Česta pitanja o SOS upozorenjima

  1. Što su SOS upozorenja?
  2. Kako Google odlučuje kada će prikazati SOS upozorenje?
  3. Koji su izvori sadržaja za SOS upozorenja?
  4. Kako mogu primati SOS upozorenja?
  5. Zašto mi se ne prikazuju SOS upozorenja?
  6. Kako se pružaju povratne informacije o sadržaju SOS upozorenja?
  7. Imam pitanje o donaciji.

Flood Forecasting Alerts FAQs

  1. About Flood Forecasting alerts
  2. How do the Flood Forecasting models work?
  3. How does Google decide when to show a Flood Forecasting alert?
  4. Who receives Flood Forecasting notifications?
  5. Turn off Flood Forecasting notifications
  6. When I search for “flood,” why don’t I always get a Flood Forecasting alert?
  7. Do Google’s Flood Forecasting alerts coordinate with local governmental alerts?

Global Flood Forecasting Alerts FAQs

  1. About Flood Forecasts
  2. How Flood Forecasts models work
  3. What data we use to generate flood forecasts models
  4. How Google decides when to show a Flood Forecast
  5. Who receives Flood Forecast notifications?
  6. Turn off Flood Forecasting notifications
  7. When you search for “flood” and you don’t find a Flood Forecast

Fire alert FAQs

  1. What are fire alerts?
  2. How can I find fire alerts?
  3. How does Google generate fire alerts?
  4. Who receives fire notifications?
  5. Turn off fire notifications
  6. When I search for “fires,” why don’t I always get a fire alert?

Česta pitanja o upozorenjima o pretjeranoj vrućini

  1. Što su upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini?
  2. Kako mogu pronaći upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini?
  3. Koje podatke Google upotrebljava za generiranje upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini?
  4. Kad pretražujem pojam "pretjerana vrućina", zašto se svaki put ne prikaže upozorenje o pretjeranoj vrućini?

Česta pitanja o SOS upozorenjima

  1. Što su SOS upozorenja?

    Cilj je SOS upozorenja učiniti podatke za hitne slučajeve dostupnijima tijekom prirodnih nepogoda ili kriznih situacija uzrokovanih ljudskim djelovanjem. Prikupljamo relevantan i vjerodostojan sadržaj s weba, društvenih medija i Googleovih proizvoda, a zatim te informacije ističemo na Googleovim proizvodima kao što su Pretraživanje i Karte. Ovisno o prirodi krizne situacije i vašoj lokaciji, prikazivat će se obavijesti lokalnih, državnih ili međunarodnih tijela. Te obavijesti mogu sadržavati hitne telefonske brojeve i web-lokacije, karte, prijevode korisnih fraza, prijedloge za donacije i još mnogo toga. 

  2. Kako Google odlučuje kada će prikazati SOS upozorenje?

    U obzir uzimamo brojne čimbenike, na primjer internetsku vezu na pogođenom području, dostupnost službenih sadržaja vlasti i drugih mjerodavnih organizacija i učinak na terenu. SOS upozorenja obično su dostupna na primarnim jezicima pogođenog područja, kao i na engleskom.  

    Iako ne možemo jamčiti da ćete vidjeti SOS upozorenja za sve veće krizne situacije, namjeravamo s vremenom proširiti njihovu dostupnost. Dodirnite vezu Povratne informacije na bilo kojem SOS upozorenju ako imate prijedloge za poboljšanje. Zahvalni smo vam na pomoći.

  3. Koji su izvori sadržaja za SOS upozorenja?

    U cijelom svijetu imamo timove koji prikupljaju sadržaje od tijela vlasti, hitnih službi, pouzdanih medija i nevladinih organizacija. Informacije prikupljamo i s drugih Googleovih proizvoda i usluga kao što su Google vijesti, Google karte, Waze i ostalo.
  4. Kako mogu primati SOS upozorenja?

    Ako se nalazite u blizini veće krizne situacije i pretražujete povezane riječi ili fraze na Googleu, možda ćete vidjeti natpis da je u tijeku krizna situacija, uz podatke i resurse za hitne slučajeve kao što su korisni prijevodi ili telefonski brojevi. Ako ste instalirali najnoviju verziju aplikacije Google (Android i iOS) i uključena vam je lokacija, možda ćete primiti obavijest i na početnom zaslonu mobilnog uređaja. Dodirnite tu obavijest da biste vidjeli cijelo upozorenje na Google pretraživanju.

