Manage Billing setups

Billing setups allow you to review billing and payments summaries at a glance. The data from a Billing setup helps create monthly invoices.

Find a billing setup

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click Billing.
  4. Click Billing setups.

Sort billing setups

Change the order you view billing setups and sort by status.

  1. At the top of the table, select Status.
  2. Choose an option(s) from the drop-down that appears:
    • Active
    • Pending
    • Deactivated
  3. Click Apply

Edit billing setup settings

In “Billing & payments” of the new Search Ads 360, you can view and update Payments account details and manage payments users. Available payment settings vary depending on your country.

Keep in mind:

  • Organization address is the company address used to create your company’s payments profile with Google. By default your business address appears on invoices, unless updated.
  • A Bill-to address is the mailing address shown on your invoice and statements. Google uses it to verify your payment information. The billing address doesn’t have to match your organization address.
  • Be sure to keep your business details up to date. Once generated, any changes to an invoice can cause major delays in billing. This includes edits like updating the bill-to address.
Any updates made to a Billing setup apply to all sub-manager accounts in the new Search Ads 360. Changes apply immediately and will appear on that specific month's invoice.

Get Started

Edit billing setup details on the Settings page, in Payments account.

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a manager account.
  3. On the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click Billing.
  4. Click Billing setups.
  5. On the Settings card, click Manage Settings.

Add or remove email invoice delivery recipients

The new Search Ads 360 sends billing emails to contacts in your billing setups on the first day of the following month, reflecting the previous month's usage. Select which contacts to add or remove, here.

  1. In the "Payments account" section, find "Email invoice delivery".
  2. Click the pencil icon Edit and select an existing address or click Add a new address.
  3. Enter your information, then click Save.

Update mail invoice delivery

To share physical invoices, you can add addresses to receive invoice deliveries through mail. The physical invoice copies are sent by post on the 15th of the next month to the provided invoice delivery addresses. Mailed invoices will have the Bill-to address printed on the documents.

Here’s how to change your delivery invoice mailing address. Follow these steps at least 3 days before the end of the month. This is to ensure your changes take effect for the following month.

  1. In the "Payments account" section, find "Mail invoice delivery".
  2. Click the pencil icon Edit and select an existing address or click Add a new address.
  3. Enter your information, then click Save.

Update the bill-to address shown on your invoice

Here’s how to update the address shown on your invoice.

  1. In the "Payments account" section, find "Bill-to address".
  2. Click the pencil icon Edit and select an existing address or click Add a new address.
  3. Enter your information, then click Save.

If you need to change currency and the billing country for an account, contact Search Ads 360 support.

Update the organization name and address

If the official legal name and address of your organization has changed, contact billing support to update it.

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