Manage your account with a Shopify integration
Set up your account
- Syncing your products
- List your products for free on Google
- About sale price and promotions (for Shopify users)
- Advertise your products using Shopping ads (for Shopify users)
- Set up Google local inventory within the Google & Youtube app
- Set up your return policies (for Shopify users)
- Conversion tracking (for Shopify users)
YouTube Shopping affiliate program
- Get started with the YouTube Shopping affiliate program (for Shopify merchants)
- Set up default commission rates in the YouTube Shopping affiliate program (for Shopify merchants)
- About commission eligibility: pending period and attribution period (for Shopify merchants)
- About merchant category in the YouTube Shopping affiliate program (for Shopify merchants)
- About Merchant description in the YouTube Shopping affiliate program (for Shopify merchants)
- About statuses in the YouTube Shopping affiliate program (for Shopify merchants)
- About billing (for Shopify merchants)
- About analytics in the YouTube Shopping affiliate program (for Shopify merchants)