
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Create a Microsoft Shopping Campaign

Before you can create a Microsoft Shopping Campaign in Search Ads 360, you should:

Microsoft Shopping campaigns can target users in countries around the world. However, your Google Merchant Center inventory feed must use a feed label to specify the two-letter country code of the country targeted by the feed.

Feed label replaced the "Country of sale" settings in Google Merchant Center feeds.

  • Shopping campaigns created in Search Ads 360: Use a feed label that specifies the target country for any new campaigns you create. Feed label helps Search Ads 360 to target your ads to the target country.
  • Shopping campaigns created in Google Ads and synced to Search Ads 360: Product-level reporting isn't available for Google Merchant Center feeds with a blank feed label or a feed label containing anything other than a two-letter country code. Learn how to Use feed labels to advertise products from specific feeds.

Create a Microsoft Shopping Campaign

  1. In Search Ads 360, navigate to a Microsoft Advertising engine account.
    Steps for navigating to an engine account
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the "Account" list, click on the engine account.

    6. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the engine account page.

  2. Click the Campaigns tab.
  3. Above the reporting table, click New▼ and then click Shopping campaign.
  4. In the campaign editor, name the campaign.
    Campaign names are case-sensitive in Search Ads 360.
  5. Enter Microsoft Shopping Campaign settings.
  6. Click Save.
    The new campaign appears in the reporting table of existing campaigns.
  7. Click the campaign name to view the automatically created ad group.
    The ad group that Search Ads 360 creates for the shopping campaign appears in the ad groups reporting table and has the same name as the shopping campaign.
  8. Click the ad group name.
    The ad group contains a product group with all of the products from your inventory feed.
  9. Enter the Microsoft Advertising ad group settings.


Settings for a Microsoft Shopping Campaign


Budgets and Dates

Enter either a daily or monthly budget as you would for a manual campaign.


Inventory account

The inventory list contains all the Google Merchant Center accounts that you have linked with Search Ads 360. Be sure to select an account that includes a Microsoft Merchant Center store ID.

Country of sale

Microsoft Shopping Campaigns and product ads are available only in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, India, and Canada.

This setting defines which products from your Merchant Center inventory are advertised in this campaign. It filters products based on the target country of the feed containing those products.

Campaign priority

If you have multiple shopping campaigns advertising the same product, this setting determines which campaign (and its associated bid) will be used when ads for these products show.
By default, all shopping campaigns are set to Low campaign priority. To change, select Medium or High, depending on how you choose to prioritize this campaign over other shopping campaigns with the same products.

Inventory filter

Use this setting to limit the products you want to advertise in your shopping campaign based on the Google Merchant Center product attributes you choose.
By default, the inventory filter is set to None - use all products in country of sale (recommended). To change, select Create custom filter.

  1. Select the attribute and corresponding value of the products you want to include in your shopping campaign.
  2. Add more as needed (up to 7 attribute filters).

Bid strategy

Bidding strategy

Choose a Search Ads 360 bid strategy to optimize keyword bids to display the products.

If you select a bid strategy with a conversions or revenue goal, it can also set or recommend mobile bid adjustments and, in a shopping campaign, can automatically subdivide or adapt product groups.

Automatically add product groups

Search Ads 360 can monitor your Merchant Center feed and automatically subdivide product groups by the product ID attribute using criteria that you define in a conversion goal or Search Ads 360 bid strategy. The goal specifies the conversions that are relevant to your shopping campaign and instructs Search Ads 360 to create new groups using one of the following criteria:

  • Create new groups for products that generate similar amounts of revenue
    (along with a similar number of clicks and conversion rate)
  • Create new groups for products that generate a similar number of conversions
    (along with a similar number of clicks)
How bids are set on adapted product groups

A conversion goal uses Floodlight or Google Analytics conversions to set only the initial bid for adapted product groups. You can then manually change the bid for the adapted product group.

A bid strategy uses Floodlight, Google Analytics, or Google Ads conversions to continually adjust bids for adapted product groups.

Apply a bid strategy to the campaign

  1. Under Bid strategy, click the arrow to display the list, and then select one of the following settings:

    • Manual bidding
    • A specific bid strategy
    • Create new bid strategy
  2. Optional. Select the Device bid adjustments check box in the bid strategy settings:
    1. Under Device bid adjustments, select the Edit optimization settings check box.
    2. In the Bid strategy editor, select the Device bid adjustments check box.
    3. Click Save bid strategy.
    Bing Shopping Campaign Bid strategy settings in campaign editor. Mobile bid adjustments check box selected. And under Adaptive settings, Product groups check box selected.
    If you don't select the Device bid adjustments check box, the bid strategy will only recommend device bid adjustments.
  3. Optional. Let Search Ads 360 automatically subdivide product groups

    If you select a bid strategy with a conversions or revenue goal, Search Ads 360 can automatically create product groups for product IDs that receive a lot of traffic.

    1. Under Adaptive settings, select the Product groups check box. 
    2. If you want to receive an email message each time Search Ads 360 creates a new product group, select the Notify me by email when entities are created check box.
  4. If you're done making changes to the campaign's settings, click Save.

Campaign goal

If you select a Search Ads 360 manual bidding strategy, you can select a conversion goal for the campaign. A conversion goal sets or recommends mobile bid adjustments and, in a shopping campaign, can automatically subdivide or adapt product groups.

Automatically add product groups

Search Ads 360 can monitor your Merchant Center feed and automatically subdivide product groups by the product ID attribute using criteria that you define in a conversion goal or Search Ads 360 bid strategy. The goal specifies the conversions that are relevant to your shopping campaign and instructs Search Ads 360 to create new groups using one of the following criteria:

  • Create new groups for products that generate similar amounts of revenue
    (along with a similar number of clicks and conversion rate)
  • Create new groups for products that generate a similar number of conversions
    (along with a similar number of clicks)
How bids are set on adapted product groups

A conversion goal uses Floodlight or Google Analytics conversions to set only the initial bid for adapted product groups. You can then manually change the bid for the adapted product group.

A bid strategy uses Floodlight, Google Analytics, or Google Ads conversions to continually adjust bids for adapted product groups.

Learn more about adaptive product groups.

Let the conversion goal set device bid adjustments and subdivide product groups

  1. Under Bidding strategy, click the arrow ▼ to display the list, and then select Manual bidding.
  2. Under Campaign goal, select or create a conversion goal.
  3. Under Bid adjustments, select the Device bid adjustments check box if you want the goal to set the bid adjustments.

    Bing Shopping Campaign Campaign goal section in campaign editor settings. Mobile bid adjustments check box selected and under Adaptive settings, Product groups and Notify me by email when entities are created check boxes are selected.
    If you don't select the check box, the conversion goal will only recommend the device bid adjustments.
  4. To automatically add product groups from existing product groups, under Adaptive settings, select the Product groups check box.
  5. If you want to receive an email message each time Search Ads 360 creates a new product group, select the Notify me by email when entities are created check box.
  6. If you're done making changes to the campaign's settings, click Save.



Enter values for the geographic locations that you want to target or exclude with your shopping campaign. If you're targeting a location, you can also specify a bid adjustment.

You also have the option to specify bid adjustments to target mobile devices and tablets as you would for a Microsoft Advertising manual campaign.

URL Template

URL Template

If you have set the Landing Page URL details for the engine account, you can set specify a URL template for the campaign.

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