Benefits of free local listings

The free local listings add-on allows you to showcase your products and store information to nearby shoppers searching with Google.

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Before you begin

Free listings are organic product listings on surfaces like Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, the Shopping tab, Google Images, and Google Lens.

Free local listings are organic product listings on local surfaces across Google Search, Maps, the “Products” tab, and on the Google Business Profile. For example, See what's in store allows customers to find which products are available at your stores when looking at a specific store location and when searching for a product, and it will let them know if you have the item they’re searching in stock.

When you provide local inventory data to Google, you have the choice of running local inventory ads (paid), free local listings (free), or both. We recommend running both features in tandem to maximize the benefit of free and paid local surfaces.

Displaying in-store products can help drive high click-through rates due to the high local intent nature of the search queries such as, “Where can I find product X near me?” or when a customer is close to the store searching on their mobile looking for products nearby.

If you're already serving local inventory ads, all you have to do is enable free local product listings in your Merchant Center account.

An image showing products in store for local inventory feeds.

Benefits of free local listings

Enabling free local listings improves your products’ visibility across different Google platforms. Here are the key benefits you can get from using the feature:

  • Increased product awareness: Free local listings drive more organic visibility, clicks, and awareness of local product availability.
  • Access to free surfaces: Free local listings allow you to access multiple free surfaces like Google Search, Maps, the “Products” tab, and the “See what’s in store” unit.
  • Browsable inventory: With free local listings, the “See what’s in store” unit is shown to customers when they search for the name of a store in Google or Google Maps. This feature makes your store’s inventory browsable directly from the Google Business Profile. This is an opportunity to offer an immersive experience and answer customer questions for in stock products directly from your Google Business Profile.
  • Organic impressions and clicks: Having local inventory connected to Google can promote an increase in organic impressions and organic clicks.

An image showing product visibility for local inventory feeds.

Opt out of showing my products as in-store inventory

If you don’t want to show your in-store products on Google, you can opt out of in-store inventory:

  1. In your Merchant Center account, click the Settings & tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].
  2. Select Add-ons.
  3. Go to Your add-ons tab, then find the “Free local listings” add-on card.
  4. Click Remove.

Frequently asked questions

Can I activate both free listings and free local listings in all my Merchant Center accounts, even by different CSSs?

While you can use multiple CSSs to place Shopping ads on Google, you can select only one CSS for both free listings and free local listings in the CSS dashboard.
Important: You must select one CSS to represent both free product listings and free local product listings.
The selected CSS can activate free local listings on your behalf in 2 ways:
  • Using the same Merchant Center account: If you're already using a Merchant Center account for free listings, paid campaigns, and local inventory data, you can activate free local listings from this account through a CSS provider of your choice.
  • Using a different Merchant Center account: If you're using a different Merchant Center account for local listings, you'll need to transfer your local inventory data to that account before activating free listings through a CSS provider of your choice.

How do I check if the free local listings program is already active in my Merchant Center account?

  1. In your Merchant Center account, click the Settings & tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].
  2. Select Add-ons.
  3. Click the Your add-ons tab.
  4. Select the Free local listings add-on card under the “Discover” tab to check if it’s enabled.

Can I have free local listings, free listings, and paid ads served from the same Merchant Center account?

There are no concerns to have free listings and paid ads in the same account.
It could be considered preferable to have free local listings, free listings, and paid ads managed in the same Merchant Center account. This is because it will be easier to manage the same inventory, update it, and fix quality issues where necessary.

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