While in a meeting, you can use your phone for audio or add someone by phone.
With any Google Workspace edition, you can connect Google Meet to phone numbers in the US and Canada at no extra cost. Supported Google Workspace editions can also dial-in to numbers from these countries and territories without additional costs.
With a Meet Global Dialing subscription, you can dial phone numbers in countries and territories outside the US and Canada and have access to more phone numbers for dialing in to a meeting. Per-minute rates, long distance, and data charges from your phone carrier may apply.
- After Global Dialing is turned on, the meeting organizer should remove and re-add the Meet video conferencing link within existing and recurring Calendar events, so additional numbers will show.
- Call charges are billed to the Google Workspace organization that created the meeting. A Meet Global Dialing subscription is not required for calls to the US and Canada.
Find the number to dial in
Calendar and Meet use your regional location to recommend a dial-in number.
To view a list of numbers to dial in from:
- Open Meet or the event in Google Calendar.
- Click More phone numbers or More joining options
Google Workspace Individual Subscribers: For instant meetings, join the meeting to see dial-in information and share it with others.
Supported countries/regions for dialing in at no extra cost
With any Google Workspace edition, a user can connect Google Meet to phone numbers in the US. Supported Google Workspace editions also enable dial-in to numbers from these countries and territories.
With a Meet Global Dialing subscription, a user can dial phone numbers in countries and territories outside the US and have access to more phone numbers for dialing in to a meeting. Per-minute rates, long distance, and data charges from the phone carrier may apply.
Call charges are billed to the Google Workspace organization that created the meeting. A Meet Global Dialing subscription is not required for calls to the US.
If your country/region isn’t listed, you’ll find a number for an alternate country/region. Regular call charges apply. The list is subject to change.
Supported countries/regions for dialing in | ||||
Albania | Colombia | Greece | Luxembourg | Serbia |
Angola | Costa Rica | Grenada | Malta | Slovakia |
Argentina | Croatia | Guatemala | Mexico | Slovenia |
Australia | Curaçao | Hong Kong | Netherlands | South Africa |
Austria | Czech Republic | Hungary | New Zealand | Spain |
Barbados | Denmark | Iceland | Nicaragua | Sweden |
Belgium | Dominican Republic | Ireland | Norway | Switzerland |
Benin | Ecuador | Israel | Panama | Thailand |
Brazil | El Salvador | Italy | Peru | Trinidad & Tobago |
Bulgaria | Estonia | Japan | Poland | Uganda |
Cambodia | Finland | Kazakhstan | Portugal | United Kingdom |
Canada | France | Kenya | Puerto Rico | United States |
Cayman Islands | Georgia | Latvia | Romania | Venezuela |
Chile | Germany | Lithuania | Russia |
Important: Colombia has changed the area code for land-line numbers. Learn how to update Colombian phone numbers in Google Meet.
Once a meeting starts, you can add guests to a meeting by phone from the following locations if:
- You and the meeting organizer are in the same organization.
- You're located in a supported country or region.
Google Workspace editions can dial-out to phone numbers in the US and Canada at no extra cost. For example, you can be outside the US and call numbers in the US. You’re not charged for outgoing calls, but regular call charges might apply for the person you call.
If your organization has a Meet Global Dialing subscription, you can dial-out to phone numbers from additional countries and regions. Calls are billed at per-minute rates to your organization. Learn more about dialing rates and coverage.
You must be in one of the following countries or regions in order to dial-out from a meeting.
Supported countries/regions for dialing out | |||
Argentina | Estonia | Latvia | Qatar |
Australia | Finland | Lithuania | Romania |
Austria | France | Luxembourg | Serbia |
Bahrain | Georgia | Malaysia | Singapore |
Belarus | Germany | Malta | Slovakia |
Belgium | Ghana | Mauritius | Slovenia |
Belize | Greece | Moldova | South Africa |
Bolivia | Guatemala | Nepal | Spain |
Botswana | Haiti | Netherlands | Sri Lanka |
Brazil | Honduras | New Zealand | Sweden |
Bulgaria | Hong Kong | Nicaragua | Switzerland |
Canada | Hungary | Nigeria | Taiwan |
Chile | Iceland | Norway | Trinidad & Tobago |
Colombia | India (no India to India calls) | Oman | Turkey |
Costa Rica | Ireland | Pakistan | Ukraine |
Croatia | Iraq | Panama | United Kingdom |
Cyprus | Israel | Papa New Guinea | United States |
Czech Republic | Italy | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Denmark | Jamaica | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Dominican Republic | Japan | Poland | Venezuela |
Ecuador | Kazakhstan | Portugal | Vietnam |
El Salvador | Kuwait | Puerto Rico |
Supported countries and territories that use a phone for audio in a meeting
To speak and listen with your phone as you watch the meeting on your computer, you can:
- Dial-in to the meeting from your phone
- Have Google Meet call your phone
Users in the same organization as the meeting organizer, can join by phone before the meeting starts. Users not in the same organization can join once admitted to the meeting.
To dial-in to a meeting and use your phone for audio, the same countries and territories as the supported countries and territories for dialing-in are supported.
If you call a US or Canada phone number, you can dial-out with your phone for audio at no extra cost.
If your organization has a Meet Global Dialing subscription, you can dial-out to phone numbers in most countries and territories. Calls are billed at per-minute rates to your organization. Learn more about dialing rates and coverage.
Important: Colombia has changed the area code for land-line numbers. Learn how to update Colombian phone numbers in Google Meet.