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Google AdSense3/20/2025
I think it can happen when you have AdSense widget enabled and then you try to paste ad code in HTML: if those two are from different accounts, then pasting ad code throws an error.

Google AdSense3/17/2025
> Google cannot detect it

Could you provide exact Google-cannot-detect-it error message you are getting?

And the example URL, so forum members could check your implementation.
No need to cancel and reapply.

Just add the code properly, and make sure it does make ad requests.

Use Chrome DevTools to troubleshoot issues with your ads not showing
  -->  Check ad requests are being sent
As far I know / as far I understand - you can not close non-existing account.

Starting more than one application for AdSense could be problematic.

You could proceed with current application, and then close your account when you get it approved - if that is what you want.
Is your website making ad requests - did you implement the ad code?

I can't find any on the home page.

> And does this interfere with the approval of the website?

If ads.txt implementation is valid, and you are waiting for approval, then browse your site and if you find you have more compliant and monetizable pages than pages you are trying to monetize, then consider adding AdSense code to more of your (compliant and monetizable) pages.

As far I know, non-existing ads.txt can not be the reason for disapproval.

Invalid ads.txt implementation can.
Recommended answer
If you have active and approved AdSense account, try this:

Ads.txt guide > Check for updates on your ads.txt status

If that does not work, then your implementation is not valid. And you'll probably want to provide URL of your ads.txt implementation - if you want help from community members.
Try this troubleshooter:

Or spend some time to ask question regular users could answer, include relevant data like example URL, or so.
Your question does not include the example URL.

How many views/visitors you get, are you getting anything like 'monetizable traffic'?

> I've had my ads.txt for months

Try this:

Ads.txt guide > Check for updates on your ads.txt status
I think I'd pay special attention to example URLs in Policy Center.

Then I'd probably try those URLs in browser, as logged in, as anonymous, in incognito mode, etc.

It could probably help if you have access to access.log and error.log files on server, you could grep for strings like:
  • Mediapartners
  • Google
  • google
  • adstxt
I'm not sure if non-existing ads.txt could be the reason for disapproval.

Read again the disapproval message. It probably does not mention ads.txt, but look for other possible reasons.

Edit to add: if you want opinions about your ads.txt implementation, you'll need to post URL.
Google AdSense3/12/2025
See "Create an ads.txt file for your site" on this page:

Ads.txt guide > Create an ads.txt file for your site

Resolve common ads.txt issues > Your site doesn't have an ads.txt file.
Recommended answer
You can show ads on subdomain, only if you get approval for domain.

How to enter the URL of your site when you create an AdSense account

I'm afraid there is nothing to resolve. That's how the approval process is intended to work.
Recommended answer
Google AdSense3/7/2025
I'm not sure you can do that with Auto ads. If you need more control, you could switch to responsive ad units:

We calculate the required size dynamically based on the available space and the size of the user's display.

About the responsive behavior of display ad units

If my understanding is correct, they calculate the required size based on the width of the parent container and responsive ad tag parameter value.

How to use responsive ad tag parameters
As far I know, yes - if you implement ad units ad code on specific places.

Get and copy the AdSense code

With Auto ads, pages and areas can be excluded.

Exclude areas on your pages from showing in-page Auto ads

Exclude specific pages on your site from showing Auto ads
Ad code is not removed, there is ad code for five responsive ads on subdomain home page.

Google AdSense3/6/2025
I can't find AdSense ad code on that page.

It does not make ad requests, when I load it.

Can you check your ad code implementation?

Use Chrome DevTools to troubleshoot issues with your ads not showing
  -->  Check ad requests are being sent
If my understanding is correct, chat is not monetizable.

Ad placement policies > Ads in private communications

Publishers may not place Google ads on screens where private communication between people is the primary focus. Examples of private communication include direct messages, live chats, video-chats, private chatrooms, etc.
Recommended answer
Google AdSense3/4/2025
It could be more than one account is involved, or ad code is not valid, or etc.

Could you share website URL with us?
Did you try this?

Upgrade the AdSense for YouTube account that's linked to your YouTube channel to show ads on your own site
Recommended answer
There are two, currently - Standard and Admin.

- Can view, edit, and manage any part of an account.

Manage user access to your account
They are at the top when Google bot detect they perform better and did not find any reason to not show them.

You can disable them, but you will need to change ad code:

Disable anchor ads at the top of your page
There are two accounts involved, but only one of them is authorized in ads.txt.

