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Schedule syncs with external accounts

While changes that you make in Google Ads accounts are automatically visible in the new Search Ads 360 experience, changes that you make in other types of external accounts such as Microsoft Advertising need to be synced into Search Ads 360. You can manually sync each time you make a change in an external account or schedule syncs to occur daily.

To schedule a sync for one or more accounts:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a manager account.
  3. On the left page menu, click Settings, and then click Sub-account settings.
  4. Select the tick box next to one or more client accounts in the account tree.
    To filter the account tree to show only the types of accounts that you want to sync, click the filter icon and add a filter.

    Missing accounts?

    If you see Hierarchy view above the account tree, you're using the hierarchy view and are only seeing manager accounts. To see client accounts, turn off hierarchy view or click an account name in the tree. Learn how accounts are linked to your manager account.

  1. Click Sync, which appears in the edit panel above the account tree.
  2. In the Sync panel, select Daily schedule.
  3. Select the time and time zone for the sync to start every day.
    If a client account uses a different time zone, Search Ads 360 will convert the scheduled time into the account's time zone. For example, if you select 4.00 a.m. New York time when you schedule a sync, accounts that use Los Angeles time will sync at 4.00 a.m. New York time/1.00 a.m. Los Angeles time.
  4. Click Apply.

The schedule takes effect immediately. For example, if it’s currently 9.00 a.m. and you schedule a sync for 10.00 a.m., the first scheduled sync will start today at 10.00 a.m.

Don't modify existing campaigns, ad groups, keywords or other items in the Search Ads 360 account while the account is syncing. These changes could be lost or overwritten. You can work in other accounts that are not being synced.

The Sync status column in account tree indicates if a sync is in progress.

View the sync schedule for an account

  1. ​Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a client account.
  3. On the left page menu, click Settings and then click Account settings.
  4. Click the Sync schedule section.

If syncs are scheduled for the account, you'll see the daily sync time in the account's time zone.

It isn't possible to view the sync schedule for multiple accounts. Instead, view the account settings for individual accounts as described in the preceding steps.

Change or stop scheduled syncs

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a client account.
  3. On the left page menu, click Settings and then click Account settings.
  4. Click the Sync schedule section.
  5. In the Sync schedule, do one of the following:
    • To change the schedule, change the time that's specified under Daily schedule.
      Note that when you view settings for a client account, the daily sync time always appears in the account's time zone.
    • To stop scheduled syncs, select Off.
  6. Click Apply.

It isn't possible to stop scheduled syncs for multiple accounts. Instead, stop scheduled syncs for individual accounts as described in the preceding steps.


  • You can still manually sync an account that is included in a scheduled sync.

  • Scheduled syncs don't sync paused accounts. You can schedule syncs for a paused account, and you can pause an account that's currently included in a scheduled sync, but the account won't be synced by schedule until you activate the account.

  • See more notes about syncing.

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