    Ako niste na kriznom području, nećete dobiti obavijest, no možete pronaći SOS upozorenja pretražujući informacije o tom događaju. Informacije koje ćete vidjeti mogu se razlikovati od informacija prikazanih na kriznom području. Na primjer, umjesto telefonskih brojeva za hitne slučajeve, možda će vam se prikazati veza za doniranje za tu kriznu situaciju.

    Ako upotrebljavate Google karte, SOS upozorenja mogli biste vidjeti i izravno na karti ako su upozorenja aktivna na području koje pregledavate. Dodirnite ikonu kako biste dobili više informacija o kriznoj situaciji, na primjer korisne telefonske brojeve i web-lokacije.

  5. Zašto mi se ne prikazuju SOS upozorenja?

    Ako vam se tijekom krizne situacije ne prikazuje SOS upozorenje, to može biti zbog jednog od sljedećih razloga:

    • Vaš je upit za pretraživanje možda preširok. Za pretraživanje upotrijebite ključne riječi koje obuhvaćaju vrstu nepogode i naziv pogođenog područja. 
    • Možda i dalje prikupljamo i provjeravamo informacije prije objavljivanja SOS upozorenja. Provjeravajte ažuriranja tijekom krizne situacije. 
    • Možda ne planiramo objaviti SOS upozorenje za tu kriznu situaciju. Cilj nam je pružati SOS upozorenja za više vrsta kriznih situacija. U međuvremenu posjetite Googleov Twitter račun za krizne situacije da biste saznali kako još podržavamo pomoć u kriznim situacijama, uključujući donacije, volontiranje i prikupljanje satelitskih slika.
  6. Kako se pružaju povratne informacije o sadržaju SOS upozorenja?

    Dodirnite vezu Povratne informacije pri vrhu upozorenja da biste nam poslali svoje komentare o našem radu. Komentare i prijedloge pregledat ćemo čim to bude moguće. 
  7. Imam pitanje o donaciji.

    U ovom centru za pomoć saznajte više o doniranju neprofitnim organizacijama koje podržavaju pomoć i obnovu. 

Flood Forecasting Alerts FAQs

  1. About Flood Forecasting alerts

    People who live in flood-prone areas receive localized information from Flood Forecasts alerts. You get notifications of future events as these alerts are updated several times a day based on real-time data. You can also find flood forecast alerts on Google.

    To search for floods near you:

    1. On your device, turn on your location setting.
    2. Go to google.com.
    3. Search for flood.

    To search for floods in a specific location:

    1. Go to google.com.
    2. Search for floods and include the location.

    Currently, you can find flood forecasting alerts in:

    We support additional regions through our global flood model.

  2. How do the Flood Forecasting models work?

    To provide Flood Forecasting, we monitor historical and real-time water level measurements and precipitation forecasts. We use data that’s either publicly available or available to Google through partnerships with local governments. Based on this information, we run 2 main types of machine learning models:

    • Hydrologic models: Provides forecasts of river water levels for upcoming days.
    • Inundation models: Provides forecasts for the flood extent on the ground. This information tells us who to notify and helps us provide flood maps on Google Maps.

    Find more information about these models.

  3. How does Google decide when to show a Flood Forecasting alert?

    Google displays a Flood Forecasting alert when the water in a river is higher than a warning level or is expected to be higher than a warning level. Warning levels estimate when a river will flood and are usually based on historical flood events. Government agencies that manage floods provide warning levels to Google.

    Google Flood Forecasting alerts are updated several times a day, based on real-time local data. If an alert is no longer active, Google removes it from Search and Maps results.


  4. Who receives Flood Forecasting notifications?

    Once an upcoming flood is identified, Google sends notifications. Notifications go to people who have their smartphone location services turned on and who are located in the area that’s flooded or expected to flood. If you aren’t near an area that’s flooded or expected to flood, you won’t get a Google flood forecast notification.
  5. Turn off Flood Forecasting notifications

    You’ll find Flood Forecasting notifications as part of the Google Search Application notifications. On Android devices, it’s available as a system app. On iPhones and iPads, you can install the Google app from the Apple App Store.

    To turn off Flood Forecasting notifications, turn off “Crisis Alerts” notifications.

    If you are within a supported area, and search for a flooded area in a specific location via google search app, you’ll find a flood forecast in your Search page results. If your location services are turned on and you search for floods without a location specified, you’ll see a flood forecast if there’s flooding near you.

