Column name |
Description |
Hotel ID |
The unique ID for the hotel that you use in your hotel list |
Check in |
The first day of the itinerary, in YYYY-MM-DD format |
Nights |
The number of days for the itinerary |
Report Date |
The date your price accuracy was evaluated by Google |
Date (retrieved) |
The date and time that Google retrieved the price from your website |
Rate (retrieved) |
The price retrieved from your website. The value is given in the currency displayed in the "Currency (retrieved)" column. |
Base rate (retrieved) |
The price per night of the given itinerary that Google retrieved directly from your website |
Taxes + fees (retrieved) |
The total amount of taxes and fees that Google retrieved from your website for the given itinerary. Google compares this value to the provided taxes and fees to determine if your taxes and fees are accurately displayed in Hotel Center as compared to your website. |
Currency (retrieved) |
A 3-letter currency code representing the currency that the retrieved price and taxes and fees are given in |
Date (feed) |
The date and time that Google received and stored the provided price. |
Rate (feed) |
A representation of the provided price, calculated based on the “Rate type (feed)”. The value is given in the currency displayed in the "Currency (feed)" column. |
Base rate (feed) |
The price per night of the given itinerary that you provided to Google. Google compares this value to the retrieved price to determine if your prices are accurately displayed in Hotel Center as compared to your website. |
Taxes + fees (feed) |
The total amount of taxes and fees that Google has for the given itinerary. Google gets this value from its data cache, which contains the taxes and fees that you provided. |
Currency (feed) |
A 3-letter currency code representing the currency that the provided price and taxes and fees are given in |
Rate type (feed) |
The parameters used to determine the "Rate (feed)". Possible values are:
- Base
- Base per night
- Base + X% VAT
- Base + X% VAT per night
- Total
- Total per night
Price freshness |
The "Date (retrieved)" minus "Date (feed)", in hours. |
Advance booking window |
The "Date (retrieved)" minus "Check in", in days. |
Total price deviation |
The difference between the provided price (including taxes and fees) and the retrieved price (including taxes and fees). A positive percentage indicates that the total retrieved price is greater than the total provided price. |
Base price deviation |
The difference between the provided price and the retrieved price. A positive percentage indicates that the retrieved price is greater than the provided price. |
Taxes and fees deviation |
The difference between the provided taxes and fees and the retrieved taxes and fees. A positive percentage indicates that the retrieved taxes and fees value is greater than the provided taxes and fees value. |
Method |
This shows how prices were retrieved. |
Price match |
This shows whether the provided price matches the retrieved price. |
Rate rule ID |
The defined rate rule ID for conditional rates from your rate rule definition file |
Hotel location |
This indicates where the hotel is located. |
Device type |
The end-user's device type |
Affects score |
Whether or not the price accuracy check impacted your overall score. Any validations published as being "Affects score = ‘No’" are strictly for debugging purposes and providing more granularity to your Price Accuracy health. |
Landing page |
The landing page (formerly point of sale) URL that was accessed for this booking. |
Final domain |
The retrieved domain of your final booking page. |
Room ID |
The RoomID provided in your RoomData transaction message. |
Package ID |
The PackageID provided in your PackageData transaction message. This will be linked to a RoomID . |
Promo code |
The PromotionID we found linked to your feed price. This is provided via the Promotions API in ARI pricing messages. |
Source (feed) |
The feed source from which Google received the provided price. For example, "Live query". |
Date (corrected) |
The date and time Google received a new price matching the retrieved price. We only monitor prices for 24 hours after the initial mismatch. |
Brand |
The brand for your hotel as defined using the “hotel_brand” field in your Hotel List Feed |