Use an integrated CMP partner to set up your consent banner and consent mode

You can deploy your consent banner and consent mode with a few clicks directly within the Google tag user interface. Integrated CMP setup is a streamlined solution that can be used with select Google CMP partners. If you choose one of our fully integrated CMPs, you’ll be guided through the process of setting up a consent banner and implementing consent mode directly within the Google tag user interface, significantly reducing the time and technical knowledge needed to begin collecting consent from your users. Learn more about setting up your consent banner with a consent management platform or a content management system

Benefits of using an integrated CMP partner

  • In-Product Guidance: Clear instructions tailored to your specific setup.
  • CMP Integration: Seamlessly connect with a variety of CMP providers or use our guided options.
  • Simplified Banner Installation: Implement your chosen banner with ease, whether manually or via Google Tag Manager.

How it works

A consent banner is a prominent interactive message that can asks your users if they consent to share their personal data with Google to use that data to personalize ads or perform measurement for analytics. Consent banners can work with consent mode to obtain consent signals and share that information with Google.

To implement a consent banner, you can use a content management system (CMS), a website builder, or a consent management platform (CMP). When you use a CMP or CMS partner, you’ll get step-by-step guidance on how to integrate a banner with your platform, previews of your banner, language display options, and more. CMPs help meet consent requirements by managing consent banners and CMPs in the CMP Partner program integrate with  Google’s consent mode to adapt your Google tag’s behavior to match your users’ consent choices.  

Note: Some integrated CMP partners offer special pricing. Check with the selected CMP to learn more about its pricing offerings.
You can also Learn more about Frequently asked questions about integrated CMP setup

Integrated CMP partners

The following CMPs have a dedicated account provisioning integration with Google. Note that this list isn’t inclusive of all Google CMP partners nor does adopting any of these partners guarantee compliance with Google’s EU User Consent Policy (where applicable). This depends, among other things, on the specific consent message presented to users. You can find a full list of Google CMP partners, including ones which do not have account provisioning integrations with Google, here.

Set up with a CMP partner

Once you are ready, you can add the consent banner to your website by:

Once your banner is published, you’ll be able to complete consent mode setup. Make sure you complete the final steps of set up with your CMP in order for it to work.

If you have Google Tag Manager with a container already on your site

If you haven’t already, before you select a CMP, you need to Set up your Google tag.

First: Check for a CMP

  1. Access your Google tag screen.
  2. Go to the “Admin” tab.
  3. Under “Google tag management”, open the “Set up consent mode” section.
  4. Check if your website is using a third-party platform. Enter your website URL for instructions on your next steps. Click Check Website.

If we detect you already have a CMP, you’ll get step by step instructions on how to set up consent mode for that platform.

If you don’t already have a CMP, you can follow the instructions to create a new CMP account:

  1. To start your free trial with the CMP you select, follow the instructions to create a new account using your Google Ads account email and website address. You’ll need to be able to configure advanced settings and see your active banner before you set up a paid subscription with your selected CMP.
  2. Select the language you want to show your banner in by default.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm that when you create your account you confirm that you comply with the CMP’s policies. Google will share your Google account's email address, website, preferred language, and the language in which your banner is shown with your selected CMP.
  4. Click, Create account. A new account will be created with the CMP, and an email confirmation will be sent to your Google account's email address.
  5. Click “Go to <CMP Name>” to verify the default banner settings, including the geographic locations where your banner will be shown, what it will say, and how it will appear.

Next: Publish your consent banner

  1. Return to the “Set up a third-party banner screen” which displays your CMP account information and choose the Google Tag Manager tab.
  2. Select the container in which to apply these changes. Then you can select:
    1. Add to workspace: to add these changes to a workspace.
      1. Choose to add a new workspace or use an existing one.
      2. Select the workspace and click Add to workspace.
    2. Import and Publish: To publish your banner and implement consent mode.
      1. Select “Publish and create version” and click Publish.

Manual implementation if you don’t use Google tag manager

If you don’t have Google Tag Manager, you can set up a CMP manually. If you haven’t already, before you select a CMP, you need to Set up your Google tag.

