
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Create or copy an executive report

You can create an executive report from scratch or by copying and changing an existing report.

To create an executive report from scratch:

  1. From the top navigation bar in Search Ads 360, click Executive Reports.

  2. Click Create report on the Reports page.

  3. In the Create new report popup:

    1. Give the report a title.
      This is the title that will display on the Reports page. You can also search for this report by its title.

    2. Select the checkbox next to each agency whose data you want in the report.

    3. Select the checkbox next to each advertiser whose data you want in the report.

      If you have permission to access all advertisers in an agency and you want your report to contain data from all of the advertisers, you can leave the Advertisers list empty. That is, if you don't select any advertisers, your report will contain data from all advertisers.

      If you leave the list empty, when new advertisers are added, your report will automatically contain data from them.

      If instead you select all advertisers that are currently in the list, the report will not automatically contain data from new advertisers. You'll need to explicitly edit the report settings and select the new advertisers.

      If you want to segment a report using business data, select only one advertiser.

    4. Select the checkbox next to each account whose data you want in the report.

      Similar to the advertisers list, if you don't select any accounts from the Accounts list, your report will contain data from all accounts. When the advertiser adds new accounts, your report will automatically contain data from the new accounts.

      Notice some data discrepancies?

      • Executive reports always include data for removed engine accounts, campaigns, keywords, and other objects as well as objects that have not been removed. By default, the detailed reporting tables in Search Ads 360 do not include data for removed objects. Unless you display removed objects in Search Ads 360 reporting tables, your executive reports might show higher results than the detailed reporting tables.
      • If your executive report includes a formula column, you may also notice a discrepancy between the totals reported in the scorecard below the performance summary graph in the reporting table and the same column in the executive report. The difference occurs because the executive report displays the formula column total for the advertiser before totaling data. The scorecard displays the sum of the objects within the current scope. For example, on the Campaigns tab, the scorecard displays the sum for the campaigns. On the Engine accounts tab, the scorecard displays the sum for the engine accounts.
      • Google Ads conversions such as calls from ads and store visits aren't included in executive reports unless you create a formula column that includes the conversions and then select the formula column as one of the metrics in the executive report.
      • Impression share metrics aren't available for use in executive reports.
    5. Optionally change the currency.

    6. Optionally, change the setting to use the labels that are applied to ad groups or campaigns to run the report faster.
      Use labels on drop-down list with ad groups highlighted.

      The Generate reports faster setting doesn't impact reports with business data.
    7. Click Create.
      An empty report displays with a single tab named Page.

  4. Optionally rename the Page  tab:

    1. Click the name of the tab.
      Or, click ▾ (down arrow) next to current name of the tab (Page) and select Rename.

      Click a tab title to rename the tab.
    2. Type a new name and press Enter.

  5. Click Add chart to add a chart.
    You can add as many charts to a report as you need. If you add more than a few, consider adding pages to the report and placing thematically similar charts on each page.

Copy an existing report

Instead of starting from scratch, you can copy and edit an existing report. The steps are different depending on how you copy the report.

Copy a report from the report list

  1. From the top navigation bar in Search Ads 360, click Executive Reports.

  2. Select the checkbox for the report you want to copy.

  3. Click Copy in the toolbar above the report list.

Search Ads 360 copies the report and opens the new version named, Copy of original report, where original report is the title of the original report. If you copy more than one report, the copies aren't opened.

Copy a report when viewing an existing report

  1. Open an existing report:

    1. From the top navigation bar in Search Ads 360, click Executive Reports.

    2. Click on a report title.

  2. Click Copy report in the toolbar above the report.

    Search Ads 360 copies the report and titles the new report Copy of original report, where original report is the title of the original report.

  3. Search Ads 360 asks if you want to navigate to the new report or stay in the current, original report. Click one of the following:

    • Yes, go to new report to navigate to the new report.

    • No, stay here to stay in the current report.

Having trouble accessing executive reports?

While Search Ads 360 supports Internet Explorer, we recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox with Search Ads 360. Please note that we only support the latest version of your browser. If you're having problems accessing Search Ads 360, downloading reports, or accessing executive reports, check your browser extensions to make sure they're not blocking access. Also check your ad blocker because it might block certain Search Ads 360 features.

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