Check facts about places on Google Maps

You can help verify information when Google needs additional verification about a place. Any Maps user can be a moderator. Local Guides will earn 1 point per fact checked. 

Specific edits are suggested to you based on your Timeline and Search History. If you don’t have your location info turned on, you can’t enter moderator mode. You can verify facts on the map for things like:

  • Place existence
  • Hours
  • Closures
  • Reopenings

Tip: Only answer questions about facts you can verify with direct knowledge.

Verify facts about places

  1. On your phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. Tap Contribute Contribute and then More ways to contribute.
  3. At the top, swipe left across the categories.
  4. Tap Check the facts.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

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