Taotletud leht pole praegu teie keeles saadaval. Saate lehe allosas valida teise keele või kohe tõlkida mis tahes veebilehe oma valitud keelde, kasutades Google Chrome'i sisseehitatud tõlkefunktsiooni.

Free local listings for single location store with online offers

Your in-store products on Google Maps and more

We’ve made it easier for Google merchants to attract more in-store visits, by displaying their in-store products on Google Search, Shopping, and Google Maps. The feature is available for merchants with only one physical store location, and assumes all products from the seller’s website are available in that store.

With this feature, products from your website will automatically appear as 'free local listings' for your Google Business Profile. This will allow you to showcase your products and store information to nearby shoppers that are searching with Google. Learn more about the benefits of free local listings.

How to stop showing your products as free local listings

If all of the products on your website are not available in your store or you don’t want to show your in-store products on Google, you can opt-out of free local listings by following these steps:

Step 1 Sign in to Merchant Center account.

Step 2 In the top-right corner, click on the Settings and tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear], then select the "Your Add-ons" tab.

Step 3 Navigate to the "Free Local Listings" section.

Step 4 Click Remove.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Google Support Team.

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