Fix custom dimension sync errors

When you create or apply custom dimensions in the new Search Ads 360, they are copied and synced to the previous Search Ads 360 under the name “Business data.” You can also create business data in the previous Search Ads 360 and sync it to the new Search Ads 360 as custom dimensions.

Although the syncing is automatic, you may need to address errors that occur during and after the process. On some occasions, syncing may take up to a day to finish.

Types of sync errors

In some cases, it might not be possible for changes to a custom dimension to sync between the new and previous versions of Search Ads 360. Most errors fall into these categories:

  • Difference in validation: The previous and new versions of Search Ads 360 have different rules for validation, such as how many custom dimension schemas a customer may have. If your changes violate the rules of either the previous or new version of Search Ads 360, they will not sync to that version.
  • Differences in features: The previous and new versions of Search Ads 360 offer slightly different features, and can only be synced if the data being synced is supported by both. 
    • You can only create Business events columns and reference columns only in the previous Search Ads 360.
    • You can only create associations with Discovery campaigns and Ad groups only in the new Search Ads 360.
  • Data mismatch: If you simultaneously create a custom data column in each version of Search Ads 360 with the same type, the columns cannot be linked and will not be synced.
  • Differences in the number of columns: If you remove a column in the previous version of Search Ads 360 that is referenced by a custom column in the new version of Search Ads 360, the two versions will not sync and the column will remain in the other version.
Note: Custom Dimension and Business Data Columns are different entities from custom columns.

Other errors may occur than the ones listed above. For help, contact support.

Fix sync errors for custom dimensions

Follow the steps below to fix sync errors in the previous Search Ads 360:

  1. Open the previous Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to an advertiser.

    Steps for navigating to an advertiser

    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.
    2. In the "Agency" list, click the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.
    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click the advertiser. Click Apply or press the Enter key
  3. Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts. In the left navigation panel, click Business data.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the name of the business data table you wish to edit and click Edit details...
  5. Make the changes suggested in the table below and click Save.

Follow the steps below to fix sync errors in the new Search Ads 360:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a client account.
  3. At the top, click Tools and settings and then Custom dimensions.
  4. Select the account you want to edit.
  5. On the left, click Settings.
  6. Expand the section you want to edit.
  7. Make the changes suggested in the table below and click Save.

Common sync errors

The following lists include common sync error messages and how to troubleshoot them. The errors are grouped by the direction of the sync:

Syncing from the new Search Ads 360 to the previous Search Ads 360

The following errors can occur when syncing from the new Search Ads 360 to the previous Search Ads 360.

Error message

Possible cause


This custom dimension wasn't copied to the previous Search Ads 360, because the maximum number of business data tables or business data table rows in the previous Search Ads 360 has been reached. 

The previous Search Ads 360 can’t support any more business tables or table rows. 

Remove rows or custom dimensions you are no longer using to free up space.

One or more dimensions were not copied to the previous Search Ads 360, because the business data table dimension in the previous experience has a different value type. 

The affected dimensions are assigned different column types in the previous version of Search Ads 360.

To copy these columns, change the name of the conflicting column to match in both the previous and new Search Ads 360.

This custom dimension wasn't copied to the previous Search Ads 360, because the business data table uses an unsupported feature.

Unsupported feature

Consider removing business events or relational tables from your data.

Otherwise, contact support.

This custom dimension wasn't copied to the previous Search Ads 360, because of an internal error. 

Internal error

Contact support.

This custom dimension table or custom dimension table rows were not copied to the previous Search Ads 360 because it is incompatible with the previous experience.


Contact support.

Syncing from previous Search Ads 360 to the new Search Ads 360

The following errors can occur when syncing from the previous Search Ads 360 to the new Search Ads 360.

Error message

Possible cause


This business data table wasn't copied to the new Search Ads 360, because the column, [column name], uses an unsupported feature.

Unsupported feature

Contact support.

This business data table column, {0}, was not copied to the new Search Ads 360, because the dimension in the new experience has a different name.

Column name discrepancy

To copy this column, change the column name in one of the Search Ads 360 experiences.

This business data table has {n} columns that were not copied to the new Search Ads 360, because the dimension names don’t match in the new experience.

Column name discrepancy

To copy these columns, change the column names to match in both of the Search Ads 360 experiences.

This business data table wasn't copied to the new Search Ads 360, because of an internal error.

Internal error

Contact support.

This business data table was not copied to the new Search Ads 360 because it is incompatible with the new experience.

Compatibility issues

Do all of the following:

  • Trim white space in your column names and change all capitals to lower case. 
  • Check if column names are duplicated.
  • Check if column or row name length exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed.

This business data table row was not copied to the new Search Ads 360 because this business data table has sync errors. 

Sync errors

Check your table and columns for errors and try again. 

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