  1. Access your Google tag screen.
  2. Go to the “Admin” tab.
  3. Under “Google tag management”, open the “Set up consent mode” section.
  4. Check if your website is using a third-party platform. Enter your website URL for instructions on your next steps. Click Check Website.
  5. If we detect you already have a CMP, you’ll get step by step instructions on how to set up consent mode for that platform.
  6. If you don’t have a CMP or consent banner already, select, I don’t have a consent banner. You can choose a consent management platform (CMP), you’ll get step by step instructions on how to set up consent mode for that platform. Click Next.
  7. Click Select your platform.
  8. Select a CMP from the list of fully integrated platforms.
  9. Click Use this CMP.
  10. To start your free trial with the CMP you select, you need to create an account using your Google Ads account email and website address.
  11. Select the language you want to show your banner in by default.
  12. Select the checkbox to confirm that when you create your account you confirm that you comply with the CMP’s policies. Google will share the email address associated with your Google account, the URL of the website where you will implement the CMP, your preferred language for corresponding with the CMP, and the language in which your new banner should be displayed on your website.
  13. Click, Create account.
  14. Click “Go to <CMP Name>” to verify the default banner settings, including the geographic locations where your banner will be shown, what it will say, and how it will appear.
  15. To install the tag on your site, copy the code in the box under “Install Manually” and place it into the <head> tag on every page of your website. For more information on implementing the CMP code, see below

Complete your CMP setup

Follow these steps you complete your setup if you don’t have access to publish the selected container

  1. If you don’t have access to publish the selected container, you can send the container’s administrator a link to your proposed change by clicking “Copy suggestion”
  2. Click, Get a link to your change request.
  3. You’ll need to email that copied link to the container's administrator. Make sure you let your administrator know to look for the email and complete the steps outlined.

Steps for your administrator to complete once you’ve sent the email request

  1. Your administrator will go to the account from the link you sent and verify the container that you’re making changes for is correct.
  2. Click View suggestions to review the changes and choose if you want to create a new workspace or use a select an existing workspace.
  3. Click Preview to review the changes you’ve made.
  4. Click Submit. Learn more about managing workspaces.

Implementing CMP code on your website

To ensure proper functioning of your consent banner:

  • Verify that the CMP code is implemented on all pages of your website
  • If you are implementing manually by copying and pasting the CMP code, verify that the CMP code is pasted immediately following the <head> tag near the top of the HTML code.
  • If you use a content management system such as WordPress, follow the instructions provided by your platform to implement the code in the <head> tag.
  • If you are using Google Tag Manager, ensure that your CMP’s tag is implemented on the “Consent Initialization” event and that all Google tags that depend on consent are implemented in the same Google Tag Manager container. Using separate containers is possible, but careful testing is needed to ensure that the container that loads the CMP consistently loads ahead of any other Tag Manager containers or Google tags.
  • Verify that all Google tags come after the CMP code on the page. If you use a content management system such as WordPress, you may need to adjust plugins or other settings in order to guarantee this. Contact your chosen CMP or your content management platform support for assistance.
  • Use Tag Assistant to verify your consent mode implementation
  • Do not modify the CMP code snippet
  • Do not paste the CMP code snippet into a word processor document. This can add extra formatting which will cause the consent banner not to function. If you need to email the code, paste it directly into the body of the email or into a plain text document.

Review your banner settings and finish CMP account setup

After implementing your banner manually or via Google Tag Manager, click “Go to <CMP Name>” above your CMP’s account details in your account to navigate to your CMP’s interface. Once there, double check your banner configuration to ensure it is set up the way you intend. You are responsible for making sure that your website complies with Google’s EU user consent policy (if relevant) and any regulations that apply to you. If you do not qualify for free service, you’ll also need to add payment info in order to keep your subscription active after your free trial expires.

Once you have confirmed your CMP’s settings, set a consent mode override to mark end-user consent as denied by default for all regions or specific regions based on where your consent banner will be displayed.

Learn more about Frequently asked questions about integrated CMP setup

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