Mobile link [mobile_link]

The mobile link [mobile_link] attribute lets you include a URL to a mobile-optimized version of your landing page. This mobile version will be shown to users on mobile devices, like phones or tablets. When using this attribute, you’ll also see additional reporting in Merchant Center for potential issues with your mobile-optimized landing pages.

Create a mobile-optimized site to help ensure that your landing page looks right on mobile devices. These types of sites often load faster on mobile phones.

An illustration showing how an ad click on mobile leads to a mobile landing page

In this article

When to use 

Optional Optional for each product

If you submit the mobile link [mobile_link] attribute in addition to the link [link] attribute, all mobile device users will be directed to the landing page specified in the mobile link attribute. However, if you also submit a value for the ads redirect [ads_redirect] attribute, users who click on Shopping ads will be sent to that URL rather than the URL that you submit for link or mobile link attributes. 

Users who click on free product listings will still be directed to the URL listed in the link or mobile link attributes provided. Learn more about how the link, mobile link, and ads redirect attributes work together


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure Google understands the data you're submitting. Learn when and how to submit your product data in English

Type URL (including http or https), ASCII characters only, and RFC 3986 compliant
Limits 1–2,000 characters
Repeated field No
File format Example value
Text feeds
XML feeds <g:mobile_link></g:mobile_link>

Deep links for app ads

For guidance on how to properly implement mobile app deep links in your feed, please see the following resources:

To format your data for Content API, see the Content API for Shopping resource.

Note: To ensure that this product data attribute gets recognized by our system correctly, remember to submit your data source file in a format that we support.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements you'll need to meet to show your product. If you don't follow these requirements, we'll disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

  • Meet the requirements of the link attribute with the value that you submit for the mobile link [mobile_link] attribute.
  • Submit the link attribute, which is the page that desktop users will see.

Best practices

These best practices can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimize your product data for performance.

  • Follow the best practices of the link attribute with the value that you submit for the mobile link [mobile_link] attribute.
  • Link to a landing page that renders properly on mobile devices. Some elements that you shouldn’t use on your landing page include Flash, Silverlight, and ActiveX. Learn more about creating mobile-optimized websites
  • If you use tracking parameters in your mobile link [mobile_link] attribute, we recommend using the Google Search index [canonical_link] attribute in your feed to provide a canonical URL. Use the Google Search index [canonical_link] attribute to ensure products are associated with the correct URL in the Google Search index as it’ll improve Google’s understanding about the product. Learn more about canonical links
    • If the Google Search index [canonical_link] attribute isn’t used, there’s a chance the URL provided in the mobile link [mobile_link] feed attribute will be indexed. To prevent indexing, add the noindex tag to your pages if appropriate or use the Google Search index [canonical_link] attribute in your feed.


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Important: This service cannot troubleshoot issues, including approving Business Profile verification, resolving product disapprovals, account warnings or suspensions, or Google Ads billing.


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