    Related Resources

  6. When I search for “flood,” why don’t I always get a Flood Forecasting alert?

    Your Search results depend on location. If you search for flood and include a specific location that’s flooded, you’ll find a flood forecasting alert in your results. If your location services are turned on and you search for flood without a location specified, you’ll get an alert only if there’s flooding near you.
  7. Do Google’s Flood Forecasting alerts coordinate with local governmental alerts?

    Google partners with the relevant government agencies in charge of flood monitoring and alerting. This ensures that Google displays alerts in coordination with governmental alerts that are released in other ways.

Global Flood Forecasting Alerts FAQs

  1. About Flood Forecasts

    People with smartphone devices receive notifications about these forecasts, if they’re located in supported areas that are expected to be flooded or are already flooded. You get notifications of future events as these forecasts are updated several times a day based on real-time data. You can also find flood forecasts on Google, in your area.

    To search for floods near you:

    1. On your device, turn on your location setting.
    2. Go to google.com.
    3. Search for floods.

    To search for floods in a specific location:

    1. Go to google.com.
    2. Search for floods and include the location.
  2. How Flood Forecasts models work

    To provide Flood Forecasts, we monitor:

    • Historical data
    • Precipitation forecasts
    • Satellite images

    Based on this information and publicly available data, we run 2 main types of machine learning models:

    • Hydrologic models: Provides forecasts of river water levels for upcoming days.
    • Inundation models: Provides forecasts for the flood extent on the ground. This information tells us who to notify and helps us provide flood maps on Google Maps.
  3. What data we use to generate flood forecasts models

    Flood Forecasts rely on various weather data sources, including:

    • ECMWF forecasts
    • CPC rain gauge measurements
    • IMERG precipitation
    • Modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2023]
    • HydroSheds: this product, Flood Forecasts, incorporates data from the HydroSHEDS version 1 database which is © World Wildlife Fund, Inc. (2006-2022) and has been used herein under license. WWF has not evaluated the data as altered and incorporated within Flood Forecasts, and therefore gives no warranty regarding its accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose. Portions of the HydroSHEDS v1 database incorporate data which are the intellectual property rights of © USGS (2006-2008), NASA (2000-2005), ESRI (1992-1998), CIAT (2004-2006), UNEP-WCMC (1993), WWF (2004), Commonwealth of Australia (2007), and Her Royal Majesty and the British Crown and are used under license. The HydroSHEDS v1 database and more information are available at https://www.hydrosheds.org. The scientific citation for the HydroSHEDS version 1 database is: Lehner, B., Verdin, K., Jarvis, A. (2008): New global hydrography derived from spaceborne elevation data. Eos, Transactions, AGU, 89(10): 93-94. 

    For more information, go to How Flood Forecasts models work.

  4. How Google decides when to show a Flood Forecast

    When water in a river is higher than a warning level or expected to be higher, Google displays a Flood Forecast. Warning levels estimate when a river will flood and are usually based on historical flood events.

    Google Flood Forecasts are updated daily based on the most up-to-date meteorological data available.

    If a forecast is no longer active, Google removes it from Search results and Maps.

  5. Who receives Flood Forecast notifications?

    Flood Forecasts are published based on data that meets a high accuracy bar. Notifications are sent only for Flood Forecasts with an even higher confidence bar.

    Notifications go to people who have their smartphone location services turned on, have installed the Google Search application and who are located in supported areas that are flooded or expected to flood. If you aren’t near a supported area that’s flooded or expected to flood, you won’t get a Google flood forecast notification.

  6. Turn off Flood Forecasting notifications

    You’ll find Flood Forecasting notifications as part of the Google Search Application notifications. On Android devices, it’s available as a system app. On iPhones and iPads, you can install the Google app from the Apple App Store.

    To turn off Flood Forecasting notifications, in the app notifications settings, turn off “Crisis Alerts.”

    If you are within a supported area, and search for a flooded area in a specific location via google search app, you’ll find a flood forecast in your Search page results. If your location services are turned on and you search for floods without a location specified, you’ll see a flood forecast if there’s flooding near you.

  7. When you search for “flood” and you don’t find a Flood Forecast

    We provide flood forecasts for several regions in a selection of countries and we work to expand our support globally.