Google AdSense3/1/2025
Google AdSense2/28/2025
You could ask admins to remove themselves and to promote you to admin.

Add a user to your account

It could help if you provide site URL, and clarify why you are verifying site - do you have active Google AdSense account and is that website approved to show ads.

Sorry if I overlooked something you already said.

> it's only the https// part that I left

As far I understand, the https// part (the protocol) does not matter.

And the other part ( will be submitted for review.

How to enter the URL of your site when you create an AdSense account
> Examples of valid and invalid URLs

I think review bot will try both versions - HTTP and HTTPS, and will expect to be redirected to HTTPS when it try HTTP.
Recommended answer
Google AdSense2/26/2025
"invalid file format" message is self-descriptive, I'd say. It could mean (for example) you are uploading .bmp file, but only .jpg and .png formats are accepted.

What exactly everything did you try, and is your question about AdSense?
> subdomain of my main domain which is in the Nepali and english

If subdomain primary language is English, you could try to connect it to Google AdSense.

It would be great if you can implement ad code only on English pages.

> The Nepali language is not yet supported by adsense right?

It is not listed as supported language, I think.

Languages Google publisher products support

> it shows "seems you already have an adsense account. Connect to an adsense..."

That message is programmatic notification, and it does not mean your site is compliant with Google AdSense policies.
Scroll down to 3.1 ACCESS METHOD:

I'm afraid there is no mention of meta tags. /ads.txt is URL.

I think you can have ads.txt for your domain on Wix, but I don't know is it a free or paid option.

> how can I do this on our YouTube Channel?

/ads.txt can't be added for YouTube channel, as far I know. Why would you want to?
Try this troubleshooter:

Difference between AdSense and Google Ads
Looks better and it does make ad requests.

Check the status of your AdSense sites
Site Kit plugin could put ads code for you.

See "How to set up Site Kit" > #6:

Connect to AdSense and show ads on your WordPress site
Google AdSense2/21/2025
It probably depends on what do we consider as "many".

Factors that affect ad serving

Maybe check ad widths and heights to make sure they are compliant and technically correct.

Guidelines for fixed-sized display ad units
Does /about page appear in SERP, in Google cache, in Google Analytics and can you access it directly?

> how the bot can pass though the protected
> routes where you have to be registered

Display ads on login-protected pages
Google AdSense2/21/2025
Browse your server log files, maybe search for lines containing "google" and "mediapartners".

I think you could try to disable all formats except one (anchor ads in this case), only on entire site.

Not on a specific section.

Auto ads settings

Ad formats FAQ > Sticky ads
I've been browsing site for a while, but I couldn't find any page with AdSense ad code implemented.

Use Chrome DevTools to troubleshoot issues with your ads
  -->  Check ad requests are being sent
1 upvote
Recommended answer
I think that means there is already ad code implemented, in widget.

And there is some conflict between the ad code in widget, and the ad code you are trying to paste in HTML.
Google AdSense2/20/2025
ads.txt clients does not look in the filesystem, and also ads.txt does not necessarily need to be physical file, nor resource.

/ads.txt is URL on bare domain:

If you have developers and / or admins helping you to build and maintain website, you should consult them.

If you don't, then you could ask hosting tech support - is there anything they could do to help you.

If you haven't already done so, you can remove the ads from your site by deleting the ad code from your site's source code. In addition, we suggest that you review your site’s security to ensure that unauthorized individuals aren't able to access your site's source code.

AdSense policy FAQs
> Part 4
>> My site was hacked and the hackers inserted their own ad code on my site. What should I do?

Maybe consult browser guard documentation and tech support and try to find out how to monitor URLs blocked by browser guard.

You see daily fluctuations or views and impressions are being reset to zero every midnight?

Clicks and earnings removed from your reports

What's the difference between earnings and payments?
Did you try "Check for updates" link on Site status page?

Ads.txt guide > Check for updates on your ads.txt status
Po pravopisima na našem području "Pecivo Koje Se Topi u Ustima" je nepravilno, "Pecivo koje se topi u ustima" je pravilno.

Ne znam kako rezonuje bot koji odredjuje vrednost sadržaja, ali sudeći po onome što sam video na ovom forumu, greške se praštaju ali se i uzimaju u obzir - included but not limited to:
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  • ...
  • itd / etc
1 upvote
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Google AdSense2/12/2025
It does expire after 30 days.

The user is added to the list with a status of "Pending" and has 30 days to accept the invitation before it expires.

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