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Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure]

A custom icon for Merchant Center Classic and Merchant Center Next.

Use the unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] attribute to define the measure and dimension of your product. This value allows users to understand the exact cost per unit for your product.

In this article

When to use

Optional Optional for each product

If customers might be interested in the price per unit for your product and it falls into one of the following categories, then we recommend that you submit the unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] attribute.

This attribute is optional, but you may be required to provide this information based on local laws or regulations.

Examples of products that often use this attribute are as follows:

  • Hardware
  • Office supplies
  • Food
  • Beverages
  • Flooring
  • Business cards
  • Perfume


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure that Google understands the data that you submit.

Learn when and how to submit your product data in English

Type Positive number plus unit
Supported units
  • Weight: oz, lb, mg, g, kg
  • Volume (US imperial): fl oz, pt, qt, gal
  • Volume (metric): ml, cl, l, cbm
  • Length: in, ft, yd, cm, m
  • Area: sqft, sqm
  • Per unit: ct, sheet, item

Repeated field No property

(What is this?)


Type: QuantitativeValue (specify properties value and unitCode or unitText).

File format Example entry
Text 750ml
XML feeds <g:unit_pricing_measure>750ml</g:unit_pricing_measure>

To format your data for Content API, go to the Content API for Shopping resource

Note: To ensure that this product data attribute is recognised by our system correctly, remember to submit your data feed file in a format that we support.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements that you need to meet to show your product. If you don't follow these requirements, we disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

  • Submit the total amount (number) and units that make up your product. For example, if you submit '3 USD' for the price [price] attribute, '150 fl oz' for the unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] attribute and '100 fl oz' for the unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] attribute, then the unit price is 2 USD/100 fl oz.
  • Include the denominator for your unit price. This attribute is useful when products like yours are typically shown with a price for a specific number of units. For example, you might sell 150 ml of a specific perfume but users are interested in seeing the price per 100 ml.
  • Submit a price that can be represented in your target country's currency (according to ISO 4217). For example, instead of '1.0012 USD', submit '1.01 USD'. If your price can't be represented in your target country's currency, then we round it to a value that can.
  • Submit either the unit pricing measure or the energy efficiency class (using the energy efficiency class [energy_efficiency_class] attribute). Do not submit both. If both attributes are present, only the energy efficiency class will be shown.
  • Don't provide more than two digits after a decimal. If you include more than two digits after the decimal, the digits are automatically rounded to the nearest acceptable value. For example, 1.0234 is rounded to 1.02 and 29.8999 is rounded to 29.90.

Additional guidelines

Review each section closely to determine whether the requirements apply to your country or product. If you don't follow requirements that apply to you, we disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

United Kingdom only
  • Submit metric values if you sell products to the UK. The imperial units (for example, fl oz, pt, qt, gal) are interpreted as US imperial units, which are different from the imperial units used in the UK.

New Zealand and Australia only

Units sheet and item are only available in New Zealand and Australia.


Product data for nine litres of California Pinot Noir, priced at 69.99 EUR
Attribute Value
Title [title] Pinot Noir – 2007 – California – 9 L
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 9 L
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 1 L
Price [price] 69.99 EUR
Displayed value: €7.78/1 L
Product data for 10 bottles of red wine priced at 65.00 USD
Attribute Value
Title [title] 10 bottles of red wine
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 7.5 L
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 750 ml
Price [price] 65.00 USD
Displayed value: $6.50/750 ml
Product data for distressed walnut flooring
Attribute Value
Title [title] Distressed natural walnut flooring
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 2.38 sqm
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 1 sqm
Price [price] 113.19 EUR
Displayed value: €47.56/1 m²
Business cards
Product data for 50 business cards, priced at 13.38 EUR
Attribute Value
Title [title] 50 custom-made business cards
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 50 ct
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 1 ct
Price [price] 13.38 EUR
Displayed value: €0.27/1 ct
Paper towels (New Zealand)
Product data for 8 rolls of paper towels with 60 sheets per roll, priced at 8 NZ$
Attribute Value
Title [title] Basics paper towel 3 ply, 8 rolls with 60 sheets per roll.
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 480 sheets
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 100 sheets
Price [price] 8 NZD
Displayed value $1.67/100 sheets
Product data for 125 ml of perfume, priced at 19.90 EUR
Attribute Value
Title [title] Eau de toilette 125 ml
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 125 ml
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 100 ml
Price [price] 19.90 EUR
Displayed value: €15.92/100 ml


Use when your product comes in multiple unit price variants (for example, 2.5 lbs, 6 lbs, etc). Submit each variant as a separate product, but use the same value for the item group ID [item_group_id] attribute.
Product data for 5 lb of basmati rice
Attribute Value
Title [title] Basmati rice – extra long grain
ID [id] 575185159
Item group ID [item_group_id] 12345
Price [price] 11.20 GBP
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 5 lbs
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 1 lb
Product data for 10 lb of basmati rice
Attribute Value
Title [title] Basmati rice – extra long grain
ID [id] 575185160
Item group ID [item_group_id] 12345
Price [price] 19.90 USD
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 10 lbs
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 1 lb
Product data for 12 lb of basmati rice
Attribute Value
Title [title] Basmati rice – extra long grain
ID [id] 575185161
Item group ID [item_group_id] 12345
Price [price] 24.40 USD
Unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] 12 lbs
Unit pricing base measure [unit_pricing_base_measure] 1 lb

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