Set up and manage consent

Obtain user consent

This article is for anyone that sends data to Google and wants to implement a user consent solution.

Regardless of your data source, the first step to setting up a consent solution is to ask your users for their consent. This step looks a little different depending on what data source you want to set consent up for:

Important: If you measure online and offline conversions, Make sure that you also get consent for that collection where required by law or any applicable Google policies governing user consent, including Google’s EU User Consent Policy.

Obtain user consent on your website

When a user visits your website, you need to ask them for consent so that the Google tag can write and read cookies. To simplify the process of setting up a consent banner, Google partners with consent management platforms. You can also build a consent banner yourself, if your organization requires it.

Implement a banner from a consent management platform

If you maintain a website, the easiest way to implement a consent banner is to use a consent management platform (CMP). The workflow usually looks like this:

  1. Choose a CMP and sign up for an account. Refer to the table below for more information on how CMPs have integrated with consent mode.
  2. Create a new banner through the CMP website. You might need to fill out some details about your data collection practices.
  3. Install the banner on your website. The CMP provides you with either a code snippet or a Google Tag Manager tag, as well as installation instructions.
  4. Set up consent mode. Learn more about consent mode best practices.

Consent management platform integrations

Consent management platforms (CMPs) are able to integrate with consent mode and consent settings in Google Tag Manager. Tag Manager Featured CMPs have templates available in the Tag Manager Community Template Gallery which are integrated with our Consent APIs.

To capture valuable insights while protecting user privacy, you need to collect consent from your website users. We recommend you use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) or work with your Content Management System (CMS) to collect consent and send it to Google.

If you need to set up a new consent banner and consent mode:

To simplify the deployment of consent banners and consent mode, you can use an integrated CMP partner for setup. This allows you to deploy a banner and implement consent mode within the Google tag user interface with just a few clicks. Learn more about using an integrated CMP partner to set up your consent banner and consent mode

If you already have a consent banner but need to set up consent mode:

One option you can choose, is to select one of the following CMP partners to integrate with consent mode.

Custom consent banners

If your organization requires you to build your own consent banner, you need to integrate with Google’s consent API yourself. For examples of consent language, read

Important: You are responsible for building a consent banner or widget that meets regulatory standards.

Learn how to integrate with consent mode in the developer documentation: Set up consent mode on websites.

Obtain user consent on your app

When a user interacts with your app, you need to ask them for consent so that the Google tag can write and read cookies. Google partners with consent management platforms to simplify the process of setting up consent settings. You can also build consent settings yourself, if your organization requires it.

Custom consent banners

If your organization requires you to build your own consent banner, you need to integrate with Google’s consent API yourself. See this checklist to avoid common mistakes when implementing a consent mechanism that is compliant with the EU User Consent.

Important: You are responsible for building a consent banner or widget that meets regulatory standards.

Learn how to integrate with consent mode in the developer documentation: Set up consent mode for apps.

To keep using measurement, ad personalization, and remarketing features, you must collect consent for use of personal data from end users based in the EEA and share consent signals with Google. The requirements also apply if you are using Google Analytics data with a Google service. This is part of Google’s ongoing commitment to our EU user consent policy and customer data policies.

When a user grants consent to these parameters, Google products can use the uploaded data for advertising purposes. When a user denies consent, their data isn’t used for measurement and ad personalization. If you don’t send consent signals, you will lose ads personalization capabilities.

The following capabilities need to receive user consent for ad personalization starting March 2024:

  • Store sales uploads with Customer Match integration
  • Customer Match
  • Ads Data Hub

How you obtain user consent for data uploads depends on your business. Consult with your legal team to find the best solution for your business.

How to send consent for data you upload to Google

To maintain access to customer match capabilities with store sales data originating from EEA users, you must pass store sales data with consent values for both ad_user_data and ad_personalization.

Only when consent is granted, data is usable for customer match with store sales.

Depending on how you upload data to Google you can send consent signals by using one the following options:

Next steps

Now that you have set up a mechanism to obtain user consent, you can implement Google’s consent mode.

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