property selector. You must be an Editor or above at the property level to open your Google tag settings.
  4. Select the data stream that you want to edit.
  5. Under Google tag, click Configure tag settings
  1. Under Your Google tag, click the Google tag (left side of the diagram).
  2. Under Tag details, copy the Google tag ID.

In Campaign Manager 360

  1. Go to https://campaignmanager.google.com.
  2. Sign in to your Google Account. Learn how to create a Google Account.
  3. Under Floodlight, click Google Tag to edit the Google tag settings.
  4. Under Google tag, click Configure tag settings.
  1. Under Your Google tag, click the Google tag (left side of the diagram).
  2. Under Tag details, copy the Google tag ID.

In Google Tag Manager

  1. Go to https://tagmanager.google.com.
  2. Sign in to your Google Account. Learn how to create a Google Account.
  3. In the Google tags tab, select the Google tag.
  1. Under Your Google tag, click the Google tag (left side of the diagram).
  2. Under Tag details, copy the Google tag ID.

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