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Edit a plan

Before you edit a plan, consider the following:

  • You can change the target spend, along with current and future allocations, in a plan. You can't change allocations for past days or weeks.
  • You can change the time frame for the plan as long as it ends on or after the day that it was created. Plans can't overlap.
  • You can't move or copy a plan to a different campaign group.
  • Budget bid strategies can't be removed in the Bid strategies section. However, you can pause a budget bid strategy by editing the plan.
  • Changing the date range for a plan resets its forecast.
  • If the plan is manual (that is, a budget bid strategy isn't managing spend automatically), you're required to manually change your campaign budgets and bids.

To edit a plan, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 account.
  2. Navigate to a manager or sub-manager account.
  3. In the left Page menu, click Bidding and planning.
  4. Click Active plan or All plans in the sub-menu.
  5. Select the tick boxes of the plans that you want to edit.
    • You can also click the Add filter button to filter the list and find the plans that you want to edit.
  6. In the toolbar above the reporting table, click the Edit drop-down, and then select Edit plans.
    • To view or edit multiple plans together, the plans must be compatible. That is, the plans must have passed and have the same currency, plan period and KPI metric.
  7. Make your edits on the 'Edit plans' page, then click Continue.
  8. Review your changes (and make any additional changes) on the 'Plan summary' page.
  9. Click Update plan.

Learn more about how to manage spend in plans.

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