You can add individual product listings without creating and uploading a new feed. Once you’ve added products to your Merchant Center account, you can make edits to those items individually. Keep in mind that you’re able to use a combination of feeds and individual product uploads.
How it works
Ads for products submitted individually:
- Aren't available for local inventory ads
- Can't be combined with inventory feeds
- Don't have an expiration date unless explicitly removed (unlike feed offers that expire in 30 days)
- Can't be affected by feed rules
Multi-client accounts aren't eligible to use individual product data uploads.
Before you begin
Before you can upload product data to Merchant Center, you need to verify and claim your store’s website URL. Learn more about how to verify and claim your website URL
You also need to have already set up tax and shipping for the country that you want to advertise in.
To add products individually:
- Sign in to your Merchant Center account.
- Select Products from the navigation menu, then click All products.
- Click the “Add products” button and select Add product one by one.
- Fill out the required product data fields.
- (Optional) If you sell similar products which vary by color, size, gender, or other variant attributes, go to the “Detailed product description” section and click I have an apparel or variant products. You can add all variant colors, genders, age groups, sizes, materials, and patterns for the product. Choose the attributes and corresponding attribute values which distinguish your variant items.
- Click Save.
Note: If there are any errors with your product data, you can still save the product and edit it later.
Alternatively, more customizable product upload options are available via feeds. Learn more about feeds and creating a feed
If you added products one-by-one you can edit these in bulk:
- (Optional) Click Assign values to variants in bulk (optional) if you want to define templates for dynamically populating attribute values based on variants.
- For example, you can dynamically generate your variant titles or link URLs by appending attributes such as color or size.
- Click Apply to save any product data templates you created in step 1. The changes will be seen in the summary table below. You can enable and disable these templates by clicking the chips on the top if you want to use either a URL or only a title template.
- Review the summary of all the variant offers you created. For attributes not listed in the table, the values will be taken from the previous screen.
- (Optional) Click Add attribute column to add additional attributes
- Click Continue to review the product and variants
- Click List this product
Note: It can take up to an hour for your product to appear in the “All products” page. To edit your product details after they’ve uploaded, follow the instructions here.