
Willkommen in der Search Ads 360-Hilfe, einer Plattform zur Verwaltung von Suchmaschinenmarketing-Kampagnen.  Die Hilfe ist öffentlich verfügbar. Das Produkt Search Ads 360 steht jedoch nur angemeldeten Kunden mit Abo zur Verfügung. Um ein Abo abzuschließen oder weitere Hilfe zu erhalten, wenden Sie sich an unser Vertriebsteam.

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Customer support handbook

Purchase order numbers

Search Ads 360 allows you to set purchase order numbers for each advertiser in your agency. Purchase order numbers are used to associate a particular invoice with a unique identifier, which is useful in billing. When set, your purchase order will appear in the advertiser line of your invoice, like in the example below:

Image showing two purchase order numbers, outlined in red, in an invoice.

You can use any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters in your purchase order number. Your purchase order number will not be editable when Search Ads 360 is creating invoices, typically from 3 days before the end of the month to the first day of the next month. Outside of this period, you can edit your purchase order number freely.

Create or edit a purchase order number

All users can view purchase order numbers, but only agency and advertiser managers can edit purchase order numbers.

  1. Navigate to an advertiser.

    Steps for navigating to an advertiser
    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    2. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser.

    4. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts.

  2. In the left navigation panel, click Advertiser settings.
    Don't see Advertiser settings? Only Search Ads 360 agency managers or advertiser managers can see "Advertiser settings" in the left navigation panel. 
  3. Under "Search Ads 360 Advertiser Settings", click Purchase order.
  4. Enter or edit your purchase order number.
  5. Click Save.

Report on purchase order numbers

You can report on purchase order numbers, or view purchase order numbers across advertisers, by adding the purchase order column to your agency-level reporting table.

To add the purchase order column:

  1. Navigate to an agency.
  2. Above the performance summary graph, click the Columns button to display the column selection tool.
  3. In the search box, search for "purchase order".
  4. Click the + next to "Purchase order".
  5. Click Save.

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