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Link a Search Ads 360 advertiser with Adobe Analytics

Before you start

Shared Floodlight configurations

If your Search Ads 360 advertiser is part of a shared Floodlight configuration, you can only link the parent advertiser with Adobe Analytics because you can only create Floodlight conversion action from the parent advertiser (all of the child advertisers will have access to the Floodlight conversion action created in the parent).

In Search Ads 360, sign into the advertiser that is associated with the parent Campaign Manager 360 advertiser and link to Adobe Analytics from there. You'll need manager account or sub-manager account permissions for this Search Ads 360 advertiser.

If the parent Campaign Manager 360 advertiser isn't linked to a Search Ads 360 advertiser, create a Search Ads 360 advertiser and link it to the parent Campaign Manager 360 advertiser. Learn how to create a sub-manager account in the new Search Ads 360.

Linking an advertiser to Adobe Analytics

Here's the overall process for linking a sub-manager account (the details are provided later in this article):

  1. Create a service account (JWT) integration in Adobe Developer Console. Search Ads 360 uses this integration to receive authorisation for downloading reporting data from Adobe Analytics.
  2. In Search Ads 360, enable the Conversion API and the Adobe Analytics integration (JWT).

Create a service account (JWT) integration in Adobe Developer Console

  1. Sign into Adobe Developer Console.
  2. Follow the instructions on the Adobe site to add API to the project using service account (JWT).
    1. At the 'Add an API' step, click Adobe Analytics.
    2. At the 'Configure API' step, click Service account (JWT).
    3. At the 'Create a new service account (JWT) credential' step, click Option 1: Generate a key pair. This will download a config folder to your computer. In the folder is a file called private.key. You’ll need the information in this file later when you enter your Adobe Developer Console credentials in Search Ads 360.
  3. After you’ve finished adding the API, in the Adobe Developer Console, click your project and ensure that the Adobe Analytics API appears under 'Products and services'.

"Products & services" area in Adobe Developer Console

Note: Make sure that the user who created the JWT integration and private key in the Adobe Developer Console has permission to access the report suites and eVars (conversion variable) that you want Search Ads 360 to import. If the user creating the credentials in the Adobe Developer Console does not have the appropriate permissions, the Search Ads 360 integration won’t have access to the Adobe report suites and eVars. Ideally, the user creating the Adobe credentials should have system admin permissions. However, in some cases, web service API permissions might be sufficient. Learn more about Adobe Analytics.

4. In the left navigation menu, under 'Credentials', click Service account (JWT) to see the following credential details that you’ll need to copy into Search Ads 360:

  • Client ID
  • Client secret
  • Technical account ID
  • Organisation ID

Configure the Adobe Analytics integration (JWT)

Special permissions required

In Search Ads 360, your Google Account needs manager or sub-manager account permission.

How to enable the integration

  1. In Search Ads 360, navigate to a sub-manager account that is linked to the parent advertiser in CM360.
  2. Link Search Ads 360 with an Adobe Analytics property:
    1. From the main toolbar, click Tools and settings Google Ads | tools [Icon].
    2. Under 'Setup', click Linked accounts.
    3. Locate 'Adobe Analytics' under the 'Available for linking' section.
    4. Click Details, then Link Adobe Analytics.
    5. In 'Client ID', enter the client ID from the Adobe Developer Console.
    6. In 'Client secret', enter the client secret from the Adobe Developer Console.
    7. In 'Organisation ID', enter the organisation ID from the Adobe Developer Console.
    8. In 'Technical account ID', enter the technical account ID from the Adobe Developer Console.
    9. In 'Private key', enter the information from the private.key file that you downloaded from the Adobe Developer Console. When you copy the info from private.key, do not include the first line (-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----) or the last line (-----END PRIVATE KEY-----).
    10. Click Save.
    11. After you see the authorisation confirmation, close the window and then click Save.

Search Ads 360 starts connecting to your Adobe Developer Console integration. When the connection succeeds, the edit panel closes and a note appears in the notification centre.

If the connection doesn't succeed, the edit panel displays an error message. Make sure that you entered the correct client ID and secret.

Unlink account from Adobe Analytics

If you have previously linked to Adobe Analytics and you want to unlink your account, you will lose access to new data from any report suites that were linked and any metrics that you were tracking through those report suites.

Additionally, if you unlink from your Adobe account, it is important that you understand the following:

  • All of your existing report suites will be removed from Search Ads 360.
  • You will no longer receive conversion data for those report suites and the report metrics or conversion actions under them.
  • If you choose to relink the same account, you will have to recreate your report suites and conversion actions and link them to the report metrics for which you want conversion data.

Since this can have an impact on systems that may be relying on that data such as reporting or bidding, unlinking should be done with caution.

If you have any questions, we suggest that you contact us before proceeding.

Next steps

After you link to Adobe Analytics, Search Ads 360 needs time to retrieve the list of report suites and report metrics that you have access to. How to add an Adobe Analytics report suite to Search Ads 360.

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