Disclosure date [disclosure_date]

Use the disclosure date [disclosure_date] attribute to tell Google when a product should become visible in Shopping ads.

When to use

Optional for all products.

If there is no disclosure date [disclosure_date] specified, the product may begin serving on Google properties immediately, regardless of any value specified in the release date [release_date] attribute.


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure Google understands the data you're submitting.

For details on when and how to submit values in English, learn more about submitting your product data.

Type Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Limits N/A
Repeated field No


File format Example value
Text (TSV) 2013-12-05
XML (Feeds) <g:disclosure_date>2013-12-05</g:disclosure_date>


Follow these guidelines to make sure you submit high-quality data for your products.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements you'll need to meet to show your product on Google. If you don't follow these requirements, we'll disapprove your product and let you know in the Diagnostics page of your Manufacturer Center account.

The disclosure date [disclosure_date] should be before the release date [release_date].

Best practices

These best practices can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimize your product data for performance.

Any changes to the disclosure date [disclosure_date] must happen at least 1 week before the last submitted disclosure date given to Google to ensure we do not publish the information before the newly specified date.


Google Manufacturer Center - disclosure date

Product data for an Android figurine
Attribute Value
Disclosure date [disclosure_date] 2019-12-05
Release date [release_date] 2019-12-25

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