Accept payments from RuPay cards, other credit options & wallets

Business owners who use Google Pay for Business can now accept payments from customers who have linked their RuPay credit cards, credit lines, and wallets in UPI apps

To be eligible to accept payments through RuPay credit cards, credit lines, and wallets, you need to:

Tip: There may be other conditions, such as business category, which affect your eligibility.

Merchant Discount Rate (MDR)

Payments accepted through RuPay credit cards, credit lines, and wallets on UPI attract an MDR fee, which are subject to Goods and Services tax (GST). MDR is also defined as a Transaction processing fee. Applicable GST on MDR is deducted from payments received from customers, such as from the settlement amount.

Tip: You can find MDR deductions in the UPI app transaction history.

How is MDR calculated?
  • Business category determines the MDR charged for payments made from RuPay credit cards, credit lines, and wallets on UPI.
  • You're charged MDR for each payment whose value exceeds ₹2,000 made from RuPay credit cards, credit lines, and wallets on UPI if your business turnover is up to ₹20 lakh in a financial year. MDR isn't applied for transactions accepted up to ₹2,000.
  • You're charged MDR for all payments received through RuPay credit cards, credit lines, and wallets on UPI if your business turnover is above ₹20 lakh in a financial year.

Tip: There's no charge for UPI payments made by customers from a bank account.

Find MDR applicable to you

Important: If you haven't yet completed your setup, you can start the set up flow to help us determine the MDR fees applicable to you.

After setup is complete, in the UPI app, tap Settings and then Payment methods.

Tip: If you have not yet completed your setup, you can start the set up flow to help us determine the MDR fees applicable to you.

Set up payment acceptance & payments profile

Set up payment acceptance through RuPay credit cards, credit lines & wallets on UPI
  1. On your mobile device, open the Google Pay for Business app.
  2. Tap Settings and then Payment methods.
  3. If you're eligible, you'll get the option to activate RuPay credit card, credit lines, and wallets payment acceptance.
  4. At the bottom, tap Set up now.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. If you accept payments that attract MDR, you'll be prompted to create a payment profile.
Create a payment profile
  1. Under “Account type,” from the drop-down menu, select your account type.
  2. Enter your business name and address.
  3. Before you tap "Submit," confirm all the details and agree to the terms and conditions.
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