The next-day delivery feature allows you to indicate which local products are eligible for next-day delivery if the order cut-off time for same-day delivery has passed. This feature is only available for local product listings and local inventory ads.
On this page
- Make sure that your business provides same-day delivery fulfillment services for eligible products.
- Set up a Google Business Profile for your store locations and link your profile to your Merchant Center account.
- Enable free local listings in Merchant Center to list your products for free on Google.
- Create a local product feed and submit the feed to Merchant Center.
- Currently available for free local listings in the United States only.
How to set up next-day delivery
To use the next-day delivery feature, you must set up your same-day delivery first. After setting up your order cut-off time, you can choose to display an annotation that the same-day delivery items are also eligible for next-day delivery when the orders are placed after the specified cut-off time. The next-day delivery annotation will appear from the selected cut-off time until 12 AM.
Service coverage
- In your Merchant Center account, click Tools and settings icon .
- Select Shipping and returns under “Tools”.
- Select Add shipping service.
- Select Delivery for local products (US only).
- In the “Service coverage” page, name your shipping service and select USD as currency for the fees.
Delivery settings
- In the “Delivery settings” page, select whether all your products or only certain products are available for same-day delivery.
- Decide whether all stores offer same-day delivery or only certain store locations.
- Create a same-day delivery label (if applicable). Learn more about creating a same-day delivery label.
- Select a maximum delivery radius.
- Select an order cut-off time.
- Click the pencil icon next to the text “After order cutoff time, next day delivery messaging will be displayed”.
- If you want the next day delivery annotation to show up, select the radio button next to option “Yes”.
- Provide a minimum order value required for orders to be eligible for same-day delivery. If there is no order minimum, leave this value as $0.00.