One or more of the values you submitted for the GTIN [gtin]
attribute is only used for coupons (starts with 981, 982, 983, 984, 99, or 05), and is not a globally valid value.
Make sure you submitted the globally valid value for the GTIN [gtin]
attribute or leave the value blank if the product doesn’t have a GTIN.
For more information about the validation of GTINs, refer to the GTIN Validation Guide edited by GS1, the organization that maintains GTIN standards.
Step 1: See the affected products
- Sign in to your Merchant Center account.
- Select Products on the navigation menu, then click Diagnostics.
- Click the Item issues tab to view current issues affecting your products.
To download a list (.csv) of all affected products for all issues:
- Click the download button next to the filter button , beneath the graph and above the list of issues.
To download a list (.csv) of all affected products for a particular issue:
- Find the issue under the “Issue” column, then click the download button at the end of the row.
To view a list of up to 50 products with this particular issue:
- Find the issue under the “Issue” column, then click View examples in the “Affected items” column.
Step 2: Use a globally valid GTIN
- Filter the downloaded report so that you only see products with:
"Issue title" = Unsupported coupon value: GTIN[gtin]
- Check your product data for the products using the coupon GTIN and make sure all the products use an accurate GTIN
attribute. - Use a globally valid GTIN if it has been assigned by the manufacturer to help improve the performance of your ad.
Step 3: Resubmit your product data
- After you’ve updated your product data, resubmit it using one of these methods:
- Next, check that you’ve fixed the issue by making sure it’s no longer listed on the Diagnostics page.
Keep in mind: It may take some time for your change to be reflected on the Diagnostics page.