Stranica koju ste zatražili trenutačno nije dostupna na vašem jeziku. Možete odabrati neki drugi jezik pri dnu stranice ili u trenu prevesti bilo koju web-stranicu na željeni jezik pomoću ugrađene značajke Google Chromea za prijevod.

Manage your shipping settings

How to fix: Invalid return window: return policy label [return_policy_label]

Enter a return window that meets the minimum requirements for this product's target country

On this page

Why this issue is happening

Google has established minimum return policy requirements for retailers, and also allows for the creation of differentiating return policies. If the return policy for one of your products violates Google’s minimum return policy guidelines, your product may be disapproved.

Make sure your product’s return policies adhere to Google’s minimum return policy guidelines. Your product will remain disapproved and won't show to shoppers until you correct the product’s return policies.

How to fix your issue

You can resolve this issue in one of 2 ways. You can edit your existing return policy or add a new return policy.

Edit your default return policy

Step 1In your Merchant Center, select Shipping and returns on the navigation menu.

Step 2Select Return policies.

Step 3Click on the name of the policy you want to edit, then click Edit.

Step 4Set up a default return policy for your products. This policy applies to all products for which the return policy label [return_policy_label] attribute is empty, not present, or has a label for which there is no matching return policy.

Note: Keep in mind that editing a return policy will apply the same changes to any other products that use the same return policy.

Learn more about setting up your default return policy.

Add a new return policy

Step 1In your Merchant Center, Select Shipping and returns on the navigation menu.

Step 2Select Return policies.

Step 3 Click Add return policy.

Step 4Set up a new return policy.

Learn more about how to create a new return policy.

Note: Make sure you apply this new return policy to the disapproved products.

Next steps

After making the requested changes, check that you’ve fixed the issue by making sure it’s no longer listed on the “Needs attention” page.

Keep in mind: It may take some time for your change to be reflected on the “Needs attention” page.

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