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Troubleshoot your account

Unable to sign in to your account

If you're having trouble signing in to your Merchant Center account, ensure that you're using the correct email address and password. If you're using the correct username and password, try deleting your browser's cookies and cache before trying to access Merchant Center again. Additionally, enable SSL 2.0 and cookies and confirm that any automatic configuration scripts or proxies that you're using aren't disabling cookies. Learn how to turn cookies on or off.

If you've forgotten your password, follow these steps to Change or reset your password.

Contact us to change your sign-in email address, as users aren't able to change their sign-in email directly.

Note: If you receive an error stating that you don't have access to Merchant Center, check Google Workspace to inspect if you have enabled access. Further, you can contact your company's Google Workspace administrators and ensure that your email ID is enabled for you to access Merchant Center.

Deleting an account

You can remove the contents of your Google Merchant Center account by removing your product and your website URL from the "Business information" page. You can also permanently delete the account that's associated with the Google Merchant Center. Learn how to Delete your Google account.


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