    • If you don’t receive an alert and you’re near a flooded area: You may be located in an area we don’t have data for yet.
    • If you search for a flooded area in a specific location and you’re within a supported area: You’ll find flood forecast in your Search page results.
    • If your location services are turned on and you search for floods without a location specified: If there’s a flood near you, you’ll find a flood forecast.

Fire alert FAQs

  1. What are fire alerts?

    Fires alerts provide fire boundary info and safety tips to help users protect themselves around fire areas.

    Important: Fire impacted areas are approximate and provided for informational purposes only. Check official sources for more information.

  2. How can I find fire alerts?

    To search for fire alerts near you:

    1. On your device, turn on location services.
    2. Go to google.com.
    3. Search for "fire"
      • To find fire alerts in a specific location, include the location in your search.
  3. How does Google generate fire alerts?

    We generate fire alerts with a deep learning model that tracks fire boundaries with real-time satellite imagery. The model is based on superresolution image fusion of hyperspectral imagery from third-party satellites like:

  4. Who receives fire notifications?

    Once a fire is identified, Google sends notifications. Notifications go to people who have their smartphone location services turned on and who are located in the area that’s near a fire. If you aren’t near a fire, you won’t get a Google fire notification.

  5. Turn off fire notifications

    You’ll find fire notifications as part of the Google Search Application notifications. On Android devices, it’s available as a system app. On iPhones and iPads, you can install the Google app from the Apple App Store.

    To turn off fire notifications, turn off “Crisis Alerts” notifications.

  6. When I search for “fires,” why don’t I always get a fire alert?

    Here are some reasons you may not find a fire alert when you search:

    • We may not support your location yet. We're working to expand our global support.
    • The fire may be too small to detect with satellites.
    • The fire was extinguished before it was detected by a satellite.
    • Clouds obscured the satellite view.
    • There's a temporary technical issue with the satellite data.
    • Your location services are turned off and your search doesn't have a location specified.
    • There isn’t a fire in your area.

Česta pitanja o upozorenjima o pretjeranoj vrućini

  1. Što su upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini?

    Google prikazuje upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini u sljedećim slučajevima:

    • Kombinacija temperature i vlage smatra se opasnom za ljudsko tijelo (u skladu s pragom opasnosti od NWS-ovog indeksa vrućine).
    • Vrućina je viša od uobičajene za tu lokaciju u usporedbi s prethodnim godinama.
    • Prekomjerni toplinski uvjeti traju najmanje dva uzastopna dana.

    Ta upozorenja sadrže i sljedeće informacije:

    Uvidi i relevantni podaci o vremenu kao što su:

    Važno: upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini predstavljaju samo procjenu i služe samo u informativne svrhe. Više informacija potražite u službenim izvorima.

  2. Kako mogu pronaći upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini?

    Da biste pretražili upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini u blizini:

    1. Na uređaju uključite usluge lokacije.
    2. Otvorite google.com.
    3. Pretražite pojam "pretjerana vrućina".
      • Da biste pronašli upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini na određenoj lokaciji, u upit za pretraživanje uključite lokaciju.
    Ako otkrijemo upozorenje o pretjeranoj vrućini u vašoj blizini ili u blizini odabrane lokacije, upozorenje o pretjeranoj vrućini prikazat će se na web-lokaciji google.com.
  3. Koje podatke Google upotrebljava za generiranje upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini?

    Za prognoze i povijesne podatke oslanjamo se na podatke o vremenu.
  4. Kad pretražujem pojam "pretjerana vrućina", zašto se svaki put ne prikaže upozorenje o pretjeranoj vrućini?

    Evo nekih razloga zbog kojih možda nećete dobiti upozorenje o pretjeranoj vrućini prilikom pretraživanja:

    • Prema trenutačnim definicijama možda neće biti pretjerana vrućina na vašem području. Saznajte više o upozorenjima o pretjeranoj vrućini.
    • Temperatura i vlaga u vašem području možda nisu ekstremne u usporedbi s prethodnim godinama. 
    • Još ne podržavamo tu lokaciju. Radimo na proširivanju globalne podrške. 

    Savjet: ako su vaše usluge lokacije uključene dok pretražujete pojam "pretjerana vrućina", prikazat će vam se upozorenja o pretjeranoj vrućini za vaše područje. Da biste pretraživali za neku drugu lokaciju, dodajte je upitu za pretraživanje.

Glavni izbornik
Pretraži Centar za pomoć