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Set up Search Ads 360 conversion value rules

Search Ads 360 conversion value rules let you adjust conversion values to record their relative value to your business based on conditions, such as devices, locations and Google Ads audiences.

You can create conversion value rules in Search Ads 360 for both the sub-manager account and for specific campaigns. Conversion value rules created for a sub-manager account apply to all search and shopping campaigns managed by it. Conversion value rules created for a specific campaign only apply to that campaign.

After setup, you can view your conversion value rules output in the conversion value column in your conversion actions table.

When setting up your Search Ads 360 conversion value rules, note:

  • Conversion value rules apply to Performance Max, Search and Shopping campaigns in Google Ads, as well as Search and Shopping campaigns in Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! Japan Ads and Baidu client accounts.
  • Conversion value rules created in Search Ads 360 are available at the sub-manager or campaign levels. These conversion value rules only apply to campaigns that use either Search Ads 360 goals or a mix of Search Ads 360 and Google Ads goals.
  • Conversion value rules created in Google Ads are available at the client account or campaign levels.

As you create conversion value rules, the preview section will display 'If/And/Then' rule statements based on the options that you’ve chosen. These statements will apply to both included and excluded options. When you select multiple options in the primary or secondary condition, each option will be automatically treated as either an 'Or' or an 'And Not' statement. For example, if you select 3 locations, 2 to target and 1 to exclude, your rule will apply to either of the 2 locations, but not the third. Like so:

Primary condition If: Location is New York, United States or New Jersey, United States and not New York, New York, United States.
Secondary condition And: Device is mobile
Value adjustment Then: Add $5

Before you begin

Primary and secondary conditions

When you create a conversion value rule, you’ll choose a primary condition and an optional secondary condition. These help determine when a conversion is adjusted. If a secondary condition is selected, a conversion must meet both primary and secondary conditions for the value rule to be applied.

All value rules created at the sub-manager account level must use the same type of primary and (optional) secondary conditions. After you create your first conversion value rule, subsequent ones will have their conditions locked to match it.

For example, if your primary condition is 'Device' and your secondary condition is 'Audience Segment', all other value rules for the sub-manager account will be locked to 'Device' primary condition. If your additional value rules also have a secondary condition, it will be locked to 'Audience Segment'. If you need to change the type of conditions that you're using in your value rules, you'll need to delete all value rules and create new rules.

Value rules created for a campaign, however, can use any combination of primary and secondary conditions and are not locked based on value rules at the account level.

Condition types

For both primary and secondary conditions, you can choose from:

  • Audience Segment: which allows you to choose from detailed demographics, affinity groups, in-market and life events or how an audience has interacted with your business.
  • Note: This option is only available for Google Ads client accounts.
  • Device: which allows you to choose from All Devices, Desktop, Mobile and Tablet.
  • Location: which allows you to enter one or more specific locations to base your value rules on. When you enter a location, you can choose to either target it for inclusion in your value adjustments or exclude it.
  • No condition: which means that you’re setting a rule that applies to a shop conversion action unilaterally, not a subset of actions like 'Audience segment' or 'Device'. 'No condition' will only appear if you have selected 'Store visits' as a conversion goal or the campaign is a Google Ads store visits campaign.
Note: This option is only available for Google Ads client accounts.

Value adjustments

Value adjustments represent how conversion value rules will change conversion values if the conditions are met. You can choose between:

  • Add: Adds a positive value (greater than 0) on top of whatever conversion value is being passed.
  • Multiply: Multiplies the value being passed by whatever is entered in the field.
  • Note: this value ranges from 0.5 to 10.
  • Set: Choose a specific value. This option is only for shop visit or conversion value rules when the primary condition is 'No condition'.

Create conversion value rules

For your sub-manager account

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. In the upper right-hand corner, click the tools and settings Google Ads | tools [Icon] icon. Under 'Measurement', select Conversions.
  4. In the left panel, click Value rules.
  5. Click Create conversion value rule.
  6. Select the conversion goal that your rule will apply to:
    1. All conversion goals
    2. Store visits
  7. Select the conversion value rule for your 'Primary condition'. Select Audience, Device, Location or No Condition, depending on your campaign type or client account account type.
  8. Select an optional 'Secondary condition' from the remaining primary conditions.
  9. In the 'Value' section, set the value adjustment to apply when your conditions are in effect.
  10. Click Save. Your rule will appear in the 'Value rules' table.

For a campaign

Conversion value rules created for a specific campaign only apply to that campaign. Creating a conversion value rule for a campaign is exactly the same as creating one for your account, except for the first few steps. To create a conversion value rule for a campaign:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. Select the campaign.
  4. On the left panel, click Settings.
  5. On the 'Settings page' click Additional Settings and then Value Rules.
  6. Click Create Search Ads 360 value rule.
  7. Select the conversion value rule for your 'Primary condition'. Select Audience, Device, Location or No Condition, depending on your campaign type or client account account type.
  8. Select an optional 'Secondary condition' from the remaining primary conditions.
  9. In the 'Value' section, set the value adjustment to apply when your conditions are in effect.
  10. Click Save. Your rule will appear in the 'Value rules' table.
Bear in mind:
  • You can set a maximum of 2 conditions per rule. The secondary condition is optional.
  • When setting a rule, after you choose your primary condition type, your secondary condition must be a different type.
  • You can select more than one option when setting up the rule. When you select multiple options in the primary or secondary condition, each option will be automatically treated as either an 'Or' or an 'And Not' statement.

What happens if a customer meets the conditions for multiple rules?

No matter how many rules are set up, only 1 rule can be applied to a given conversion. Here is how the situation is resolved where customers meet the conditions for multiple value rules:

Audience rules

For example: Separate rules are set up for a few different audiences and a customer who is part of multiple audience lists converts.

Which rule applies?

The existing Google Ads audience attribution hierarchy will be used:

  1. Customer Match
  2. Your data segments and similar segments (including Google Ads and YouTube)
  3. Affinity and in-market segments
  4. Detailed demographics segments

If there is a tie between 2 rules, a 'Multiply' rule will be selected over an 'Add' rule. If there is still a tie (meaning more than one 'Multiply' rule), the rule with the highest multiplier adjustment will be selected.

Starting on 1 May 2023, similar audiences (or segments) will be gradually phased out as a targeting feature. Learn more about Changes to audience targeting.

Device rules

There cannot be multiple device rules applied since all device categories are mutually exclusive.

Location rules

For example: There is a value rule set up for customers in Australia and another for customers in Queensland, which is in Australia.

Which rule applies?

The most precise location rule is applied. In this example, the rule for Queensland would be applied since that is more specific than the rule for Australia.

Store visits rules

For example: There's a value rule set up for store visits with no condition and a value rule set up for London. A customer in London visits your shop after engaging with an ad.

Which rule applies?

The shop visits rule applies. Conversion category rules are considered more specific than rules that apply to all conversions.

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