
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Copy campaigns

Microsoft Advertising destination

Copying from Google Ads to Microsoft Advertising

When Search Ads 360 creates new campaigns, ad groups, ads, keywords, and negative keywords as part of a copy operation, only some of the settings are copied from the source campaign, as described below. (See the list of settings you can update in existing copies.)

Campaign settings for Microsoft Advertising

If the destination engine account doesn't already contain a campaign with the same name, Search Ads 360 creates a new campaign and copies the settings listed below.

Some Google Ads settings may have different names or require Search Ads 360 to make adjustments in the destination campaign.

Google Ads source Microsoft Advertising destination campaign settings



Daily budget

Daily budget:

  • When needed, Search Ads 360 converts daily budget to the currency of the destination engine
  • If the daily budget is below the Microsoft Advertising minimum value (USD$0.05), Search Ads 360 sets the Microsoft Advertising minimum value.

Ad delivery method

Budget type

Start date and End date

Campaigns in Microsoft Advertising do not specify start and end dates:

  • Search Ads 360 copies the start and end dates specified in the source to each ad group in the destination Microsoft Advertising campaign.
  • If the start or end date in the source is in the past, Search Ads 360 uses today's date in the destination campaign.

Keyword matching

Not applicable to Microsoft Advertising campaigns.

Location targets

Location targets:

  • Country

  • Region

  • City

Note that Search Ads 360 does not copy metro targets to Microsoft Advertising campaigns.

For the other types of location targets, Search Ads 360 changes the geo codes used by Google Ads into the equivalent geo codes used by Microsoft Advertising whenever possible. When Microsoft Advertising doesn't have an equivalent geo code, the action Search Ads takes depends on whether the code is used to include or exclude the target.

Inclusive targeting: If a Google Ads code would cause the Microsoft Advertising campaign to include a larger area than the source Google Ads campaign, Search Ads 360 does not copy the code. Search Ads 360 pauses the Microsoft Advertising campaign and outputs a message in the result bulksheet.

If a Google Ads code would cause the Microsoft Advertising campaign to include a smaller area than the source Google Ads campaign, Search Ads 360 copies the code and outputs a message in the result bulksheet. Search Ads 360 does not pause the Microsoft Advertising campaign.

Exclusive targeting: If a Google Ads code would cause the Microsoft Advertising campaign to exclude a smaller area than the source Google Ads campaign, Search Ads 360 does not copy the code. Search Ads 360 pauses the Microsoft Advertising campaign and outputs a message in the result bulksheet.

If a Google Ads code would cause the Microsoft Advertising campaign to exclude a larger area than the source Google Ads campaign, Search Ads 360 copies the code and outputs a message in the result bulksheet. Search Ads 360 does not pause the Microsoft Advertising campaign.

Search Ads 360 only copies location targets into new campaigns. Search Ads 360 does not update location targets in any existing campaign copies.


Campaigns in Microsoft Advertising do not specify a language target. Instead, Search Ads 360 copies the language target specified in the source campaign to each ad group in the destination Microsoft Advertising campaign.

If you copy a Google Ads campaign that targets multiple languages to Microsoft Advertising engine accounts, Search Ads 360 chooses one of those languages and specifies it for each ad group in a Microsoft Advertising campaign, and pauses the campaign. It isn't possible to specify or predict which language Search Ads 360 chooses. You can manually change the language of the destination campaign.


Not applicable to Microsoft Advertising campaigns.

Mobile bid adjustment

Mobile bid adjustment

Note that Microsoft Advertising mobile device bid adjustments can range from -100% to +900%. Google Ads bid adjustments can't be set from -91% to -99%. If you want to use bid adjustments from -91% to -99% in destination campaigns, you will need to manually set the bid adjustment after the copy operation completes.

Decreasing bids by 100% will disable mobile bids.

Tablet bid adjustment

Tablet bid adjustment


Note that Microsoft Advertising mobile device bid adjustments can range from -100% to +900%. Google Ads bid adjustments can't be set from -91% to -99%. If you want to use bid adjustments from -91% to -99% in destination campaigns, you will need to manually set the bid adjustment after the copy operation completes.

Decreasing bids by 100% will disable mobile bids.

Desktop bid adjustment

Desktop bid adjustment


Note that Microsoft Advertising mobile device bid adjustments can range from -100% to +900%. Google Ads bid adjustments can't be set from -91% to -99%. If you want to use bid adjustments from -91% to -99% in destination campaigns, you will need to manually set the bid adjustment after the copy operation completes.

Decreasing bids by 100% will disable mobile bids.


URL Template

URL Template



If you change the status of a source campaign to Removed, it isn’t updated in the destination. You are required to manually set the destination campaign to removed.



Google Ads' account-level extension setting isn't copied to Microsoft Advertising. Instead, the sitelink is applied to the campaign. You can manually convert the sitelinks into account-level sitelinks.

The following settings are not copied to the destination campaign:

  • Bid strategy

  • Labels

  • Custom parameters 
     Search Ads 360 cannot view or manage custom parameters in this type of engine account. If you sign into the engine and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into Search Ads 360, but Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The engine will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix
    You can manually copy parameters from a Final URL Suffix to a URL Template in the destination campaign.
  • Ad rotation
Ad group settings for Microsoft Advertising

If the destination campaign doesn't already contain an ad group with the same name as a source ad group, Search Ads 360 creates a new ad group and copies settings listed below.

