Filter by creative dimensions to simplify your feed

Instead of creating separate columns to customize ad content for each creative size, you can filter by creative dimensions to reduce the number of columns in your feed. Filtering by the size of the creative allows you to select the right content for a specific size using a single column.

For example, you may want to use a short headline for a 160 x 600 placement, and a long headline for a 728 x 90 placement. Instead of creating one column for each ("Headline_160x600" and "Headline_728x90"), create a "Dimensions" column and a "Headline" column, then use the "Dimensions" column to filter your feed and select the correct headline. For more, see the example below.


Interstitial creatives cannot be filtered by creative dimensions because interstitials do not have assigned dimensions in Campaign Manager 360. If your campaign includes interstitial creatives, use another type of filtering criteria, such as Campaign Manager 360 ID filtering using ad or placement IDs.

Step 1: Create a feed

  1. Start with a feed template Refer to this sample feed structure as a starting point. You can also browse additional feed templates in the template gallery.
  2. Fill out the feed Follow these general feed instructions to begin populating the feed.
  3. Add the creative dimension column After following the general feed instructions, make sure there is a column for the creative dimension. Enter the appropriate creative dimensions for each row. Creative dimensions should be entered as 300x250, 160x600, 728x90, etc.
Example feed

For example, suppose the creative has 3 creative sizes (300 x 250, 160 x 600, and 728 x 90), and there is a unique headline for each creative size. Without using the creative dimension field type, the feed would have 1 column for each headline and creative dimension combination (for example, “Headline_300x250”, "Headline_160x600", and so on). Using creative dimension filtering can help reduce the number of feed columns. A feed with a unique headline per creative dimension would look like this instead:

Unique_ID Reporting_Label Headline Creative_Dimension Default
1 Report1 Buy Now 300 x 250 FALSE
2 Report2 Click Here 160 x 600 FALSE
3 Report3 Find in Store 728 x 90 FALSE

Step 2: Create a Studio profile

After uploading the feed to the Studio profile, follow the below steps that are specific to creative dimension filtering strategies:

  1. In the Data types and filters section, select the "Creative Dimension" field type for the creative dimension column in the feed.

  2. Navigate to Step 3: Manage Rules. If your feed includes default rows, set the type to "Prioritized". Otherwise, set the Type to "Auto-Filter". If necessary, click Manage to update the filtering column. (If Manage isn't available, you'll need to create a draft first.)

  3. Confirm that the Summary displays "Filtering on: Creative Dimension".

  4. In Step 4: Generate Code, the dynamic code is generated. Follow these steps to incorporate the dynamic code into the creative asset files and upload the final assets to Studio.

  5. In Step 5: Preview, preview the creative. Select the creative to preview, then enter the creative dimensions (for example, "728x90") into the Creative dimension text box and click Apply. You can only preview one creative size at a time.

  6. Publish the profile.

Step 3: Preview

When creative dimension filtering is used, it is an additional filterable field type (just like Campaign Manager 360 IDs), and you need to set the creative dimension you want to preview in tearsheet previews. When you create a tearsheet, the creative dimension input field will appear next to other filterable field types. You will not be able to preview all 3 creative sizes at once. Instead, you’ll need to leave the tearsheet open, and add creative previews for each creative size. Only one creative dimension, for example, "300x250" can be added at a time.

Use a different default for each size

If you want to include default content for each creative size as separate rows in your feed, you'll need to set up prioritized rules. Set up the actual targeting rules as you normally would, then add a final rule that filters on both creative dimensions and your default column.

When using default content in this way, leave the "Default" option under "Special fields" set to "Unspecified". Otherwise, the filter you set up won't be applied and you could serve default content with the wrong size.

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