
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Create and report on Google Ads call extensions

Create and apply call extensions using bulksheets

The overall process for creating and applying call extensions is:

  1. Download an editable bulksheet that contains the campaigns or ad groups you want to apply the call extensions to.
  2. In the downloaded bulksheet, create call extensions:
    1. Add columns for creating call extensions, including a special Row tag column that you use to assign a temporary ID to each call extension.
    2. Add rows and enter information for each call extension.
  3. Paste a call extension's temporary ID into a campaign or ad-group row.
  4. Upload the bulksheet.

Download a bulksheet with campaigns and ad groups

Download an editable bulksheet that contains the campaigns and ad groups you want to apply the call extensions to:

  1. Navigate to a Google Ads engine account.

    Steps for navigating to an engine account
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the "Account" list, click on the engine account.

    6. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the engine account page.

  2. Click the Campaigns or Ad groups tab.
  3. Optionally use a filter to display only the campaigns or ad groups you want to apply the call extensions to.
  4. Click the download icon , which appears above the reporting table and make the following selections in the download panel:
    • Scope: Current selection in table
    • Columns: Editable columns (for re-upload)
    • Include types: Campaigns or Ad groups
    • Filters: Include rows with no impressions
  5. Click Download.

    Search Ads 360 generates the report and either downloads the file to your browser's download directory or sends an email, depending on the delivery option you selected.

    If you selected to download a report and the report is very large, it may take a while for Search Ads 360 to generate the report. You can still use Search Ads 360 while the report is generating. A status bar indicates the progress of the report generation. When it's complete, a Download link appears in the status bar. Click the link to download the report.

Create call extensions

In the downloaded bulksheet:

  1. Add columns for creating call extensions.
    You can insert these before or after the other columns that are already in the bulksheet—the order of columns doesn't matter.
  2. Add a row for each call extension. In each call extension's row:
    1. In the Row type column, enter Call extension.
    2. In the Action column, enter create.

    3. Enter information in all of the call-extension columns.

Bulksheet columns for creating call extensions

  • Call phone number: Enter the phone number you want to ring when a customer calls. This is also the number that appears in ads unless you enter On in Call Tracked.
  • Call country code: Enter the Google Ads geo code for the country where your business phone number is based. For example, if your phone number is in the United Kingdom, enter GB.
  • Call only: Enter On if you want ads on mobile devices to display the call extension's phone number instead of your website address.

    If you want ads on mobile devices to include both the phone number and a website address, enter Off.

    This column affects only mobile devices; on tablets and desktop or laptop computers, your clickable headline could still appear along with your phone number.

  • Call tracked: (Applicable only if you enter On in Call only.) Enter On to enable conversion tracking for this call extension. Google Ads will automatically generate and display a Google forwarding number.

    If you don't want to use conversion tracking, enter Off.

  • Call conversion tracker: (Applicable only if you enter On in Call only.) To use a custom conversion action that you've created in Google Ads and synced into Search Ads 360, enter the name that you specified for the conversion action in Google Ads.

    To use the default conversion action, which considers all calls over 60 seconds to be a conversion, leave this cell empty. If an existing call extension is currently using a custom action and you want to return to the default, enter remove_content.

    Even though Google Ads calls the default conversion action Calls from ads, do not enter Calls from ads in this column if you want to use the default. If you entered Calls from ads, Google Ads would look for a custom conversion action named "Calls from ads" instead of using the default custom action.

  • Extension mobile preference:

    Enter Mobile if this call extension is preferred over other call extensions when people see your ad on mobile devices.

    Enter All to give equal preference for all device types.

    If the ad group contains only call extensions set to Mobile (not recommended), the extension may also appear on desktop and laptop computers and tablets.

  • Row tag: Enter a temporary identifier for the new call extension. The identifier needs to be unique within the bulksheet, but because it is not stored in Search Ads 360, it can be reused in a different bulksheet to create other call extensions.
    Note: The row tag can include alphanumeric characters and _(underscores), but cannot include wildcard characters such as @ or *. The row tag can start with upper or lower case letters or an _ (underscore). For example,
    • _call_ext_4 is a valid row tag.
    • 4_call_ext_@ is not a valid row tag.

Add row tags to the campaign and ad group rows

To apply a new call extension to a campaign or ad group, copy the extension's row tag to the campaign's or ad group's Call extension column.

To apply an existing call extension to a campaign or ad group, copy the ID that Search Ads 360 has assigned to the extension into the campaign's or ad group's Call extension column. You can find the ID by adding the ID column to the Call extensions tab.

If you downloaded ad groups, you can enter either of the following in the Call extension column instead of entering a row tag:

  • (inherited) - Inherits all call extensions from the campaign. This is the default value.
  • (disabled) - Prevents all ads in the ad group from displaying any call extensions.

Upload the bulksheet

After you've updated the bulksheet, save it and upload the bulksheet to Search Ads 360.


Here's an example of creating a call extension and applying it to a campaign. (To save space, not all of the required columns are displayed here.)

Row type Action Campaign Account Call extensions Call phone number Call country code Row tag
Call extension create       555-867-5309 US call_ext_1
campaign edit Campaign #1 Account #1 call_ext_1      

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