Find & share a location using Plus Codes

You can use and share Plus Codes to:

  • Get and use a simple digital address.
  • Define a specific location for a conventional address. For example, you can identify different entrances to the same building.
  • Identify a specific location to receive deliveries or access emergency and social services.

Here’s an example of a Plus Code: JJXX+HR8, Seattle.

Find & share a location’s Plus Code

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. Find the location where you want to get a Plus Code.
  3. To drop a Pin Explore at the location, touch and hold the screen.
  4. At the bottom, tap the panel that appears.
  5. To copy a location’s code, tap the Plus Code .
  6. To share the location, paste the Plus Code into the messaging platform of your choice.

Find & share your current location’s Plus Code

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. Tap the blue dot that shows your location.
    • At the bottom, the “Your Location” panel appears.
  3. From the bottom of your screen, swipe up until you find the “Plus Code” section.
  4. Tap Copy code.
  5. To share the location, paste the Plus Code into the messaging platform of your choice

If you’re offline, you might find a global Plus Code without a town or city name. Instead, an area code is added to the beginning of the Plus Code, like 9C5M8QQ7+V8.

Find a location with a Plus Code

To search for a location with a Plus Code:

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. At the top, in the search box, enter the Plus Code.
    • To search a town or city you’re not currently in: Enter a Plus Code with a town or city name. For example: JJXX+HR8, Seattle.
    • To search a town or city you’re currently in: Enter only the 6- or 7-digit Plus Code. For example, if you’re in Seattle, you can directly search for JJXX+HR8.

Learn more about Plus Codes.

Set your home address with a Plus Code

Important: This feature is only available in select countries.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. Tap You Save place.
  3. Under “Give your home a precise address,” tap Get started and then Continue and then Find address.
  4. After Maps finds your address, tap Save.

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