
Geo-targeting increases ad relevancy by selecting creative content to show based on the viewer's geographic location. Using the same geo-lookup technology that powers Google Maps, you can dynamically update an ad's images, text, videos, and more. For example, you may want to highlight a new business location opening in Paris for viewers in that area.

There are two categories of geo-targeting available:

Google Ads API geo-targeting (recommended)

Global content targeting based on a variety of geographic location types, including (but not limited to):

  • city
  • state
  • country
  • postal code
  • airport code
  • and more...

(See the full Google Ads API target type list.)

Advertisers can place multiple, different geographic location types into the same column of the feed; therefore, there can be separate content targeted for San Francisco and California in the same column of the feed.

Use the Google Ads API for strategies that require more flexible targeting. See some geo-targeting examples.

You can also use proximity targeting to select one of these locations and target a certain radius around it.
Standard geo-targeting

Targets content based on country or DMA regions (United States only).

If you want to use both location types, you must create a separate column in the feed for each type.

You can use standard geo-targeting for feeds that contain many different location values within one cell.

Before you get started

Make sure your ads comply with Google Ads Policies, including the personalized advertising policy.

When promoting ads for Housing, Employment, or Credit, some demographics targeting options (such as postal codes) are restricted. Learn more

Create your feed

  1. Start with a feed template Refer this sample feed as a starting point.
  2. Fill out the feed Follow these general feed instructions to begin populating the feed.
  3. Add the geo-targeting column After following the general feed instructions, make sure to add a column for geo-targeting (e.g. city, state, region, etc.). Enter the appropriate geographic value for which each row of content that is targeted. Follow these formatting instructions when populating the geo-targeting column.
Google Ads API Tip
To avoid content selection problems, make sure the geographic values you're using in your feed are available in the Google Ads geographical targets list

Create your Studio profile

After uploading the feed to the Studio profile, follow the below steps that are specific to geo-targeted strategies:

  1. Navigate to Step 2: Manage Data. In the Data types and filters section, select the appropriate field type for each of the columns in the feed. For the geo columns, select the appropriate geo type:

    • For Standard geo-targeting, select the name of the location type: Metro code (DMA) or Country code.

    • For Google Ads API geo-targeting, select Accurate geographic type.
      Setting data types - accurate geographic type
  2. Navigate to Step 3: Manage Rules. Confirm that the "Type" drop-down is set to Auto-Filter and the "Summary displays" Filtering on: Geo_Code (or whatever the geo column is called). If necessary, click Manage to update the filtering column.

    Confirm the feed is filtering on the geographic column
  3. Connect your Studio profile with the creative. Choose the option below depending on your HTML editor:

    • (For Google Web Designer users) Open Google Web Designer and connect your Studio profile.

    • (For HTML editors other than Google Web Designer) In Step 4: Generate Code, the dynamic code is generated. Follow these steps to incorporate the dynamic code into the creative asset files and upload the final assets to Studio.

  4. In Step 5: Preview, preview the creative by entering the name of the appropriate location into the parameter field and clicking Launch/update preview.

    Note that geo codes aren't supported in dynamic preview.

  5. Publish your profile.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some good use cases for geo-based dynamic creatives?


  • Country targeting can be useful for pan-European campaigns. For example, entertainment campaigns for games and movie releases can target different content to users in different countries.
  • It can also be useful for multilingual creatives across regions. Creative agencies can build a single creative in Studio and define elements such as landing page URL, video, and dynamic text, so that they update depending what country the user is in without retrafficking.


  • Local customization in regions allows for stronger user engagement, and can be used to advertise regional events and promotions. Custom values are served in selected regions, provinces, or states. And you can set up generic, default values to serve in non-target regions.
What is required to run a geo-based dynamic creative?
  • Standard assets required for any Rich Media campaign
  • Completed feed
  • Dynamic image files
  • Dynamic copy
  • YouTube video IDs (intro and/or full)
  • Exit URL(s)
  • Geographic target choices
  • Font files for dynamic banner copy
Do you have any sample assets?

Yes! Check out templates in the Rich Media Gallery. 

Do you support geo-targeting by radius or proximity?

Yes, use proximity targeting to choose a radius around a certain geographic location.

What if an impression is served to a user for whom I do not have matching geo-specific content in the targeted rows of my feed?

For example, the dynamic creative content is targeted to US cities, but a user in Paris is selected for a dynamic creative impression. There are two potential results, depending on how the feed was created to handle these situations:

  • If there is a Default content column in the feed, then the default content row will be served in this scenario. As long as the default content row is set to TRUE in the feed, the user will be served the default.

  • If you did not include a Default content column in the feed, there is no eligible content to serve. Campaign Manager 360 chooses another creative in the rotation (based on priority) to serve to this user. If there is no other creative in rotation, Campaign Manager 360 serves the default ad.


What if I receive errors when I upload my feed?

If any of the geo values do not match the expected format for dynamic creatives, an error message is displayed. For example, “Geo lookup failed for location referenced in record number X.”

When this error occurs, make sure that the geo data in the feed matches the acceptable data formats for all records. 


How do I preview a dynamic creative by location?

Go to Step 5: Preview in the Dynamic Content workflow. If the profile is correctly set up to filter based on a user’s geography, there will be an option to enter Location. For best results, enter a specific location to preview the creative (e.g. full address, such as “1 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10003”). A full address is likely to yield better results than “New York.”

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