As a super admin, you can add or remove:
- Another super admin
- Admins and other people with access to apps
- Google apps and services
- Store's Business Profiles
On this page
- Understand super admin access
- Manage people's access on Business Manager
- Delete your Business Manager profile
Understand super admin access
When a person gets super admin access, they are automatically added to apps & services connected to Business Manager as:
- Admin to Google Merchant Center.
- Admin to Google Ads.
- Owner of the store's Google Business Profile.
Users with access to apps & services connected to the Business Manager can still go to Business Manager and view apps and stores linked to Business Manager and also check who the super admins are. With Business Manager, a super admin can share access across multiple apps at once.
In Apps, super admins can view apps & services connected to the business and add and delete connections. The "connection status" shows whether the connection is established successfully.
Tip: Super admins hold the highest level of access to connected apps. They can manage apps, people, and their access to apps for your business.
Manage people's access on Business Manager
Important: Admins and owners of apps connected to Business Manager can still manage people's access in the app.
Business Manager allows a super admin to add, edit, and remove people's access across different apps. Super admins can only manage applications if they’re also admins on those applications.
To add a super admin:
In Business Manager, click People and access
Add person.
Select Super admin access.
Enter the person’s email address.
Click Send invitation.
To remove a super admin’s access:
In Business Manager, click People and access.
Next to the person you want to remove, click Manage.
Remove the person’s access by clicking the remove icon
Click Remove.
To add individual app access:
In Business Manager, click People and access
Add person.
Select Individual app access
Find the app you want to add the person to.
Under the “Action” column, click Manage.
On each app, follow instructions to select the person’s access type.
To edit or remove individual app access:
In Business Manager, click People and access.
Next to the person you want to edit, click Manage.
Find the app you want to adjust the person’s access to.
Under the “Action” column, click Manage.
Edit or remove the person’s access type.
Click Done.
- You can remove or edit permissions for some apps, but keep a person's access to others.
- To edit or remove access for multiple apps, you must repeat the steps for each app.
To remove a person from Business Manager:
In Business Manager, click People and access.
Next to the person you want to remove, click Manage.
At the top right, click the Remove icon
and select Remove.
Delete your Business Manager profile
In order to delete a Business Manager profile, the following requirements must be met:
- The user must be a super admin
- The Business Manager profile isn’t linked to any Google account or Google Merchant Center account.
Delete your profile
If you no longer require your Business Manager profile, you can delete it. Before doing so, you'll need to unlink any Google apps connected to the profile. When those apps are disconnected, follow these steps to permanently delete your profile:
In Business Manager, click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner.
Click Delete profile.
If a red error appears on the next screen, your Business Manager profile is still linked to a Google app.
- Remove the link to the Google app, or
- Delete the Google app’s account entirely.
On the next screen, click Delete.
Still need help?
If you still have issues or any questions, fill out this form.