Manage your shipping settings

How to fix: Incompatible shipping service for some orders

Update the shipping service for this product to include all of the possible shipping rates and minimum order values

In this article

Why this issue is happening

One or more of your offers doesn't include a shipping fee. This could be because a shipping fee hasn’t been created or hasn’t correctly been applied due to incompatibility with shipping rules that you have set regarding the price, destination, weight, or number of items in an order.

For example, let’s say you’re showing a pair of shoes that cost $75 USD and you’ve set shipping settings that assign shipping to orders between $0-$50 USD and $50-100 USD. If the customer’s cart already contains an item that costs $30 USD, and they add the shoes, which cost $75 USD, the total will exceed $100 USD and shipping will not be applied.

How to fix your issue

To resolve this issue, examine and change your shipping service settings, so that there’s an applicable shipping service for each potential order, whether it is determined by price, destination, weight, or number of items.

Fix products one by one directly in Merchant Center

Step 1 Navigate to Products in Merchant Center, then select the Needs attention tab.

Step 2 Use the filter icon above the table to find all products affected by your issue.

Step 3 Click on the title of the product you want to fix, then click Edit product.

Step 4 Click to open the Price, condition & availability and Shipping, tax & returns drop-down section. Update your shipping settings to ensure that shipping will be applied to your product. Check for any rules you may have set based on the price, weight, or number of items to make sure that shipping can always be applied to your product.

Step 5 Select Save.

Fix multiple products at once

Step 1 Navigate to Products in Merchant Center, then select the Needs attention tab.

Step 2 Use the filter icon above the table to find all products affected by your issue.

Step 3 Select the download icon to download a list (.csv) of all affected products for all issues or this particular issue.

Step 4 Cross reference the downloaded list with your product data and update your shipping settings to ensure that shipping will be applied to your products. Check for any rules you may have set based on the price, weight, or number of items to make sure that shipping can always be applied to each of your products.

Step 5 Reupload your corrected product data to Merchant Center using your chosen upload method.

Next steps

After making the requested changes, check that you’ve fixed the issue by making sure it’s no longer listed on the “Needs attention” page.

Keep in mind: It may take some time for your change to be reflected on the “Needs attention” page.

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