Some Google Ads settings may have different names or require Search Ads 360 to make adjustments in the destination ad group.

Google Ads source Microsoft Advertising destination ad group settings



Default search CPC

Search bid

Mobile bid adjustment

Mobile bid adjustment

Note that Microsoft Advertising mobile device bid adjustments can range from -100% to +900%. Google Ads bid adjustments can't be set from -91% to -99%. If you want to use bid adjustments from -91% to -99% in destination campaigns, you will need to manually set the bid adjustment after the copy operation completes.

Decreasing bids by 100% will disable mobile bids.

Tablet bid adjustment

Tablet bid adjustment

Note that Microsoft Advertising mobile device bid adjustments can range from -100% to +900%. Google Ads bid adjustments can't be set from -91% to -99%. If you want to use bid adjustments from -91% to -99% in destination campaigns, you will need to manually set the bid adjustment after the copy operation completes.

Decreasing bids by 100% will disable mobile bids.

Desktop bid adjustment Not applicable to Microsoft Advertising ad groups.

URL Template

URL Template



The following settings are not copied to the destination ad group:

  • Bid strategy

  • Labels

  • Custom parameters 
     Search Ads 360 cannot view or manage custom parameters in this type of engine account. If you sign into the engine and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into Search Ads 360, but Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The engine will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix
    You can manually copy parameters from a Final URL Suffix to a URL Template in the destination campaign.


Ad settings for Microsoft Advertising

If a destination ad group doesn't already contain an expanded text ad with the same name as the source ad group, Search Ads creates a new ad. For Google Ads settings that aren't available in Microsoft Advertising—or that are available under different names—Search Ads 360 makes adjustments as described below.

Any expanded text ads in the source ad group are copied into the destination as expanded text ads.

The copy operation doesn't copy standard text ads because Microsoft Advertising ended support for creating and editing standard text ads on July 31, 2017.

Microsoft Advertising will continue to serve standard text ads and Search Ads 360 will continue to report metrics for your standard text ads. 

Soon, you’ll no longer be able to create or edit expanded text ads in your Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo! Japan Ads campaigns. The engines will continue to serve expanded text ads, and you'll still see reports on their performance going forward.

We strongly encourage you to transition to responsive search ads in your campaigns and ad builder and inventory management templates.

Expanded text ads

Google Ads source Microsoft Advertising destination expanded text ad settings

Ad name

Ad name



Description line 1

Description line 1

Destination URL

Destination URL

Path 1
Path 2

Path 1
Path 2

URL Template URL Template



The following settings are not copied to the destination ad:

  • Labels

  • Custom parameters 
     Search Ads 360 cannot view or manage custom parameters in this type of engine account. If you sign into the engine and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into Search Ads 360, but Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The engine will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix
    You can manually copy parameters from a Final URL Suffix to a URL Template in the destination campaign.


Duplicate ads

Duplicate ads in a Google Ads source campaign aren't copied to a Microsoft Advertising destination campaign. That is, if a Google Ads source campaign contains duplicate ads, only one of the ads is copied to the Microsoft Advertising destination campaign. 


Keyword settings

If a destination ad group doesn't already contain a keyword with the same name and match type as the source ad group, Search Ads 360 creates a new keyword and copies the settings listed below. That is, if the destination ad group doesn't already have the exact same keyword, Search Ads 360 will create a new keyword in the destination ad group.


Google Ads source Microsoft Advertising destination keyword settings



Microsoft Advertising and Google Ads have slightly different rules for determining whether keywords are duplicates. For example, shoe and Shoe (initial-capped) are considered to be duplicates in Microsoft Advertising but not in Google Ads.

As a result, you may see errors after a copy operation regarding duplicate keywords in Microsoft Advertising. When this occurs, one of the duplicate keywords will be successfully trafficked to Microsoft Advertising, but the others will not appear in the engine account.

Match type

Match type

Minimum bid

Minimum bid

Maximum bid

Maximum bid

URL Template

URL Template

Landing page URL

Landing page URL
If the Google Ads keyword doesn't specify a landing page URL, the new keyword in the destination campaign will not have a landing page URL (just like the original).

URL parameters

URL parameters



The following settings are not copied to the destination keyword:

  • Bid strategy

  • Labels

  • Membership in a landing page test

  • Custom parameters 
     Search Ads 360 cannot view or manage custom parameters in this type of engine account. If you sign into the engine and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into Search Ads 360, but Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The engine will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix
    You can manually copy parameters from a Final URL Suffix to a URL Template in the destination campaign.


Negative keyword settings for Microsoft Advertising

If a destination campaign or ad group doesn't already contain a negative keyword with the same name (and match type in Google Ads) as the source, Search Ads 360 creates a new negative keyword and Search Ads 360 copies the settings listed below.

Because Microsoft Advertising does not support negative keywords with the broad match type, Search Ads 360 does not copy them into Microsoft Advertising campaigns or ad groups. Instead, the match type for broad-match negative keywords is changed to phrase when copying to Microsoft Advertising. Search Ads 360 does include negative keywords with the broad match type when copying to Google Ads.

Google Ads source Microsoft Advertising destination



Match type

Match type

For any broad-match negative keywords, Search Ads changes the match type to phrase in Microsoft Advertising.



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