Fix product issues using the Diagnostics section

Diagnostics section hero image.

The Diagnostics section of your account offers issue and attribute reporting for your product data. With the reporting offered in the Diagnostics page, you can gain better insight into the health of your product data so it’s easier to identify and resolve issues.

This article explains how to use the Diagnostics page in Manufacturer Center to find and fix issues with your product data.

How it works

The Diagnostics page of your Manufacturer Center account shows you which of your products have issues affecting either individual attributes or items as a whole. You’ll see a list of your disapproved products, and then a list of attributes with the highest number of issues.

Item issues: Issues causing the whole product to be disapproved, which means the product is not eligible to be part of the catalog and so your product data won’t be used on Google surfaces when your product is shown. For example, if your GTIN or Brand is not approved, it will affect the entire item.

Attribute issues: Issues affecting a single attribute that does not cause the product to be disapproved. For example, If your feed has an invalid value for the gender [gender] attribute, the product will still be added to the catalog, but the data you’ve uploaded won’t be the data we use for the gender attribute when we show your product.

Use filters to sort issue

You can filter the data in the Diagnostics section by destination, country, primary feed, attribute, date, or target client ID (data partners only).

destination icon Destination: Filter for specific contexts and programs such as “Shopping catalog”.

country icon Country: Filter for items that target a specific country.

Primary feed icon Primary feed: Filter for items submitted through a feed or the Content API.

Attributes icon Attribute: Filter for item issues affected by a particular attribute.

date icon Date: Filter for issues first seen before or after a certain date, or between two dates.

Target Client ID Icon Target client ID (data partners only): Filter for issues affecting a particular target client.

If filters have been set in the Diagnostics page, then downloadable reports will only include items that show with these filters. For example, if the feed filter is set to Content API, then all downloadable reports will only contain items submitted via the API.

Fix item issues using Diagnostics

By editing your feed

  1. Sign in to your Manufacturer Center account.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Diagnostics.
  3. Review your errors.
    • To see a full list of disapproved items for a particular attribute, click View list.
    • To view 3 items from your account as examples of the disapproved attributes, click View examples.
  4. To fix the issues, correct the item issues in your feed and re-submit your feed.

By using the product editor

You can edit individual product data for any product in your account with the Product editor:

  1. Sign in to your Manufacturer Center account.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Diagnostics.
  3. Review your errors.
    • To see a full list of disapproved items for a particular attribute, click View list.
    • To view 3 items from your account as examples of the disapproved attributes, click View examples.
  4. From the Products tab, select "Variants".
  5. Select the product you want to edit, and then click the edit icon.
  6. Select the attribute you want to edit. Editable fields are marked with a gray icon. Except for id, country, and content language, all fields are editable and marked with a gray icon. Note: If you'd like to change non-editable fields, you must delete the product and create a new one.
  7. Once your edits are complete, click Save changes, or click Cancel to discard your changes and revert to the original information.
Important: Any information entered manually will override data you submitted via feed uploads. Even if you submit a feed with different information after the manual edits are made, manually entered information will persist. You can change or remove the manual edits at any time with the Product editor.

Google verifies all changes before they're published. Some attributes may not be displayed directly to customers via Shopping ads or other Google platforms. However, all of the attributes you submit are used to help increase ad relevance for product-related searches.

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